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The Man Behind Proposition 8 - Printable Version

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The Man Behind Proposition 8 - Magda Hassan - 09-11-2008
The reclusive billionaire, the mother of Blackwater’s Erik Prince, and the drive to fund this year’s most controversial referendum.
Among the local ballot measures to be decided on Election Day, California’s Proposition 8 is perhaps the most fiercely contested. Backers of the proposition to ban same-sex marriage in the state cast their campaign in apocalyptic terms. “This vote on whether we stop the gay-marriage juggernaut in California is Armageddon,” born-again Watergate felon and Prison Fellowship Ministries founder Chuck Colson told the New York Times. Tony Perkins, the president of the Christian right’s most powerful Beltway lobbying outfit, Family Research Council, echoed Colson’s language. “It’s more important than the presidential election,” Perkins said of Prop 8. “We will not survive [as a nation] if we lose the institution of marriage.”

The campaign for Prop 8 has reaped massive funding from conservative backers across the country. Much of it comes from prominent donors like the Utah-based Church of Latter Day Saints and the Catholic conservative group, Knights of Columbus. Prop 8 has also received a boost from Elsa Broekhuizen, the widow of Michigan-based Christian backer Edgard Prince and the mother of Erik Prince, founder of the controversial mercenary firm, Blackwater.
While the Church of Latter Day Saints’ public role in Prop 8 has engendered a growing backlash from its more liberal members, and Broekhuizen’s involvement attracted some media attention, the extreme politics of Prop 8’s third largest private donor, Howard F. Ahmanson, reclusive heir to a banking fortune, have passed almost completely below the media’s radar. Ahmanson has donated $900,000 to the passage of Prop 8 so far.
I first met Ahmanson in 2004, when he and his wife, Roberta, agreed to an interview request for an article I was writing for Salon. Their exchanges with me marked the first time since 1984 that Howard had agreed to make contact with a journalist, and the first time since 1992 for Roberta. Howard agreed to answer questions only by email because, according to Roberta, his Tourette’s Syndrome made chatting on the phone with a stranger nearly impossible. He functions “like a slow modem,” she said. Her dual role as her husband’s spokesperson and nurse quickly became apparent.
“My goal is the total integration of biblical law into our lives,” Ahmanson once said.
Few Americans have heard of Ahmanson—and that's the way he likes it. He donates cash either out of his own pocket or through his unincorporated Fieldstead & Co. to avoid having to report the names of his grantees to the IRS. His Tourette's syndrome only adds to his mysterious persona, as his fear of speaking leads him to shun the media. While Ahmanson once resided in a mental institution in Kansas, he now occupies a position among the Christian right’s power pantheon as one of the movement’s most influential donors. During a 1985 interview with the Orange County Register, Ahmanson summarized his political agenda: “My goal is the total integration of biblical law into our lives.”
The campaign to teach “intelligent design” in public school classrooms, the Republican takeover of the California Assembly, and the rollback of affirmative action in California—Ahmanson has been behind them all. He has also taken a special interest in anti-gay crusades. Ahmanson’s most controversial episode related to his funding of the religious empire of Rousas John Rushdoony, a radical evangelical theologian who advocated placing the United States under the control of a Christian theocracy that would mandate the stoning to death of homosexuals. With Prop 8 organizers claiming in a virtual mantra that their measure will not harm gays or take rights away from heterosexual Californians, Ahmanson has good reason to conceal his involvement in the campaign.
When Howard F. Ahmanson Jr. was born in 1950, his father, then 44 years old, was feting visiting kings and queens and basking in the opulence of his mansion on Harbor Island, an exclusive address in Southern California's Newport Harbor. Howard Junior was tended by an army of servants and ferried to and from school in a limousine. Watching the world glide by through darkened windows, he was gripped with a longing to cast off his wealth and disappear into anonymity. He burned with resentment toward his father, a remote, towering presence, referred to by friends and foes alike as “Emperor Ahmanson.” While Ahmanson Sr. showered local institutions in the Los Angeles area with charitable gifts from the fortune he amassed as the founder of Washington Mutual, his son was starved for attention.

The Emperor’s succession plans began to erode when Ahmanson turned ten and his beloved mother served his father with divorce papers. She died a few years later. When Howard was 18, his father died, too, sinking him into depths of despair. With his $300 million inheritance, he was now California’s—and perhaps America’s—richest teenager. But he was without direction, afraid and utterly alone. The tics, twitches and uncontrollable verbal spasms caused by his Tourette’s syndrome worsened. He could not cope with his emotions and during increasingly stressful episodes he would uncontrollably blurt out shocking statements. Unable to look people in the eye when he spoke to them, he became socially paralyzed. Diagnosed as schizophrenic, he spent two years at the Menninger Clinic, a Topeka, Kansas psychiatric institution. "I resented my family background," he told the Register in 1985. "[My father] could never be a role model, whether by habits or his lifestyle, it was never anything I wanted."
After graduating from Occidental College with poor marks, Ahmanson became drawn to a heavily politicized brand of Christianity that was growing popular in evangelical circles. He discovered the writings of a radical right-wing theologian whose family was massacred in the Armenian genocide, R.J. Rushdoony, Rushdoony’s book, The Politics of Guilt and Pity, in which the theologian mocked wealthy liberals, struck a particular chord with the young Ahmanson. “The guilty rich will indulge in philanthropy, and the guilty white men will show 'love' and 'concern' for Negroes and other such persons who are in actuality repulsive and intolerable to them,” Rushdoony wrote. Ahmanson read avidly as though Rushdoony were describing his own life.
While Ahmanson gave no indication he shared Rushdoony’s crude racism, through the theologian’s scathing critique of “the guilty rich” he began to release himself from the burden of responsibility to carry on his father’s legacy. He promptly sold his stock in his father's company and invested it in lucrative real estate acquisitions, with a goal of earning returns of 20 to 25 percent per year. That assured that his wealth would grow quickly, but it also made him vulnerable to people who manipulated his residual guilt complex to get a cut of his fortune.
Rushdoony’s political ideas provided Ahmanson with a framework for his philanthropic machinations. Describing his philosophy as “Christian Reconstructionism,” Rushdoony painstakingly outlined plans for the church to take over the federal government and “reconstruct” it along biblical lines. He provided detailed plans for how it would provide healthcare, pave roads and reorganize schools, and how it would mete out justice.
Calling for the literal application of all 613 laws described in the Book of Leviticus, Rushdoony paid special attention to punishments. Instead of serving prison sentences, criminals would be sentenced to indentured servitude, whipped, sold into slavery, or executed. “God's government prevails,” Rushdoony wrote, “and His alternatives are clear-cut: either men and nations obey His laws, or God invokes the death penalty against them.” Those eligible on Rushdoony’s long list for execution included disobedient children, unchaste women, apostates, blasphemers, practitioners of witchcraft, astrologers, adulterers, and, of course, anyone who engaged in “sodomy or homosexuality.”
After Ahmanson’s awakening, R.J. Rushdoony reveled in his discovery of a financial angel willing to fund the growth of his think tank, Chalcedon, while expanding the influence of Reconstructionist philosophy. He rewarded Ahmanson’s generosity by giving him a seat on Chalcedon’s board of directors. Ahmanson was profoundly grateful. At last, in Rushdoony he had found the attentive and approving father he yearned for his whole life. "Howard got to know Rushdoony and Rushdoony was very good to him when he was a young man and my husband was very grateful and supported him to his death," Roberta Green Ahmanson told me. The Ahmansons were at Rushdoony’s side when he died in February 2001.
Roberta Ahmanson was not reticent about her and husband’s political views. When I asked her if they favored biblical law as a governing model for the United States, for example, she casually responded, “I'm not suggesting we have an amendment to the Constitution that says we now follow all 613 of the case laws of the Old Testament... But if by biblical law you mean the last seven of the Ten Commandments, you know, yeah.”

The year of Rushdoony’s death, Ahmanson gave $1 million to the Institute for Religion and Democracy, a conservative outfit in Washington focused on weakening the political influence of historically liberal mainline churches. The IRD immediately placed Roberta Ahmanson on its board of directors after receiving her husband’s donation. Ahmanson’s money was budgeted specifically to generate a smear campaign against the Episcopal Church’s first openly gay bishop, Eugene Robinson. The campaign’s spearhead came in the form of a 2004 column by Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes titled “The Gay Bishop’s Links.”
Barnes, who neglected to mention his membership on the IRD’s board of directors in his column, falsely alleged that the Web site of a gay youth group Robinson founded contained links to "a pornographic website,” and claimed without independent sourcing that Robinson "put his hands on" a Vermont man "inappropriately" during a church meeting "several years ago." The IRD circulated the column to various cable news networks, but only Fox News—which also employs Barnes as a regular pundit and host of a talk show—agreed to broadcast it.
Though a panel of bishops investigating the charges discredited Barnes' smear, it helped widen the rift within the Episcopal Church and divide it from its global affiliates. In May 2007, 11 ultra-conservative congregations from Northern Virginia bolted from the Episcopal Church and joined forces with the Anglican Church of Nigeria, led by Archbishop Peter Akinola. Akinola, who once called homosexuals “lower than beasts,” spent much of 2006 lobbying his Nigeria’s legislature to pass a bill meting out five year prison terms to any gay people who dare to gather—or even touch one another—in public.
While the Episcopal global schism represented a towering achievement for Ahmanson, the passage of Prop 8 would be the apotheosis of his long career. He does not seek credit—recognition only damages the causes he funds. Ahmanson derives satisfaction from transforming a nation the same way he transformed himself. “The Christian view of man is that we're not perfect,” Roberta Ahmanson told me. “You don't give to things that base themselves on the optimistic view that human beings are going to be doing it right.”

The Man Behind Proposition 8 - Magda Hassan - 09-11-2008

Looks like quite a bit of the missing savings and loans money might have ended up paying for the 'YES' vote on proposition 8. I thought 'Thou Shalt Not Steal' was also christian value.

See here also for names:

We present the Californians Against Hate Dishonor Roll. We want the country to know who is funding the Yes on Proposition 8 campaign to take away marriage equality in California. So right up until the November 4th election, we will post all major donors on our web site. These are all donors who gave $5000.00 and over, many way over! We've taken public information from the California Secretary of State’s Office and added telephone numbers and web sites when available. We also included commentary on some of the more interesting and controversial donors. Individuals and businesses have given a vast amount of money to take away are our recently attained freedom to marry in California, and we want you to know who they are.
Knights of Columbus, New Haven, CT
Headquarters: 1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT 06510 • Tel: 203.752.4000 • Web:
California: 15808 Arrow Blvd, Suite A, Fontana, CA 92335 • Tel: 909.434.0460 • Web:
Knights of Columbus (Headquarters) gave: $250,000 on 2/4/08, $1,000,000 on 8/15/08 and $150,000 on 10/21/08
Knights of Columbus (California) gave: $25,000 on 4/18/08

Headquartered in New Haven, CT, the Knights of Columbus has 1.7 million members and is required to provide life insurance to its members. Founded in 1882, it acts as the political arm of the Catholic Church. It has given millions of dollars to fight stem cell research initiatives and to fund constitutional amendments to ban same-sex marriage across the United States. The Knights of Columbus is chartered as a fraternal benefit society, and is set up as a 501©8 corporation.
Howard Ahmanson, Jr., Irvine, CA
P.O. Box 19061, Irvine, CA 92623-9061
Howard "Howie" Ahmanson, Jr.'s company Fieldstead & Co. gave: $100,000 on 2/22/08, $200,000 on 2/29/08, $100,000 on 3/24/08, $100,000 on 8/26/08, $100,000 on 8/28/08, $300,000 on 9/25/08, $95,000 on 10/18/08, $250,000 on 10/27/08 and $150,000 on 10/22/08.

Fieldstead & Co. is a company owned by the heir of the Home Savings & Loan fortune, Howard "Howie" Ahmanson, Jr. Ahmanson is a major contributor to numerous far right religious political causes. His past association with R.J. Rushdoony’s controversial Christian Reconstructionist movement was an early influence on Ahmanson’s political viewpoint. Ahmanson has stated that his “goal is the total integration of biblical law into our lives.”
Referring to his close friend Rashdoony, Ahmanson is reported to have “never supported his mentor’s calls for the death penalty for homosexuals,” rather, as the Orange County Register reported many years later in 2004, “he stops just short of condemning the idea”, saying that he “no longer consider[s] [it] essential” to stone people who are deemed to have committed certain immoral acts. Ahmanson and his wife Roberta completed a four part interview with the Orange County Register in 2004 in an attempt to clarify the rumors that swirled around them. Ahmanson has connections with three other major donors on this list: Roland Hinz, Robert Hurtt and Edward Atsinger III, who have pooled their money to support like-minded candidates and causes through the Capitol Commonwealth Group (CCG) and Allied Business PAC. They spent more than $3,600,000 back in the 1992 election cycle alone. [1]
John Templeton/Josephine Templeton, Bryn Mawr, PA
300 Conshohocken State Road, Suite 500, West Conshohocken, PA 19428 • Tel: 610.941.2828 • Web: and
John Templeton, Chairman and President of the John Templeton Foundation, gave: $450,000 on 8/19 (to NOM), $450,000 on 8/19 (to Protect Marriage), $100,000 on 10/8/08 and $100,000 on 10/29/08.

John Templeton, Jr. is the son of the late John Marks Templeton. John, Sr. was born in Winchester, Tennessee in 1912, and made his fortune through the Templeton Funds that he started and later sold in 1992 to Franklin Group for $440 million. John, Jr. is now the President of the John Templeton Foundation which has nearly $1.5 billion in assets, and gave away $70 million in grants in 2007. The Foundation funds research into “life’s biggest questions,” including science, religion, ultimate reality and wisdom.

John Templeton, Jr. founded and is Chairman of 'Let Freedom Ring, Inc.' (, a far right think-tank that he set up in 2004 with a $1 million donation. [14] He is a member of the Cradle of Liberty Council of the Boy Scouts of America, which made news when they were forced to leave their Philadelphia headquarters due to a conflict between Philadelphia’s non-discrimination policy, and that of the Boy Scouts, which allows discrimination of gays. Legal proceedings continue on the case. [12] [13]
National Organization for Marriage, Princeton, NJ
20 Nassau Street, Suite 242, Princeton, NJ 08542 • Tel: 609.688.0450 • Web: and
The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) gave: $225,000 on 1/22/08, $38,132.50 on 2/1/08, $47,402.25 on 2/18/08, $172,500 on 2/21/08, $108,000 on 2/22/08, $105,000 on 3/7/08, $50,000 on 4/14/08, $25,000 on 4/18/08, $25,000 on 4/18/08, $100,100 on 4/24/08, $25,000 on 4/25/08, $20,000 on 7/30/08 and $100,000 on 10/21/08.

The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is headed by syndicated columnist Maggie Gallagher, President and Brian Brown, Executive Director. Gallagher has worked for several other organizations before founding NOM. She is best known for being in the center of a (George W.) Bush Administration scandal. She had a $21,500 contract with the Health and Human Services Department in 2002 to help promote the administration’s $300 million “healthy marriage” initiative, but did not disclose her contract and was using her column to promote the program. Gallagher attempted to withhold this information until she finally admitted the conflict four years later. [2]

Due to its sizeable early financial support of, NOM is chiefly responsible for the qualification of Proposition 8. Their funds made it possible to hire the signature gathering firm of Bader and Associates. Bader then was able to hire hundreds of professional petition circulators to collect the necessary signatures to qualify Proposition 8 for the November ballot. The Protect Marriage Campaign spent $1,227,263 with the Bader organization alone between January and June of 2008.
Terry Caster & Family, San Diego, CA
A-1 Self Storage–4607 Mission Gorge Place, San Diego, CA 92120 • Tel: 800.219.4854 • Web: and and
The Caster Family has given: Terry Caster–$100,000 on 1/5/08, $62,500 on 2/5/08 and $10,000 on 3/27/08; Barbara Caster–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Brian Caster–$10,000 on 1/28/08, $9,100 on 4/10/08 and $10,000 on 7/8/08; Candice Caster–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Cha Cha Caster–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Christina Caster–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Craig Caster–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Gary Davidson–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Justin Caster–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Kenneth Kremensky–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Mechele Kremensky–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Nick Caster–$9,100 on 4/10/08; Caster Family Trust–$400,000 on 10/30/08

The Caster Family owns A-1 Self Storage, with 40 locations throughout California. Terry Caster is quoted in the San Diego Union Tribune as saying “without solid marriage you are going to have a sick society.” Son Craig Caster is the Founder/Pastor of Family Discipleship Ministries in San Diego. The Caster family has donated more to Proposition 8 than any other family in San Diego.

Robert Hurtt, Orange, CA
Container Supply Company–PO Box 5367, Garden Grove, CA 92846-0367 • Tel: 714.892.8321 • Web:
Robert Hurtt, President of Container Supply, gave: $25,000 on 4/18/08, $25,000 on 7/22/08 (from Container Supply), $250,000 on 9/5/08 and $250,000 on 10/17/08.

Former California State Senator Rob Hurtt owns Container Supply Company in Garden Grove. Hurtt had a quick rise to power when he spent $300,000 of his own money to win an Orange County State Senate seat in 1994. Hurt went on to overthrow the Republican leader Ken Maddy in 1995, and become the Minority leader. He was defeated 3 years later in 1998 by Democrat Joe Dunn.
Focus On the Family, Colorado Springs, CO
8605 Explorer Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 • Tel: 800.232.6459 • Web:
Focus on the Family gave: $50,000 on 12/4/07, $22,259.46 on 1/22/08, $10,834 on 1/28/08, $50,000 on 4/7/08, $250,000 on 6/13/08, $20,000 on 7/24/08, $9,152.63 on 7/29/08, $1,669.37 on 8/6/08, $21,402 on 9/4/08, $4,306.83 on 9/4/08, $1,739.37 on 9/15/08 and $100,000 on 10/28/08.
Founded in 1977 by Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family is the most powerful evangelical ministry in the country. Focus on the Family is located in Colorado Springs, CO and is now run day-to-day by President & CEO, Jim Daly, but James Dobson is still the face and voice of Focus on the Family. Their 2005 budget was $129 million and they have 1,300 employees. They advocate creationism and have called same-sex marriage “the most radical human experiment.”
One of James Dobson’s more famous quotes: "Communities do not let prostitutes, pedophiles, voyeurs, adulterers, and those who sexually prefer animals to publicly celebrate their lifestyles, so why should homosexuals get such privileges?" Dobson receives lucrative royalties from the many books that he writes.
*Contributions to this organization also appear separately on this report.

American Family Association, Tupelo, MS
P.O. Drawer 2440, 107 Parkgate, Tupelo, MS 38803-2440 • Tel: 662.844.5036 • Web:
$500,000 on 7/22/08

The American Family Association (AFA) of Tupelo, Mississippi was founded in 1977 by Donald E. Wildmon. He serves as Chairman and his son Tim is President. According to its web site, “AFA exists to motivate and equip citizens to change the culture to reflect Biblical truth and traditional values.” They are established as a 501©(3) Corporation and according to their IRS Form 990 for 2007, brought in $22.5 million. AFA owns over 180 American Family Radio stations in 28 states across the country. [3] AFA has led several national boycotts against companies such as Walt Disney (1996–2005) Ford (2005) and just launched a boycott against McDonalds Corporation all due to their support of fairness and equality for gays and lesbians. AFA is currently targeting the Hallmark Card Company because it began selling a same-sex wedding cards.
Claire Reiss, La Jolla, CA
Reisung Enterprises
$500,000 on 10/30/08
Elsa Prince, Holland, MI
Edgar & Elsa Prince Foundation–190 River Ave, Suite 300, Holland, MI 49423 • Web:
Elsa Prince gave: $200,000 on 8/8/08 and $250,000 on 8/14/08

Elsa Prince of Holland, Michigan is a board member of James Dobson’s Focus on the Family and their lobbying operation, the Family Research Council (FRC). Her late husband, Edgar, founded Prince Automotive and invented the lighted sun visor mirror which made them billionaires. Prince Automotive was later bought out by Johnson Controls. Edgar Prince was instrumental in creating the FRC and upon his death, Elsa Prince provided the money to build their new headquarters in Washington D.C. [8] At Edgar’s funeral, he was eulogized by James Dobson and Gary Bauer.

Prince’s son Erik serves as Vice President of the Edgar & Elsa Prince Foundation, but is best-known as co-founder and CEO of Blackwater Worldwide the highly controversial private security company with federal contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan worth a reported $500 million/year. The Princes have a sprawling ranch in Cody, Wyoming not far from Vice President Dick Cheney’s principal residence in Jackson, WY. Over the years, Blackwater has been represented by high-profile lawyer Ken Starr. [9]

The Edgar & Elsa Prince Foundation is a major donor to the Alliance Defense Fund, whose other major donors include Prince’s daughter and son-in-law, Richard and Betsy DeVos (Richard is the son of the Co-founder of Amway) and the Bolthouse Foundation, whose founder, William Bolthouse, also appears on this list. [10]

Concerned Women for America, Washington, DC
1015 Fifteenth Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20005 • Tel: 202.488.7000 • Web:
$409,000 on 9/26/08

Concerned Women for America was founded in 1979 by Christian Beverly LaHaye, wife of Christian Coalition co-founder Timothy LaHaye. The organization is a conservative Christian political action group that focuses on six “core issues”, which they view as Biblically-based. LaHaye was quoted in a 1987 interview with Ms. Magazine, “Yes, religion and politics do mix. America is a nation based on biblical principles. Christian values dominate our government. The test of those values is the Bible. Politicians who do not use the Bible to guide their public and private lives do not beling in office.” [21]
Hartford Holdings, LLC, Provo, UT
$300,000 on 10/31/08
John Dalton, Yorba Linda, CA
J & L Consulting, Inc.
$250,000 on 10/27/08
David Moon, Alpine, UT
Esnet, Ltd.
$200,000 on 10/28/08
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC
$200,000 on 10/27/08
The Vineyard Group, LLC, Mesa/Queen Creek, AZ
1223 S. Clearview Ave., Mesa, AZ 85209 • Tel: 480.222.5800
The Vineyard Group gave: $25,000 on 6/23/08, $35,000 on 7/15/08 and $100,000 on 10/29/08.

The Vineyard Group is part of Cardon Hiatt Bowden, a real estate and investment company based in Mesa, AZ. Principals include Elijah and Craig Cardon, Broc Hiatt and Brent Bowden, many of whom were big financial backers of Mitt Romney for President. Broc Hiatt is a Director of the New York based Institute for American Values, where NOM founder Maggie Gallagher is an Affiliate Scholar.
Dorothy Nielson, La Verne, CA
Dorothy Nielson, a retiree of La Verne, CA gave: $150,000 on 8/8/08
Doug Manchester, San Diego, CA
Manchester Financial Group–One Market Place, 33rd Floor, San Diego, CA 92101 • Tel: 619.231.3800 • Web:
Doug Manchester, Chairman of Manchester Financial Group, LLC, gave: $125,000 on 1/22/08

Among Doug Manchester’s many holdings are The Manchester Grand Hyatt and the 1 year old Grand del Mar Hotel, both in San Diego. His $125,000 early contribution to qualify Proposition 8 is now possibly the most famous political contribution in America. When it became public on March, 15th there were cries for a boycott of his hotels. Californians Against Hate along with Unite Here, Local 30 and many other gay and lesbian leaders officially called for a boycott of Doug Manchester’s hotels on July 18, 2008. The boycott has been highly successful, resulting in several conventions and meetings being cancelled and moved to competing locations.
Pacific Shores Masonry, Corona, CA
Stephen Lang is owner of Pacific Shores Masonry. [11]–1369 Walker Ln., Corona, CA 92879 • Tel: 951.371.8550
$125,000 on 8/13/08
Mike Murray, Redmond, WA
Crystal Springs Foundation
$100,000 on 10/27/08
Michele Adams Watterson, Cache, UT
Watermark Investments, LC
$100,000 on 10/29/08
Roger Bayer, SCC, UT
The Byron Company
$100,000 on 10/27/08
Katharine Garff, Bountiful, UT
$100,000 on 10/29/08
Belinda Vandersloot, Idaho Falls, ID
$100,000 on 10/28/08
Matthew S. Wheelwright, Bakersfield, CA
Wheelwright Consulting, Consultant
$100,000 on 9/11/08

Joseph Moran, Los Altos, CA
$100,000 on 9/24/08

ECCU, Brea, CA
$100,000 on 9/23/08

Kelvin H. Moss, Granite Bay, CA
KH Moss Company, Investor
$100,000 on 9/10/08
William Bolthouse, Bakersfield, CA
The Bolthouse Foundation–2000 Oak Street, Suite 200, Bakersfield, CA 93301-3058 • Tel: 661.334.1915 • Web:
$100,000 on 4/3/08

William Bolthouse, Jr. and his wife created the Bolthouse Foundation "to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by supporting charitable and religious organizations whose ministry, goals, and operating principles are consistent with evangelical Christianity as described in The Bolthouse Foundation Statement of Faith. [17] He was made wealthy through his family business, Bolthouse Farms, the 2nd largest producer of carrots in the world. He helped expand the business into beverages and salad dressings, and in 2005 sold 72% of the business to Madison Dearborn Partners, a Chicago-based private equity firm. 28% of Bolthouse Farms is now owned by Bolthouse's daughter and son-in-law, Andre Radandt, who is the company's Chairman. Bolthouse Farms recently took significant steps to demonstrate that it is committed to diversity, including those in the LGBT community. They recently extended medical benefits to same sex partners of employees, and have given generously to several national and California LGBT organizations.
Donald G. Laws, Laguna Beach, CA
N. American Health Care, 3 Monarch Bay Plaza, Suite 203, Dana Point, CA 92629 • Tel: 949.240.2423 • Web:
Donald G. Laws, Director with North American Health Care Inc, gave: $100,000 on 8/13/08

North American Health Care, Inc. contracts on a formal and informal basis with health care providers in the Western United States. It owns nursing homes and long term health care facilities.

Steve Samuelian, Laguna Beach, CA
Generations Health Care Corporate Office–20371 Irvine Ave, Suite 210, Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 • Tel: 724.241.5600 • Web:
Stephen Samuelian, owner of Generations Health Care [15], gave: $100,000 on 8/20/08

Generations Health Care owns and operates nursing homes and long term health care facilities. Samuelian, a Mormon Bishop in Laguna Beach, CA, has also been involved in two court cases, one in which he was accused of fraudulently taking funds from Covenant Care, a home nursing company, and using them to build his Laguna Beach home. The case was settled for an undisclosed amount in January 1999. [20] His political donations include support of Mitt Romney for President in 2007.
Armour Properties CV, LLC, Newport Beach, CA
20320 Southwest Birch St, Newport Beach, CA 92660-1787 • Tel: 949.757.0505
Armour Properties CV, LLC gave: $75,000 on 8/30/08; Jeffrey Armour also gave $20,000 in 1996 to Americans United to Preserve Marriage 527, in Virginia. [19]

Larry Smith, Newport Beach, CA
M H I Real Company–1601 Dove St., Newport Beach, CA 92660 • Tel: 949.955.1191
Larry Smith, an Executive with M H I Real Co. in Newport Beach, CA gave: $25,000 on 4/24/08 and $42,000 on 7/25/08

MHI Real Co is a crude oil mining production/investment company.
Richard P. Spencer, Big Sur, CA
Dick Spencer & Associates, Investments
$60,000 on 9/19/08
Alejandro J. Martinez, Capistrano Beach, CA
Self Employed/Consultant
Alejandro Martinez gave: $9,999 on 8/20/08 and $40,001 on 9/10/08
Don R. Flora, Laguna Niguel, CA
Alphadon, Accounting
$50,000 on 9/8/08

Judy Galorath, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
$50,000 on 9/8/08

S. Lee Ross, Glendale, CA
American Energy Corporation, CEO
$50,000 on 9/10/08

Loretta R. Allred, Atherton, CA
Allerd Investors
$50,000 on 9/19/08

Wilde Investments SC, LLC, San Carlos, CA
$50,000 on 9/18/08

Peter Ochs, Corona del Mar, CA
The Fieldstone Corporation, Chairman
$50,000 on 9/10/08
Dale Brown, Midland, TX
Petroleum Strategies–303 W. Wall St., Suite 1500, Midland, Texas 79701 • Tel: 432.682.0292 • Web: and
Dale Brown, President of Petroleum Strategies gave: $50,000 on 8/4/08
Dale Brown is President of Petroleum Strategies; a Texas based Qualified Intermediary for tax-deferred, like-kind exchanges. Brown is also on the Board of Legacy Reserves LP, a publicly traded oil company (NASDAQ: LGCY) where his son Cory is the CEO and Chairman of the Board. Dale Brown is a major contributor to the Campaign for Working Families, an organization headed by far right leader Gary Bauer.
Roger Orton, Sacramento, CA
Roger Orton of Sacramento gave: $50,000 on 8/18/08

Roger Orton is generally unknown politically. His only other political contributions were $450 to Tom McClintock for CA Lt. Governor and $200 to Sacramento area Congressman John Doolittle (R-Roseville).

Roger Benson, La Jolla, CA
7550 Hillside Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037
Roger Benson of La Jolla gave: $50,000 on 1/31/08
Joshua Baker, Manchester, MO
BioCold Environmental–239 Seebold Spur, Fenton, MO 63026 • Tel: 636.349.0300 • Web:
Joshua Baker, a Manager for BioCold Environmental, gave: $50,000 on 5/23/08

BioCold Environmental is a leading supplier of environmental rooms and environmental chambers, with products including walk-in cold rooms and stability rooms for pharmaceutical companies.
Gerald Simonsen, Poway, CA
RM Properties–14105 Biscayne Pl., Poway, CA 92064
Gerald Simonsen, President of RM Properties gave: $50,000 on 4/12/08

Mr. Simonsen has previously given little money to other political campaigns except for $2100 to Mitt Romney for President in 2007 and $1400 to the San Diego Lincoln Club.
Claudia P. Quist, Sunnyvale, CA
Claudia Quist gave: $5,000 on 8/29/08 and $40,000 on 9/5/08
R. Scott Jones, Riverside, CA
Bosco Legal Services–9455 Magnolia Ave., Riverside, CA 92503 • Tel: 951.353.8281 • Web:
R. Scott Jones, an Investigator with Bosco Legal Services, gave: $45,000 on 8/27

Bosco Legal Services include court document filing, document shredding, investigators and mobile photocopying.
Richard Patterson, Folsom, CA
Intel–2200 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95054-1549 • Tel: 408.765.8080 • Web:
Richard Patterson, Finance Specialist for Intel, gave: $40,000 on 8/25/08

Richard Patterson is a Finance Specialist for Intel. He attended Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, UT,
Law Offices of Charles S. LiMandri, Rancho Santa Fe, CA
P.O. Box 9120, 16236 San Dieguito Road Suite 3-15, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 • Tel: 858.759.9930 • Web:
The Law Offices on Charles S. LiMandri gave: $10,000 on 1/28/08 and $27,000 on 4/28/08

Charles S. LiMandri is a self-described “car accident attorney” according to his web site Among his many cases, Mr. LiMandri sued the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix, AZ and on March 15, 2005 he won. His client was awarded $2,376,189 in damages. [6] LiMandri, who lives and works in Rancho Santa Fe, recently hosted a Yes on 8 fund-raiser at his estate. He is the general counsel to the Yes on 8 campaign, and was paid $10,000 through the campaign according the California Recipient Committee Campaign Statement (State Form 460) dated 4/1/08 – 6/30/08.
Sandra Loesch, Gilroy, CA
$35,000 on 9/9/08
Andrew Pugno, Folsom, CA
Law Offices of Andrew Pugno, 101 Parkshore Dr, #100, Folsom, CA 95630-4726 • Tel: 916.608.3065 • Web:
Andrew Pugno, Attorney at the Law Offices of Andrew Pugno gave: $35,000 on 4/28/08

The Law Offices of Andrew Pugno have been paid over $88,000 for their services relating to the Yes on 8 campaign.
Adamo Construction Management, Lakeside, CA
11980 Woodside Ave, Suite 5, Lakeside, CA 92040 • Tel: 619.390.6706 or 800.554.6364 • Web:
Adamo Construction Management gave: $25,000 on 1/28/08 and $10,000 on 6/20/08

Adamo Construction Management is a very large commercial/industrial design, construction and general contractor firm located in San Diego. The current President/CEO is Michael Gaetke, and the company was founded by James Adamo, Jr. Their clients have included Qualcomm, Honeywell, ITT Industries, Sea World, the San Diego Zoo, as well as several municipalities, religious organizations, and the Department of Defense.
Lee A. Whatcott, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
Lee Whatcott gave: $9,999 on 8/25/08 and $25,000 on 9/4/08
Wilma Thomas, Dublin, CA
$32,500 on 9/10/08
Stephanie S. Sorensen, Laguna Niguel, CA
$30,000 on 9/15/08

Michael Minson, Modesto, CA
Minson Commercial Services, Real Estate
Michael Minson gave: $5,000 on 8/28/08, $15,000 on 9/6/08 and $10,000 on 9/6/08

Cal Fruit International, Yuba City, CA
Cal Fruit International gave: $5,000 on 9/3/08 and $25,000 on 9/8/08

Sharon Bogh, Yucaipa, CA
Sharon Bogh gave: $25,000 on 9/4/08 and $5,000 on 9/4/08

David G. Nielson, Roseville, CA
The Alliance of Insurance Agents & Brokers, Executive Director
David Nielson gave: $25,000 on 9/8/08 and $5,000 on 8/14/08

Bob Sundstrom, San Jose, CA
Intuitive Surgical, Director
$30,000 on 9/15

Nancy L. Saunders, Los Altos, CA
Netapp, HR Operations
Nancy Saunders gave: $25,000 on 9/11/08 and $5,000 on 9/11/08

David Christensen, Alamo, CA
Nearon Enterprises, Executive–500 La Gonda Way, Suite 210, Danville, CA 94526 • Tel: 925.743.3300
David Christensen gave: $5,000 on 8/11/08 and $25,000 on 9/2/08

David S. Christensen, an executive with Nearon Enterprises, has been with the company since May, 1993. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Financial Planning from Brigham Young University, and serves as a trustee and is a member of the board of directors with Nearon.
San Diego Rock Church, San Diego, CA
2277 Rosecrans St., San Diego, CA 92106 • Tel: 619.226.7625 • Web:
$25,679.16 on 4/22/08

Pastor Miles McPherson leads the San Diego Rock Church located near Pt. Loma. According to their website: “The vision of the Rock Church is to be a powerful evangelistic force that engages every segment of society as a motivated army of believers in Jesus Christ. We are wholeheartedly committed to using our gifts anywhere at any time to share the gospel while influencing and transforming our society.”
Amy E. Johnson, Encinitas, CA
$25,500 on 8/29/08

Robert Hoehn, Carlsbad, CA
Hoehn Motors–5475 Car Country Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Tel: 760.438.4454 • Web:
Robert Hoehn, President of Hoehn Motors in Carlsbad, CA gave: $25,000 on 2/8/08
Hoehn Motors has 6 large car dealerships located along the 5 freeway in Northern San Diego County: Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, Audi, Infiniti, Acura and Honda. Mr. Hoehn was one of the earlier backers of Proposition 8, and has had a demonstration in front of his dealerships that was organized by the North County LGBT Coalition.
Willis Hamilton, Orange, CA
Hamilton Materials–345 West Meats Avenue, Orange, California 92865 • Tel: 714.637.2770 • Web:
Willis Hamilton, President of Hamilton Materials gave: $25,000 on 7/25/08

Hamilton Materials is a company specializing in drywall finishing products. Founded in 1959, Willis Hamilton was a professional applicator who slowly used his skills to build the business.
Mark Hobbins, Trabuco Canyon, CA–31441 Santa Margarita Parkway Suite A, Box# 314, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 • Tel: 888.249.9596 • Web:
Mark Hobbins, Founder of, gave: $25,000 on 7/23/08

Mark Hobbins founded in 1997. They offer e-learning courses for a variety of life improvement issues, including improving relationships with family, friends, partners/spouses and self-improvement.
Kenneth Eldred, Portola Valley, CA
Living Stones FDTN–3000 Sand Hill Rd., Building 1, Suite #145, Menlo Park, CA 94025 • Tel: 650.561.0003 • Web:
Kenneth Eldred, CEO of Living Stones FDTN gave: $25,000 on 4/24/08

Kenneth Eldred is CEO of Living Stones Foundation. According to their website: The Living Stones Foundation Charitable Trust is said to exist to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by providing financial and strategic resources to projects that lead to self-sustaining Kingdom-building ministries, where support will leverage the success of the whole body of Christ. Areas of interest include Kingdom Business, Family Values, and regional, national, and global Transformation initiatives.
Dale Broome, Redlands, CA
Loma Linda Radiology Medical Group, Loma Linda University/Medical Center RAD–11234 Anderson St, Suite B6231, Loma Linda, CA 92354 • Tel: 909.558.4394 • Web:
Dale Broome, Head of Radiology, Abdominal Imaging, Loma Linda University gave: $5,000 on 2/22/08 and $20,000 on 5/19/08

Alan H. Anderson, Laguna Beach, CA
South Coast Health Care, Bel Vista Convalescent Hospital–5001 East Anaheim St., Long Beach, CA 90804-3296 • Tel: 562.494.5001 • Web:
Alan H. Anderson with South Coast Health Care gave: $25,000 on 8/14/08

Alan H. Anderson is also Administrator for Bel Vista Convalescent Hospital in Long Beach, CA. His prior political contributions include $1,000 to Mitt Romney for President.
Richard & Doreen S. Kopf, Alamo, CA
Fremont Group Management, LP, Attorney
Richard Kopf, Managing Director-Operations, General Counsel and Secretary with Fremont Group Management, LP gave: $12,500 on 8/29/08; Doreen Kopf gave: $12,500 on 8/29/08
Richard Kopf previously served as Assistant General Counsel at Santa Fe Southern Pacific Corporation and as a General Counsel at Sprint Communications.
David Zuniga, Riverside, CA
Fiberco General Construction, Inc.
David Zuniga, a contractor from Fibercui General Construction, Inc., gave: $25,000 on 8/29/08
Robert N. Packer, Lafayette, CA
$25,000 on 8/15/08
Sarah P. Harris, Danville, CA
$25,000 on 8/8/08
Dran May-Reese, Escondido, CA
Dran May-Reese, a Homemaker from Escondido, gave: $25,000 on 8/27/08
Sherrie Bell, Tulare, CA
$25,000 on 9/17/08

Maurice Lam, Rolling Hills, CA
Maurice Lam, MD & Associates, Physician
$25,000 on 9/11/08

Malinda Hansen, Pasadena, CA
$25,000 on 9/10/08

Joseph J. Grigg, La Canada, CA
American Energy Operations, CEO
Joseph Grigg gave: $9,900 on 8/4/08 and $15,100 on 9/11/08

Edward Helvey, Gilroy, CA
NMHCS, Executive
$25,000 on 9/10/08

Bradford Renaissance Portraits Corporation, Costa Mesa, CA
Bradford Rowley, CEO
Bradford Rowley gave: $5,000 on 9/10/08 and $20,000 on 9/10/08

Alan L. Olsen, Fremont, CA
Groco, CPA
$25,000 on 9/11/08

Anita S. Roundy, Saratoga, CA
$25,000 on 9/5/08

Sarah P. Harris, Danville, CA
$25,000 on 8/8/08

Firoz Husein, Pebble Beach, CA
Span Construction & Engineering, Inc., Engineer
$25,000 on 9/19/08

Alan H. Anderson, Laguna Beach, CA
South Coast Health Care, Administration
$25,000 on 8/14/08

Barbara Lamprecht, Laguna Niguel, CA
$25,000 on 9/8/08

Cheryl D. Smith, Saratoga, CA
$25,000 on 9/8/08

Christianne Danielson, Santa Monica, CA
$25,000 on 9/2/08

Chuck Schreiber, Laguna Hills, CA
KBS Realty Advisor, Investments
$25,000 on 9/9/08

Dalton Corporation, Los Angeles, CA
$25,000 on 9/5/08

David A. Nearon
Alta Leaseback Co., Attorney
$25,000 on 9/8/08

Emma Lou Beecroft, San Diego, CA
$25,000 on 9/4/08

Robert N. Packer, Lafayette, CA
$25,000 on 8/15/08

David G. Lindahl, San Clemente, CA
National Purchasing Corp, Vice President
$25,000 on 9/8/08

H.D. Perrett, Santa Maria, CA
Perrett Ranches, Rancher
$25,000 on 9/8/08

Fred L. Carpenter, La Crescenta, CA
Glenwood Financial Group, Inc., Real Estate
$25,000 on 9/8/08

J. Kirk Harns, Perris, CA
Pacific Hydrotech Corp., Engineer
$25,000 on 9/8/08

Jack R. Wheatley, Palo Alto, CA
$25,000 on 9/2/08

Jan L. Burch, Las Vegas, NV
$25,000 on 9/4/08

Richard D. Piquet, Perris, CA
Rooda, Piquet & Bessee, Accountant
$25,000 on 9/8/08

Kay A. Goodman, Tustin, CA
Kay Goodman gave: $20,000 on 9/2/08 and $5,000 on 8/4/08

John D. Tanner, Granite Bay, CA
Tanner Industries, Owner
$25,000 on 9/2/08

John D. Tanner, is owner of Tanner Industries and Western Single Ply in California, Nevada and Arizona. Tanner graduated from Brigham Young University, and served within the LDS Church as manager of physical facilities and new construction within the Church’s welfare systems.
Pro-Tech Fire Protection, Sacramento, CA
8540 Younger Creek Dr. #2, Sacramento, CA 95828 • Tel: 916.388.0255
Pro-Tech Fire Protection gave: $5,000 on 9/8/08 and $20,000 on 9/4/08

Pro-Tech Fire Protection was co-founded by Donald H. Gordon, President and Mark A. Whittaker, CEO.
Robert Cutler, San Diego, CA
$25,000 on 9/8/08

Robert E. Greene, Villa Park, CA
$25,000 on 9/4/08

Robert A., Bolingbroke, Rancho Santa Fe, CA
$25,000 on 9/5/08

Sherri Jackman, Whittier, CA
$25,000 on 9/4/08

SRS Insurance Services, Santa Ana, CA
SRS Insurance Services gave: $5,000 on 8/8/08 and $20,000 on 9/5/08

Tulare County Investments, LLC, Camarillo, CA
Tulare County Investments gave: $5,000 on 8/22/08 and $20,000 on 9/11/08

Sunstone Partners, LLC, Camarillo, CA
Sunstone Partners gave: $5,000 on 8/29/08 and $20,000 on 9/5/08

Tammilee Woodhouse, La Canada, CA
$25,000 on 9/4/08

William C. Wilcox, Danville, CA
$25,000 on 9/5/08

Darlene Olson, Orland, CA
$25,000 on 9/11/08

Craig J. Faulkner, Rancho Santa Fe, CA
Faulkner Development, Manager
$25,000 on 9/10/08

Cheryl H. Wilde, Ventura, CA
$25,000 on 9/17/08

Chuck Schreiber, Laguna Hills, CA
KBS Realty Advisors, Investments
$25,000 on 9/9/08

J. Robert West, Redlands, CA
West Dermatology, Dermatologist
$25,000 on 9/17/08

Ja Layne Pugmire, Yorba Linda, CA
$25,000 on 9/12/08

Laurie Jergensen, Poway, CA
$25,000 on 9/10/08

Jaquetia Zinn, San Jose, CA
$25,000 on 9/24/08

Jeanne Muhlestein, Whittier, CA
$25,000 on 9/17/08

Nancy Schindler, Encinitas, CA
$25,000 on 9/17/08

Norman E. Crum, Stockton, CA
Valley Pacific Petroleum Services, Inc., Owner
$25,000 on 9/11/08

Oi Lin Chen, Palso Verdes Estates, CA
Sunrider International, Adminstration
$25,000 on 9/12/08

Ronald Lakey, Alta Loma, CA
JF Saca Company, CPA
$25,000 on 9/10/08

Rebecca Jones, Wilton, WY
Rebecca Jones gave: $10,000 on 9/13/08 and $15,000 on 9/13/08

Parley J. Livingston, Atherton, CA
PJMB Commercial, Property Management
$25,000 on 9/24/08

Jana L. Mullen, Alamo, CA
$25,000 on 9/18/08

Joanne McColm, Pleasanton, CA
$25,000 on 9/10/08

Lassens Health Food, Ventura, CA
$25,000 on 9/15/08

Laura Armstrong, Irvine, CA
$25,000 on 9/24/08

Lonnie C. McCleve, Gilbert, AZ
Greenfield Land Development, Construction/Development
$25,000 on 9/10/08

Loren K. Carroll, Kingwood, TX
$25,000 on 9/10/08

Lorenzo N. Hoopes, Oakland, CA
$25,000 on 9/24/08

Michael G. Mullin, Lomita, CA
Pacific Maritime Association, Longshore Foreman
$25,000 on 9/11/08

Robert E. Culbertson, Pleasanton, CA
BAE Systems, Electrical Engineer
$25,000 on 9/17/08

Ronald Stone, Modesto, CA
Stone & Associates, Real Estate
$25,000 on 9/17/08

Rowland W. Day, Newport Beach, CA
$25,000 on 9/11/08

Stephen S. May, San Luis Obispo, CA
Magnet Media, Owner
$25,000 on 9/12/08

Steve G. Keithly, La Mirada, CA
Whittier Mailing Products, Vice President
$25,000 on 9/11/08

Susan P. Facer, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
$25,000 on 9/24/08

Vicki Larson, Pleasanton, CA
$25,000 on 9/12/08
John Sorensen, Laguna Niguel, CA
North American Healthcare, Executive
$24,999.99 on 9/5/08

Sherie Samuelian, Laguna Niguel, CA
$24,999 on 9/19/08

Teri L. Jones, Saratoga, CA
$24,500 on 9/5/08

Eva Ruiz, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
$24,000 on 9/12/08

Richard E. Nicholson, Newport Beach, CA
$23,500 on 9/17/08

Marc Barkdull, Pleasanton, CA
PJMB Commercial, Inc., Real Estate
$22,500 on 9/15/08

Hardester Family Partnership, Investments, San Jose, CA
$22,500 on 9/24/08

Sandra M. Bertha, Olivenhaim, CA
$22,000 on 9/11/08

Whittier Family Foundation, Yorba Linda, CA
$21,500 on 9/18/08

Greggory R. Devore, MD, AMC, La Canada, CA
Greggory R. Devore, Physician
Greggory Devore gave: $5,000 on 8/25/08 and $15,000 on 9/15/08

Steven L. Bush, La Crescenta, CA
Prestige Preschools, Inc., CEO
$20,000 on 9/15/08

Sherwood Capital, Inc., Agoura Hills, CA
$20,000 on 8/18/08

David L. Baker, Thousand Oaks, CA
David L. Baker, DDS, Oral Surgeon
$20,000 on 9/8/08

Rutherford Productions, Santa Monica, CA
$20,000 on 8/13/08

Dewitt Paul, Santa Ana, CA
Cotton Buds, Executive/Owner
$20,000 on 9/4/08

Dewitt Paul founded Cotton Buds in 1991, with the technology and equipment to manufacture cotton swabs. He has since partnered with Proctor & Gamble on various bath tissues, paper towels and detergents. Dewitt’s father was en Elder and addressed the student body at Brigham Young University on April 10, 1963.

Jennie L. Olsen, Laguna Niguel, CA
$20,000 on 9/8/08

Gail A. Sonne, Dublin, CA
$20,000 on 9/18/08

Brent W. Koch, Laguna Niguel, CA
Management Strategy, Financial Consultant
$20,000 on 9/24/08

Marilyn Allen, Stockton, CA
$20,000 on 9/18/08
T.B. Penick & Sons, Inc., San Diego, CA
9747 Olson Drive, San Diego, CA 92121 • Tel: 858.558.1800 • Web:
T.B. Penick & Sons gave: $20,000 on 1/31/08

T.B. Penick & Sons is a fourth generation construction company currently run by brothers Marc and Tim Penick that specializes in Structural Concrete, General Construction and Innovative Concrete Systems. They have completed projects all around the world.
Daniel Mulvihill, San Diego, CA
Pacific Southwest Mortgage/Realty–8840 Complex Drive, Suite 101, San Diego, California 92123 • Tel: 858.514.2100 • Web:
Daniel Mulvihill, President/Banker with Pacific Southwest Mortgage/Pacific Southwest Realty gave: $20,000 on 4/1/08

Pacific Southwest Realty is a commercial mortgage banking company based in San Diego, with offices in Orange County, Los Angeles and Santa Barbara.
Margot Kyd, Poway, CA
San Diego Gas & Electric (SDGE)–P.O. Box 129831, San Diego, Ca 92112-9831 • Tel: 800.411.7343 • Web:
Margot Kyd, Sr. Vice President with San Diego Gas & Electric (and married to Tom Kyd [16], below) gave: $5,000 on 4/1/08 and $15,000 on 4/1/08 (may have been removed)

Margot Kyd is Senior Vice President, Business Solutions, for Sempra Energy Utilities, the umbrella for Sempra Energy’s regulated business units, including Southern California Gas and SDG&E. Kyd’s responsibilities include overseeing environmental services, safety and emergency services, supply management, fleet services, diverse business enterprises, and real estate and facilities.
J. Robert Wheatley, Palo Alto, CA
Robert Wheatley Properties, Property Manager
$19,000 on 9/18/08

Dwayne Nash, Lincoln, CA
Kodiak Roofing & Waterproofing Company, Contractor–1905 Aviation Blvd, Lincoln, CA 95648 • Tel: 866.530.2327
$18,000 on 8/14/08
Robert Samuelian, Laguna Niguel, CA
$15,001 on 9/5/08

Douglas McDermott, Sacramento, CA
McDermott Financial and Insurance– 8359 Elk Grove Florin Rd, #293, Sacramento, CA 95829 • Tel: 877.689.8251
$15,000 on 9/14/08

Douglas McDermott is the President and Owner of McDermott Financial and Insurance. He is also part owner/CFO of a company called At Home Personal Care, headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Williamson General Contracting, La Mirada, CA
$15,000 on 9/12/08
Jay Bradford, Placentia, CA
Majesty Realty, CFO
$15,000 on 8/8/08

Jay Bradford is CFO/Executive VP/member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee for Majestic Realty, and is also affiliated with Majestic Realty Retail, Commerce Construction Co, LP, CCC Rental LP, Majestic Management Company and Majestic Realty Foundation. Prior to this, he was with Ernst & Young for 18 years. Bradford graduated from Brigham Young University/B.S in Accounting, and currently serves on the National Advisory Council for the Marriott School of Management.
Marina Landscape, Inc., Anaheim, CA
$15,000 on 9/25/08

Leon J. Fairbanks, Paso Robles, CA
Red Caboose Manufacturing
$15,000 on 9/12/08

Michael R. Brand, Palo Alto, CA
Cornish & Carey, Realtor
$15,000 on 9/15/08

Richard L. Romney, Rancho Santa Fe, CA
$15,000 on 9/15/08

Craig L. Gillespie, M.D., Fairfield, CA
$15,000 on 9/8/08

Joan N. Johnson, Los Osos, CA
$15,000 on 9/18/08

The Fourels Investment Company, Orange, CA
$15,000 on 9/15/08
Tom Kyd, Poway, CA
Catholic Exchange–P.O. Box 231820, Encinitas, CA 92023 • Web:
$15,000 on 4/23/08

The Catholic Exchange is a conservative portal with a significant web presence, which offers news, weekly Scripture study programs, articles and email programs.
Proposition 22 Legal Defense Fund, Sacramento, CA
$15,000 on 3/14/08

These are apparently left over funds from their unsuccessful court challenge to Proposition 22, The Knight Initiative.
Institute for Marriage and Public Policy, McLean, VA
Post Office Box 1231, Manassas, VA 20108 • Tel: 202.216.9430 • Web:
$15,000 on 1/28/08

NOM’s Maggie Gallagher also heads the Virginia-based Institute for Marriage and Public Policy, which is dedicated to efforts that define marriage between only a man and a woman.
Terri Basinger, Cottonwood, CA
Golden State Foot Clinic–923 Dana Drive, Redding, CA • Tel: 530.221.1666 • Web:
Terri Basinger, a Bookkeeper at Golden State Foot Clinic, gave: $10,000 on 7/28/08 and $4,985 on 8/4/08

Terri Basinger is married to Dr. Robert G. Basinger of Golden State Foot Clinic. Golden State Foot Clinic serves the Northern Sacramento Valley near Red Bluff and Redding.
Richard McIntire, Porterville, CA
$13,500 on 8/29/08

Pamela Miles, Simi Valley, CA
Home Care Pharmacy, Clerk
$12,500 on 9/8/08

Roland Hinz, Valencia, CA
Hi-Torque Publications–25233 Anza Dr., Valencia, CA 91355 • Tel: 661.295.1910 • Web:
Roland Hinz, President of Hi-Torque Publications, gave: $12,500 on 4/7/08

Hi-Torque Publications is the world’s leading publisher of off-road, motorcycle and all-terrain vehicle magazines, with a readership of over 2 million per month.
Edward Atsinger, Camarillo, CA
Salem Communications–4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo, CA 93012 • Tel: 805.987.0400 • Web:
Edward G. Atsinger III, CEO with Salem Communications gave: $12,500 on 4/3/08

Salem Communications is a leading US radio broadcaster, Internet content provider and magazine and book publisher targeting audiences interested in Christian and family-themed content and conservative values. They own and operate nearly 100 radio stations across the country.
Allyson Weinberg, Santa Rosa Valley, CA
Allyson Weinberg gave: $12,500 on 4/4/08

Allyson Weinberg has been in the limelight before. Back in 2004, Weinberg and her husband Denny (a senior executive for WellPoint, the nation’s second largest insurer at the time), sued the United Way of Ventura County, stating they were lied to about the United Way policy that forbade donations to any organization that discriminated against others. Due to the court ruling that allowed the Boy Scouts to discriminate against gays and atheists, the United Way chose to no longer support them as their own guidelines prohibited such support based on discrimination. The Weinberg’s had agreed to head a nationwide campaign for United Way to find donors, as well as match donations, but when United Way chose to change its donation policies towards the Boy Scouts, the Weinberg’s, for a number of different reasons, decided to sue. [7]
Paul A. Stahlman, Salinas, CA
$12,000 on 8/29/08

Kent Miles, Simi Valley, CA
Home Care Pharmacy, Pharmacist
$11,800 on 9/8/08

Charles C. Stoddard, Santa Rosa, CA
$10,500 on 9/25/08

James Pergrossi, Pleasanton, CA
$10,180 on 8/18/08
Peter Leparulo, San Diego, CA
Novatel–9645 Scranton Road, San Diego, CA 92121 • Tel: 858.812.3400 • Web:
Peter Leparulo, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer with Novatel gave: $10,001 on 1/24/08

Leparulo has served as Senior Vice President of Novatel, and became the CEO in April 2008. Novatel Wireless creates various wireless modems and computer accessories.

Kelly C. Olds, Huntington Beach, CA
$10,000 on 9/13/08

Carolyn Pann, Jamul, CA
Arctic Containers, Owner
$10,000 on 9/17/08

Kermit Corporation, Jamul, CA
$10,000 on 9/10/08

R. Jean Taylor, Alamo, CA
$10,000 on 9/9/08

Elisa Pulido, San Juan Capistrano, CA
$10,000 on 9/17/08

Cheryl A. Clarke, Moorpark, CA
$10,000 on 9/24/08

CS Concrete Solutions, Mission Viejo, CA
$10,000 on 9/8/08

Curtis B. Chandler, Sacramento, CA
Allstate Insurance
$10,000 on 8/29/08

The Man Behind Proposition 8 - Peter Lemkin - 09-11-2008

Nice little list of hateful 'christian' (not!) people. Most are in S. CA, not surprisingly - the Neanderthal part of the state, by far. That hateful 15% or so of ultraright-wing Christian volk in the USA are really a problem and behind much of the damage so far done to unwind what little democracy we had. Of course many of them want to see a quick end to the world, as well. They also disproportionately make up the minions of Intelligence, have infiltrated the Military and Executive, Corporations, Media, etc. Nice bunch. Love thy neighbor, as thyself. Biggest bunch of hypocrites ever.

The Man Behind Proposition 8 - Magda Hassan - 09-11-2008

I'm surprised that so many people have a lazy $5,000 (or much more) to spend on something like this. I feel very passionately about somethings too but would I part with $5,000 for them? I might possibly in some cases but it would have to be something really much more concrete than this.

Many of these people want to roll back other civil liberties and rights which will have to go if they are to have their Christian biblical law dictatorship. Worth keeping an eye on I say. If they feel this way about something as marginal as gay marriage rights what do they think and more importantly what actions will they take against other rights?

The Man Behind Proposition 8 - Peter Lemkin - 09-11-2008

So, through the miracle of the free-market you can summize the going rate on a ticket to heaven, these days. Some of these types are rich, most are not - but are highly motivated - really fanatical and issues such as gay marriage - even children talking back to their parents [for some] are not trivial issues - but the central issues - along with abortion being illegal, and working toward a 'Christian' America under their kind of religious fascism. I've met 'em and talked to 'em and they are living in another universe to me - we have almost no common ground, except sometimes [not always] on some limited environmental issues. Others feel their god will take care of all things and humans were put here to dominate the earth and use it - even abuse it. They are going to be a feature that has to be dealt with - as their numbers in the USA are growing and under Bush much as we laugh and shake our heads. They are about 15% of the population. I imagine now under the current Obama Administration they might be a little less prominent - but will still be at work on their 'mission' [some to hasten and welcome the end of the world]. There are several good writers on this, but Chris Hedges is one I like. You can find his stuff on the internet or his book American Fascists - The Christian Right and the War on America. [And Hedges is just the person to opine on this, as he went to Harvard Divinity School]. Very good web site on all this here These people are beyong the pale, IMO - and dangerous - very dangerous and NOT to be taken as a joke. Hitler and his followers were taken as a joke by many intellectuals of his day and place.

The Man Behind Proposition 8 - Jan Klimkowski - 09-11-2008

Magda & Peter - fascinating posts.

Reading this felt like being stuck in a timewarp, watching never-ending loops of Billion Dollar Brain, with Harry Palmer (Michael Caine) trying to prevent his Porton Down germ warfare "eggs" from falling into the hands of the insane American oil tycoon and his "Crusade for Freedom" fascist youth.

It's invaluable to see one of the enemy's true faces.

The Man Behind Proposition 8 - Dawn Meredith - 16-11-2008

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Magda & Peter - fascinating posts.

Reading this felt like being stuck in a timewarp, watching never-ending loops of Billion Dollar Brain, with Harry Palmer (Michael Caine) trying to prevent his Porton Down germ warfare "eggs" from falling into the hands of the insane American oil tycoon and his "Crusade for Freedom" fascist youth.

It's invaluable to see one of the enemy's true faces.

All: I heard over the weekend that Obama and the new Dems in our government will repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, passed by a Republican Congress, and Senate, but now we have Dems in the House and Senate, so there is hope....(Ya I am overly idealistic Smile

Dawn .