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Obama and Civil Liberties - Printable Version

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Obama and Civil Liberties - Keith Millea - 18-04-2010

Interview with Webster Tarpley

Guns and Butter - Obama and Civil Liberties

"Obama and Civil Liberties" We discuss the possible civil liberties implications of Obama's West Point speech, and an historic parallel between Woodrow Wilson and Barack Obama. Most of the program focuses on the arrests and detention of so-called "homegrown terrorists" including Najibullah Zazi, the Bronx Bombers, the Fort Dix Six, the Liberty City 7 (aka the Miami Haitians), the Toronto 18, etc.; extensive discussion of the Ft. Hood shooter case and Tarpley's essay, "Nidal Malik Hasan of Virginia Tech, Bethesda and Fort Hood: A Major Patsy in a Drill Gone Live?". Today's show is an encore broadcast.