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WTC Insurance Risk - Printable Version

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WTC Insurance Risk - Carsten Wiethoff - 26-08-2010

From here.

An interesting document, released Via FOIA request by
April 2002 discusses Risks and Damage Scenarios.


Quote:Aircraft Striking a Tower
This scenario is within the realm of the possible. but highly unlikely.
In 1946 a military aircraft struck the Empire State Building. Since that time the manner in which
aircraft are "controlled" has dramatically changed. In the event such an unlikely occurrence [Sic], what
might result? The structural designers of the towers have publicly stated that in their opinion that [Sic]
either of the Towers could withstand such an impact from a large modern passenger aircraft.
The ensuing fire would damage the "skin",in this scenario. as the spilled fuel would fall to the
Plaza level where it would have to be extinguished by the NYC Fire Department. The
replacement of the "skin" is estimated at 35% of the building replacement value or $420m. Loss
of rents for I year or $160m for a total estimate of < S600m

Did anybody see spilled fuel fall down along the skin?:deal:

WTC Insurance Risk - Magda Hassan - 26-08-2010

Mostly I saw just a big fire ball.