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9-11 Witness [etc.] Deaths/Murders/Suicides - Mysterious & Growing - Printable Version

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9-11 Witness [etc.] Deaths/Murders/Suicides - Mysterious & Growing - Peter Lemkin - 22-09-2010

...incomplete list....but some to ponder or explore....please contribute additional names. I will, as well.

Video on this subject here

Barry Jennings (Eyewitness to explosions and bodies inside WTC7) -- Undisclosed causes

Kenneth Johannemann (Eyewitness to explosions inside WTC, Saw no airplanes hit but just saw "floors blow up") -- Gunshot to the head, ruled a suicide

Beverly Eckert (Wife of 9/11 WTC Victim, Earwitness to WTC Explosion, Refused hush money) -- Airplane crash

Prasanna Kalahasthi (Wife of 9/11 "Flight 11 Passenger") -- Suicide by hanging

David Graham (Dentist who saw three of the 9/11 Hijackers with Pakistani businessman in Shreveport, Louisiana) -- Murdered (Poisoned with anti-freeze)

Paul Smith (Pilot of WABC7's 9/11 "International Shot" Chopper) -- Car accident

Michael H. Doran (9/11 Victims Lawyer) -- Airplane crash

Bertha Champagne (Longtime babysitter for 911 Perp Marvin Bush's family) -- Crushed by a car

Christopher Landis (Former Operations Manager for Safety Service Patrol for the Virginia Department of Transportation, Interviewed by makers of "The Pentacon", Gave makers of "The Pentacon" a photo collection, Involved in the response to the Pentagon attack) -- Suicide

John P. O'Neill (FBI Counter-terrorism expert, Obsessed with catching Osama Bin Laden, Suspected Clinton/Bush/FBI complicity in the cover-up and protection of Bin Laden) -- Died in the WTC on 9/11

Deborah Palfrey (Ran an escort service that had 911 Perps on it's list) -- Suicide by hanging

David Wherley (US General who ordered fighter jets to scramble on 9/11) -- Train crash

Un-named Ticket Agent (Boston Logan Ticket Agent who checked Atta and Alomari) -- Suicide

Suzanne Jovin (Yale Student who had a thesis about Osama Bin Laden, Her thesis adviser was an intelligence operative) -- Murdered (Killer unknown)

Perry Kucinich (Brother of Congressman who advocated new 9/11 investigation) -- Fell down

Salvatore Princiotta (9/11 FDNY Firefighter from Ladder 9) -- Murdered

Ezra Harel (Chairman of the Israeli Company That Handled Security For All 9/11 Airports) -- Heart attack

Bruce Ivins (Patsy in the 9/11-linked "Anthrax" Case) -- Drug overdose