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A Minor Event, But Just To Show Everyone Does/Did Falseflag Ops - Printable Version

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A Minor Event, But Just To Show Everyone Does/Did Falseflag Ops - Peter Lemkin - 25-04-2010

A department of the Czech police that investigates communist-era crimes
has started looking into a 1984 explosion in a residential tower block
building in Moravia, the daily Pravo reported. According to a testimony
given by former secret police agent Karel Muron a month ago, the
explosion was not, as previously believed, an accident. Mr. Muron
claims that it was planned by the Communist secret police, the StB, in
an effort to disband the Charter 77, a dissident group whose most
prominent member was Vaclav Havel, who later became the Czech
president. According to the testimony, the StB was going to charge
members of the Charter 77 with having caused the explosion. Mr. Muron
claims he was one of the agents to take part in organizing it, but
escaped to Poland before it took place. The explosion, which killed
twelve people and injured nine, is considered the most tragic event of
this kind in Czech history.

A Minor Event, But Just To Show Everyone Does/Did Falseflag Ops - David Guyatt - 26-04-2010

Yup, it's important to always try and figure out the "who gains" option when these things happen.