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Doin’ the Earth Island Boogie - Printable Version +- Deep Politics Forum (https://deeppoliticsforum.com/fora) +-- Forum: Deep Politics Forum (https://deeppoliticsforum.com/fora/forum-1.html) +--- Forum: Other (https://deeppoliticsforum.com/fora/forum-17.html) +--- Thread: Doin’ the Earth Island Boogie (/thread-4470.html) |
Doin’ the Earth Island Boogie - Ed Jewett - 21-09-2010 For The Record FTR #723 Doin’ the Earth Island Boogie Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ September 18, 2010 Tags al-Taqwa, bin Laden, Drug Trafficking, Earth Island, GOP, Hizb ut-Tahrir, Hopsicker, Muslim Brotherhood, Oil, Pan-Turkist Movement, Russia, Safari Club, Saudi, Underground Reich ![]() The pro*gram begins by not*ing the prox*im*ity in time between a US/Russian diplo*matic rap*proche*ment and the break*ing of a Russ*ian spy scan*dal. On the heels of Pres*i*dent Obama’s meet*ing with Russ*ian pres*i*dent Medvedev in which progress on var*i*ous mat*ters appears to have been achieved, a “Russ*ian spy scan*dal” dom*i*nated the headlines. In FTR #706, we exam*ined John Lof*tus’ con*tention that there are two CIA’s–one Demo*c*ra*tic that serves the inter*ests of the United States and one Repub*li*can, which serves the inter*ests of the trans-national cor*po*ra*tions. Is the “Repub*li*can CIA” work*ing to poi*son rela*tions between the two coun*tries, thereby weak*en*ing Obama’s administration? The inci*dent brings to mind the U-2 inci*dent of 1960, in which the CIA’s appar*ently delib*er*ate sab*o*tage of a U-2 spy plane deep-sixed a pro*posed sum*mit con*fer*ence between Pres*i*dent Eisen*hower and Pre*mier Khr*uschev of the U.S.S.R. (This was dis*cussed in Part I of “The Guns of Novem*ber.”) Also inter*est*ing to con*tem*plate in this con*text is a Decem*ber 2009 pro-jihadist con*fer*ence in Geor*gia, held with appar*ent U.S. sup*port, dis*cussed in FTR #710. Part of the rap*proche*ment achieved between Medvedev and Obama con*cerned America’s place*ment of a jihadist ter*ror*ist on the inter*na*tional ter*ror watch list, as desired and requested by Russia. Did this run counter to the wishes of a pro-Muslim Broth*er*hood, pro-jihadist ele*ment asso*ci*ated with transna*tional petro*leum com*pa*nies? Are they, in turn, seek*ing to sep*a*rate the Cau*casian and Cen*tral Asian fos*sil fuel resources from Rus*sia? Will it serve the inter*ests of the Under*ground Reich, seek*ing to man*i*fest tra*di*tional Ger*man Ost*poli*tik, while exac*er*bat*ing ten*sions between the U.S. and Rus*sia? Will it serve the inter*ests of the GOP, by weak*en*ing Obama’s for*eign policy? ![]() Of strate*gic sig*nif*i*cance in this con*text is the fact that the Fer*ghana Val*ley (dom*i*nated by Osh and Jalal*abad) is a key tran*sit area for Afghan heroin and the pres*ence of a key U.S. air base in Kyr*gyzs*tan, a facil*ity that is essen*tial for the Afghan war effort. Indeed, the gov*ern*ment of Kyr*gyzs*tan is blam*ing the trou*ble on Islamists. Another con*sid*er*a*tion to be weighed in the con*text of “The Earth Island Boo*gie” is maneu*ver*ing around the Afghan heroin crop, which NATO forces have refused to destroy. (The poppy is one of the few sub*sis*tence crops avail*able to Afghan farm*ers, and destroy*ing the har*vest could alien*ate the pop*u*la*tion and drive them toward the Taliban.) Rus*sia has requested that the crop be destroyed, because heroin orig*i*nat*ing in Afghanistan is caus*ing enor*mous prob*lems in Rus*sia. This ![]() The broad*cast con*cludes with exam*i*na*tion of the flotilla incident–the pro*found involve*ment of Turk*ish gov*ern*ment ele*ments with the affair. Seen by some ana*lysts as an attempt at re-asserting its pri*macy in the Mus*lim world, the Turk*ish maneu*ver*ing is rem*i*nis*cent of the Turk*ish hege*mony over the Arab world dur*ing the Ottoman Empire. Con*cep*tu*al*ized by the Mus*lim Broth*er*hood as an ideal state of affairs, the “Caliphate” is some*thing it has worked to restore. Are we see*ing a renewed Pan-Turkism in places like Kyr*gyzs*tan and Uzbekistan–areas with Turko*phone pop*u*la*tions? We will be see*ing a dove*tail*ing of the Islamist move*ment and tra*di*tion*ally sec*u*lar Pan-Turkist move*ment (which has adhered to the rig*or*ous stan*dards adopted by Kemal Attaturk at the end of World War I.) In FTR #721, we saw how Pan-Turkist ele*ments work*ing first for Nazi Ger*many and later for the Fed*eral Repub*lic and ele*ments of West*ern intel*li*gence were linked to the bur*geon*ing Mus*lim Broth*er*hood. Are peo*ple like Ruzy Nazar “doin’ the Earth Island Boo*gie?” (Nazar is pic*tured above, at left). Pro*gram High*lights Include: The dev*as*tat*ing wild*fires hap*pen*ing in Rus*sia; review of the Islamists’ use of for*est fires as weapons of jihad; review of the Safari Club net*work; review of the links between the Bank al-Taqwa milieu and the party of Turk*ish prime min*is*ter Erdo*gan; the pro*found links between the IHH orga*ni*za*tion that spon*sored the flotilla inci*dent and the Mus*lim Broth*er*hood; a 1997 Turk*ish gov*ern*ment inves*ti*ga*tion that revealed IHH to be a jihadist orga*ni*za*tion, seek*ing, among other things, to over*throw Turk*ish secularism! 1. The pro*gram begins by not*ing the prox*im*ity in time between a US/Russian diplo*matic rap*proche*ment and the break*ing of a Russ*ian spy scan*dal. On the heels of Pres*i*dent Obama’s meet*ing with Russ*ian pres*i*dent Medvedev in which progress on var*i*ous mat*ters appears to have been achieved, a “Russ*ian spy scan*dal” dom*i*nated the headlines. In FTR #706, we exam*ined John Lof*tus’ con*tention that there are two CIA’s–one Demo*c*ra*tic that serves the inter*ests of the United States and one Repub*li*can, which serves the inter*ests of the trans-national cor*po*ra*tions. Is the “Repub*li*can CIA” work*ing to poi*son rela*tions between the two coun*tries, thereby weak*en*ing Obama’s admin*is*tra*tion? Are the petro*leum indus*try, Under*ground Reich, Islamist net*works and Pan-Turkist net*works seek*ing to blunt that U.S./Russian rapprochement? The inci*dent brings to mind the U-2 inci*dent of 1960, in which the CIA’s appar*ently delib*er*ate sab*o*tage of a U-2 spy plane deep-sixed a pro*posed sum*mit con*fer*ence between Pres*i*dent Eisen*hower and Pre*mier Khr*uschev of the U.S.S.R. (This was dis*cussed in Part I of “The Guns of Novem*ber.”) Also inter*est*ing to con*tem*plate in this con*text is a Decem*ber 2009 pro-jihadist con*fer*ence in Geor*gia, held with appar*ent U.S. sup*port, dis*cussed in FTR #710. Part of the rap*proche*ment achieved between Medvedev and Obama con*cerned America’s place*ment of a jihadist ter*ror*ist on the inter*na*tional ter*ror watch list, as desired and requested by Russia. Did this run counter to the wishes of a pro-Muslim Broth*er*hood, pro-jihadist ele*ment asso*ci*ated with transna*tional petro*leum com*pa*nies? Are they, in turn, seek*ing to sep*a*rate the Cau*casian and Cen*tral Asian fos*sil fuel resources from Rus*sia? Will it serve the inter*ests of the Under*ground Reich, seek*ing to man*i*fest tra*di*tional Ger*man Ost*poli*tik, while exac*er*bat*ing ten*sions between the U.S. and Rus*sia? Will it serve the inter*ests of the GOP, by weak*en*ing Obama’s for*eign policy? With the strange tim*ing of the sur*fac*ing of this Russ*ian spy*ing scan*dal, are we see*ing ‘U-2, II”? 2. Recently, Rus*sia has been plagued by drought and wild*fires. In FTR #667, we looked at Islamist ele*ments pur*su*ing wild*fires as weapons of jihad. Are the jihadist ele*ments referred to above involved in any way with the set*ting of these fires? 3. In the for*mer Soviet Cen*tral Asian repub*lic of Kyr*gyzs*tan, eth*nic ten*sions have flared between the gov*ern*ment and the Uzbek minor*ity in the key towns of Osh and Jalalabad. Seek*ing to take advan*tage of this ten*sion, Mus*lim Broth*er*hood affil*i*ate Hizb ut-Tahrir has promised that the instal*la*tion of a caliphate would pro*mote social justice. Of strate*gic sig*nif*i*cance in this con*text is the fact that the Fer*ghana Val*ley (dom*i*nated by Osh and Jalal*abad) is a key tran*sit area for Afghan heroin and the pres*ence of a key U.S. air base in Kyr*gyzs*tan, a facil*ity that is essen*tial for the Afghan war effort. 4. Indeed, the gov*ern*ment of Kyr*gyzs*tan is blam*ing the trou*ble on Islamists. 5. Another con*sid*er*a*tion to be weighed in the con*text of “The Earth Island Boo*gie” is maneu*ver*ing around the Afghan heroin crop, which NATO forces have refused to destroy. (The poppy is one of the few sub*sis*tence crops avail*able to Afghan farm*ers, and destroy*ing the har*vest could alien*ate the pop*u*la*tion and drive them toward the Taliban.) Rus*sia has requested that the crop be destroyed, because heroin orig*i*nat*ing in Afghanistan is caus*ing enor*mous prob*lems in Russia. 6. This rejec*tion has led Rus*sia to charge that NATO is aid*ing the pro*duc*tion of Afghan heroin. Is it pos*si*ble that a Saudi/Safari Club/petroleum/Underground Reich milieu may be prof*it*ing from Afghan heroin, while using the drug as a weapon to sub*vert Russ*ian influ*ence in a new “Great Game?” 7. The shift*ing and maneu*ver*ing tak*ing place on the Earth Island involves some sig*nif*i*cant polit*i*cal pos*tur*ing by Turkey. In the recent, lethal inci*dent in which Israeli forces inter*dicted a Turkish-based flotilla attempt*ing to pierce the block*ade of Gaza, one can read*ily dis*cern Turk*ish diplo*matic and polit*i*cal over*tures to the Arab pop*u*la*tion of the Mid*dle East and the world’s Mus*lim pop*u*la*tion in general. Far from being mod*er*ates, the orga*ni*za*tion behind the flotilla has strong links to the Mus*lim Broth*er*hood and jihadist elements. In 1997, the Turk*ish gov*ern*ment itself raided offices of IHH and revealed the organization’s true nature. 8. Dis*claimers to the con*trary notwith*stand*ing, the Turk*ish gov*ern*ment and that country’s polit*i*cal elite are directly tied to the IHH. The Turk*ish char*ity that led the flotilla involved in a deadly Israeli raid has exten*sive con*nec*tions with Turkey’s polit*i*cal elite, and the group’s efforts to chal*lenge Israel’s block*ade of Gaza received sup*port at the top lev*els of the gov*ern*ing party, Turk*ish diplo*mats and gov*ern*ment offi*cials said. The char*ity, the Human*i*tar*ian Relief Foun*da*tion, often called I.H.H., has come under attack in Israel and the West for offer*ing finan*cial sup*port to groups accused of ter*ror*ism. But in Turkey the group has helped Prime Min*is*ter Recep Tayyip Erdo*gan shore up sup*port from con*ser*v*a*tive Mus*lims ahead of crit*i*cal elec*tions next year and improve Turkey’s stand*ing and influ*ence in the Arab world. Accord*ing to a senior Turk*ish offi*cial close to the gov*ern*ment, who spoke on the con*di*tion of anonymity because of the polit*i*cal del*i*cacy of the issue, as many as 10 Par*lia*ment mem*bers from Mr. Erdogan’s gov*ern*ing Jus*tice and Devel*op*ment Party were con*sid*er*ing board*ing the Mavi Mar*mara, the ship where the deadly raid occurred, but were warned off at the last minute by senior For*eign Min*istry offi*cials con*cerned that their pres*ence might esca*late ten*sions too much. When lead*ers of the char*ity returned home after nine Turks died in the Israeli raid, they were warmly embraced by top Turk*ish offi*cials, said Huseyin Oruc, deputy direc*tor of the char*ity, who was aboard the flotilla. “When we flew back to Turkey, I was afraid we would be in trou*ble for what hap*pened, but the first thing we saw when the plane’s door opened in Istan*bul was Bulent Arinc, the deputy prime min*is*ter, in tears,” he said in an inter*view. “We have good coor*di*na*tion with Mr. Erdo*gan,” he added. “But I am not sure he is happy with us now.” The raid has caused a rup*ture between Turkey and Israel, and height*ened alarm in the United States and Europe that Turkey, a large Mus*lim coun*try and a major NATO mem*ber, is shift*ing alle*giance toward the Arab world. Turkey has warned that its coop*er*a*tive ties to Israel could be irrepara*bly dam*aged unless the Israelis apol*o*gize and accept an inter*na*tional inves*ti*ga*tion, steps Israel has so far refused to take. The charity’s mis*sion, polit*i*cal ana*lysts said, has advanced Mr. Erdogan’s aim of shift*ing Turkey’s focus to the Mus*lim east when its prospects for join*ing the Euro*pean Union are dim. The gov*ern*ment “could have stopped the ship if it wanted to, but the mis*sion to Gaza served both the I.H.H. and the gov*ern*ment by mak*ing both heroes at home and in the Arab world,” said Ercan Citli*oglu, a ter*ror*ism expert at Bahce*se*hir Uni*ver*sity in Istanbul. Turk*ish offi*cials said that the char*ity oper*ated inde*pen*dently and that its lead*er*ship had refused to drop plans to break Israel’s naval block*ade of Hamas-controlled Gaza, despite requests from the gov*ern*ment. The offi*cials said they had no legal author*ity to stop the work of a pri*vate charity. Ege*men Bagis, Turkey’s min*is*ter for Euro*pean affairs, said in an inter*view that the char*ity and the Jus*tice and Devel*op*ment Party, called the AK Party, had no sub*stan*tive ties, even if peo*ple in pol*i*tics often became involved in char*i*ta*ble groups. “The I.H.H. has noth*ing to do with the AK Party, and we have no hid*den agenda,” Mr. Bagis said. But crit*ics say such state*ments belie the close con*nec*tions between the party and the char*ity, as well as the extent to which Turk*ish offi*cials were closely attuned to the details of the flotilla’s mis*sion before its departure. . . . 9. Prior to the flotilla inci*dent, the Erdo*gan gov*ern*ment was doing poorly in pre-election polls. The Jus*tice and Devel*op*ment Party (AKP) won about 39% of the vote, accord*ing to uncon*firmed results — down from the 47% gen*eral elec*tion land*slide of 2007. “Turk*ish PM’s Party Slips in Polls”; BBC News; 3/30/2009. “This is a mes*sage from the peo*ple and we will take the nec*es*sary lessons,” said a som*bre Mr Erdogan. At least five peo*ple were report*edly killed in election-related violence. The deaths came in the pre*dom*i*nantly Kur*dish east of the coun*try, as sup*port*ers of rival can*di*dates for a non-party posi*tion of vil*lage chief fought armed battles. In Sunday’s elec*tions, the gov*ern*ing AKP lost ground to both oppo*si*tion and Kur*dish rivals, who had focused on grow*ing eco*nomic dif*fi*cul*ties and cor*rup*tion allegations. 10. As seen in FTR #408, Erdogan’s party is very close to the Mus*lim Broth*er*hood and the milieu of the Bank al-Taqwa. http://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-723-doin-the-earth-island-boogie/ |