Blair to Receive Human Rights Award - Magda Hassan - 14-09-2010
Vomit Alert!
Who said American's don't do irony? One war criminal gives 'Human Rights Prize' to another war criminal. Kinda up there with Obomba's Nobel Peace Prize under false pretences.
Quote:Blair to Receive Human Rights Award
By The Press Association
September 13, 2010 "Press Association" -- Tony Blair is to receive an award for his global human rights work in the US.
The ex-Prime Minister will be presented with Liberty Medal by former US President Bill Clinton even as his newly published memoirs reignited debate on his political leadership.
The medal is given annually by the National Constitution Centre to individuals or organisations whose actions aim to bring liberty to people worldwide.
Mr Blair is being honoured for his work with the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, which promotes religious tolerance, and for his initiative to improve governance in Africa.
He cancelled a planned book signing in London last week after eggs and shoes were thrown at him at an earlier book signing in Dublin. Protesters were angered over his role in launching the Iraq War.
Organisers of the medal ceremony say they don't expect protesters.
Mr Clinton, the centre's chairman, said in a statement that Mr Blair "continues to demonstrate the same leadership, dedication and creativity in promoting economic opportunity in the Middle East and the resolution of conflicts rooted in religion around the world."
Mr Blair said in a statement: "Freedom, liberty and justice are the values by which this medal is struck.
"Freedom, liberty and justice are the values which I try to apply to my work on governance in Africa and on preparing the Palestinians for statehood."
The medal, first given in 1989, comes with a 100,000 US dollars (£65,000) cash prize. Mr Blair will donate the money to his faith foundation and African Governance Initiative.
Blair to Receive Human Rights Award - Peter Presland - 16-09-2010
Didn't want to start another Blair thread. Here seems as good a place as any for this. From Debka file:
Top US team-player
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has carved out for himself a role at Barack Obama's right hand - uniquely for a non-American politician. In its coming issue out Friday, DEBKA-Net-Weekly looks behind Tony Blair's astonishing rise to the top of the White House team of policy-makers, especially on the Middle East and Iran. His popularity in Washington is matched inversely by his falling stakes at home and in Europe.
Blair to Receive Human Rights Award - Peter Lemkin - 16-09-2010
bring in the shoes and eggs....