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News Editors - Magda Hassan - 08-07-2010

Did you see that masterful sleight of hand?

From gun-enforced corporate media censorship to a focus on sea turtles. Most people will not even notice that their attention has been so deftly redirected.

Katie Couric is one of the most loathsome individuals on television and she has her job for one reason:

She's ready to change the subject instantly upon direction from the news director in the control booth.

Note that is only takes ONE person at each network to completely control the output of television news.

That's less than half a dozen people who determine what does and does not go out on the air and what does and does not get focused on.

Look at the story they reported and they threw away...

A PRIVATE company restricting news media access to a PUBLIC beach regarding a story of serious public concern with the ARMED assistance of the Coast Guard, now part of Homeland Security.

Upon command, like the trained dog she is, Katie Couric changes the focus to turtles. God bless the turtles, but the story that matters clearly is the fact that we're under a corporate dictatorship.

Here's "girl next store" $20 crack-news whore Katie Couric when she and her news director didn't realize anyone was watching (Yeah, you guessed it. I don't like her much):

Click here for more of Katie Couric at work

News Editors - Jan Klimkowski - 08-07-2010

Quote:Note that is only takes ONE person at each network to completely control the output of television news.

This is not entirely true.

It is true that that the off-screen gallery editor of a live news programme has ultimate control over the output of that programme.

It is also true that senior editors in television networks are usually selected as carefully as members of the Warren Commission, from the ranks of those eugenically bred to suppress anything dangerous to the dominant geopolitical settlement.

However, there will always be journalists within MSM outlets who are determined to investigate and tell deeper truths. The process is quite realistically sketched in Michael Mann's Big Tobacco movie, The Insider, with the mindset of the Pacino character, in spite or perhaps because of its flawed and arrogant nature, being immediately recognizable to anyone who's worked in a newsroom.

Allan Francovich's deeply subversive and groundbreaking series of films about Operation Gladio were broadcast by the BBC, despite the Beeb's system of spooky surveillance by Xmas trees and D-Notice culture.

Adam Curtis' films on everything from economic shock therapy to the fraudulent nature of the War on Terror have been paid for by the BBC, and transmitted around the world.

An excellent two-part documentary exposing the cartel and monopoly nature of the diamond industry was broadcast by the BBC, before being suppressed by lawyers for the families that run that industry.

A film I researched and worked on with an outstanding producer/director named Debbie Cadbury, about unethical and unscientific human trials of First World drugs on Third World women, which led to our being marched out of an interview with US AID HQ in Washington by security, was broadcast. See transcript here:

There are many other examples.

My point is that good work sometimes makes it past the guardians of MSM consensus reality.

The enemy is not omnipotent and all controlling.

News Editors - Paul Rigby - 08-07-2010

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:It is also true that senior editors in television networks are usually selected as carefully as members of the Warren Commission, from the ranks of those eugenically bred to suppress anything dangerous to the dominant geopolitical settlement.

...the Beeb's system of spooky surveillance by Xmas trees and D-Notice culture.

A personal favourite, reflecting the BBC's enduring commitment to, er, warfare, theft and slaughter:

Quote:She was awarded an MSc (Dist) at the London School of Economics, majoring on strategic analysis and international and defence studies.

A cultural titan, I think you'll agree.