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"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Magda Hassan - 28-09-2010
“Dr. Mary’s Monkey”

Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK assassination are part of this chronicle

Interview with Edward T. Haslam.
In "Dr. Mary's Monkey," Edward T. Haslam weaves a tale of intrigue involving polio vaccines, secret laboratories, a gruesome death, romance, and, yes, monkeys.
Would you believe that Lee Harvey Oswald and the assassination of JFK are also part of this chronicle? Set in New Orleans in the fifties and early sixties, it demonstrates that truth is way stranger than fiction.
Haslam set out to discover what his father, a former Commander in the U.S. Navy and a Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Tulane, had come across in the New Orleans medical community that not only offended his sense of medical ethics, but also frightened him into silence.
When a small child Haslam had sat in Dr. Mary Sherman's lap during one of her visits to the Haslam home. It was to be expected then that her murder, which remains unsolved to this day, would have been a painful event for the whole family. Nevertheless, the senior Haslam, just before his death, would not reveal to his son what he had learned. Only that very powerful people were involved and his son should think twice about "crossing swords" with them.
Haslam's search goes back to 1952 when Dr. Alton Ochsner persuaded Sherman, a well-known and respected cancer researcher and faculty member at the University of Chicago, to come to New Orleans. Ochsner was a prominent surgeon, an influential figure in New Orleans political circles, president of the American Cancer Society, and a staunch anti-communist. He promised Sherman a partnership in his clinic, her own cancer laboratory that would never want for funds because of Ochsner's connections, and an associate professorship at Tulane Medical School.
[Image: Dr._Marys_Monkey.jpg]What were the events over the next fourteen years that led to Dr. Sherman's murder in July 1964- eight months after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy?
The answer to this question begins with the 33,000 Americans a year who had contracted polio during the early fifties. Parental fear that their child would be the next victim of this crippling, and often deadly, disease put enormous pressure on American medical researchers.
A significant step forward occurred when researchers found they could use the kidneys of rhesus monkeys as the culture for growing a vaccine. In early 1955, Dr. Jonas Salk announced that his vaccine would prevent polio. Following his instructions, five commercial laboratories began producing it in preparation for mass inoculations set to begin in April of that year.
As a precaution, Dr. Bernice Eddy, a researcher who worked for the National Institute of Health (NIH) in New Orleans, was ordered at the last minute to safe-test the Salk vaccine. Her finding was shocking: the vaccine itself could cause paralysis.
It heralded the biggest fiasco, to date, in the history of American medicine: unbelievably, the top dogs in the medical community decided to go ahead, anyway. [It is possible that this decision was based on a trade-off: some children would be paralyzed and some of them would die but many more would be protected from the disease.]
In a display of unimaginable arrogance, Ochsner, who had holdings in one of the five laboratories, inoculated his own grandchildren to demonstrate that the vaccine was safe. Both contracted polio. His granddaughter recovered from her paralysis but tragically his grandson died.
Estimates vary, but a significant number of other children also died or had permanent paralysis. Later on, in 1960, Dr. Albert Sabin was believed to have saved the day because his oral vaccine used a weakened virus rather than the dead virus used by Salk. Moreover, it had already been tested extensively in other countries. It began to be distributed here almost five years to the day that Americans had begun receiving the Salk inoculations.
About this time, another unsung heroine of American medicine, Dr. Sarah Stewart proved that a virus caused cancer. NIH officials, in an attempt to muzzle their whistleblower, had shifted Eddy, a close friend of Stewart's, from working on polio vaccine to doing research on influenza. Nevertheless, Eddy began to quietly perform more tests on polio vaccines.
At an October 1961 meeting in Manhattan of the New York Cancer Society, Eddy made a career-ending move. Without the consent of her superiors, she revealed an even more alarming discovery than her first: both polio vaccines were contaminated with a cancer-causing virus!
Another fiasco even bigger than the first! And one with far-reaching consequences. Between 1955 and 1963, millions of Americans had been injected with, or had swallowed, a substance that caused cancer.
How could this have happened? The answer is that little thought had been given to the possibility that life-threatening viruses could be extracted from kidney cultures along with the polio vaccine.
What was done about it? Not much. Both Salk and Sabin resisted informing the American people of this development. A few heads rolled - but not many. The media paid little attention to this catastrophe. [Since Eddy had predicted that it would take thirty years for the cancers to develop, one might surmise that the medical community felt shielded by the prospect that a connection between the vaccine and a cancer would be difficult to prove.]
Haslam drew up charts from statistics obtained from the National Cancer Institute that show that the epidemic began in the 1985 (1955+30) when cancers of five of the body's soft tissues - the skin, breast, prostate, lymphoma and lung - began a dramatic increase.
He writes, "Remember the dreaded polio epidemic of the 1950s with its 33,000 cases of polio each year. Compare that to these numbers from 1994: 182,000 new cases of breast cancer diagnosed; 200,000 new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed; 500,000 new cases of lung cancer diagnosed. The increase in any one of these diseases in the years since 1985 was greater than the entire polio epidemic at its peak!"
It is a significant part of this exposé that these key discoveries were made in national institutions like the NIH based in one particular city. New Orleans was the gateway to the United States for South American countries. Many came to the city for medical treatment. Dr. Ochsner's Clinic, in particular, with its posh accommodations became a destination for Latin America's elite. Ochsner's rabid anti-communism grew out of his personal friendships with dictators like Anastasio Somoza of Nicaragua, Juan Peron of Argentina, and Tomas Gabriel Duque of Panama.
Ochsner was incensed by Fidel Castro's successful 1959 rebellion in Cuba against the US-backed dictator, Fulgencio Batista. Many anti-Castro Cubans and their allies felt that either the 1961 disastrous Bay of Pigs assault or the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis should have occasioned a full-scale invasion of Cuba to "free the Cuban people from the Castro dictatorship." [Of course, none of these people had expressed any concern for the Cuban people when Batista, a real dictator, had been in power.]
A 1976 report from Senator Frank Church's Select Committee on Assassinations showed that the CIA had been busy for more than a decade with inventing new ways to murder Castro. Was using the cancer-causing polio vaccine one of these ideas?
[Douglas's research combined with Haslam's gives us a fairly complete picture that Oswald's activities in New Orleans that portrayed him as a friend of Cuba was part of a plan for Oswald to be involved in carrying out this mission. It also helped set him up to be the "patsy" for President Kennedy's assassination.]
Ochsner had recruited Judyth Vary, a young woman not yet twenty, to work in one of his labs. Almost immediately upon her arrival in New Orleans in May 1963, a bit ahead of her employment date, she became the protégé of Lee Harvey Oswald who had recently returned to his native city. He helped Vary get settled and find work. During this period, Vary married her fiancé, Robert Baker, who came to the city for the ceremony but left immediately for a summer job in the Gulf of Mexico.
Oswald worked with Ochsner, David Ferrie and the local Mafia boss, Carlos Marcello, as well as the CIA and FBI. Vary noted that the Oswald family had apparently had a long relationship with Marcello. David Ferrie had had a rather checkered career as a seminary student, a pilot for Eastern Airlines, and an operative for the CIA. By the time Vary came to know him, he was wearing a homemade orange wig and painting his eyebrows with a black greasy substance. An unforgettable looking character.
Both Vary and Oswald eventually received cover jobs in the Reily Coffee Company where they could come and go in order to do their undercover work. No questions asked. Even though Oswald was also married, had a small child and another on the way, it was not long before the two began an affair that ended with Lee's murder in November of that year.
Ferrie did experiments on mice in his own apartment, but he also rented another that housed an underground lab. It was here that Vary was soon put to work, inspecting new batches of mice that were brought into the secret lab by one or another of the anti-Castro Cubans who came and went from an upstairs apartment. After destroying the mice with the most advanced tumors, Judyth would remove the tumors, grind them up in a blender and take the mixture to Dr. Sherman's home a few blocks away.
Dr. Sherman's work In New Orleans included teaching at Tulane Medical School, doing operations at Charity Hospital, staffing at several children's hospitals and working in Ochsner's Clinic. It appears that another secret lab was at the US Public Health Hospital. Perhaps Sherman started out to develop a vaccine to cure cancer. But ended up dedicating herself to perfecting a biological weapon from the cancer-causing monkey virus.
According to Vary-Baker, Dr. Sherman, herself, helped convince her that it was their patriotic duty to develop a biological weapon that could kill Castro before he unleashed "nukes" on the United States.
When the virus became fast-acting at killing not only mice but also monkeys, it was determined that it needed to be tried on a human. An inmate at Angola State Prison who volunteered for the experiment was brought to the Jackson State Mental Hospital not far from New Orleans where he died from an injection.
Judyth wrote a letter to Dr. Ochsner, complaining that the inmate did not know the possible consequences of the experiment. An angry Ochsner terminated Judyth as well as Oswald from any further connection to the project. In the fall she went back to Florida to a lab job in Gainesville that Ferrie had found for her. In mid-October, Oswald was transferred to Dallas. The two kept in touch by using Mafia safe lines through an arrangement that Ferrie had worked out.
Oswald told Judyth of the plans to assassinate Kennedy and that he hoped to be able to prevent it. If he came out of it alive he promised that they could carry out their plans to elope to Mexico, get quickie divorces, and get married. Their last conversation was on Wednesday, November 21st, two days before the assassination. Instead, Oswald ended up at the age of twenty-four being the scapegoat for the president's murder and being murdered himself. [James Douglas covers this in his book, The Unspeakable, that has been the subject of an earlier posting on this blog.]
Ferrie called Judyth to tell her that her life would be in danger if she ever told anyone what she knew. [Silent for more than thirty-five years, her book, Me and Lee, is about to be released by Trine Day Books.]
Sherman's grotesquely disfigured body was found in her apartment early in the morning of July 21, 1964. Her right arm had been entirely burned away, leaving only a bone extending from her shoulder. Her right rib cage was gone and her insides lay exposed from her shoulder to her waist. Her face was unrecognizable.
Investigators determined that her body had been taken from another location and placed in her apartment. Incredibly, an autopsy showed that she was still alive after the burn and that the fatal wound had been a stabbing that penetrated her heart. Subsequently, she was stabbed and slashed several times after death and a fire was set in her apartment to make her death look like a random murder or a burglary gone wrong.
The most likely instrument for the hideous incineration of one side of her body was the linear particle accelerator that was secretly installed in the US Public Health Hospital where US Marines guarded it. Sherman would have had access to it and undoubtedly used it in her experiments because the accelerator can be depended upon to weaken a virus with great precision while being relied upon to not kill it.
Was Dr. Mary Sherman killed in July 1964 on the eve of hearings that Warren Commission investigators held in New Orleans because she couldn't be relied on to keep quiet? Neither the motive for her murder nor those responsible for it have ever been identified. In fact, the investigation of her murder was abruptly terminated at the end of two weeks. Who would have had the power to shut it down? [Could the fact that Allen Dulles, a former Director of the CIA, served on the Warren Commission have anything to do with it?]
The story does not end here. Was any use made of this cancer-causing virus? Haslam points out that this virus was labeled SV-40. What about the other 39 viruses found in the vaccine? Was one of them the AIDS virus? If so, how did it get out into the world? Was HIV-1 an undesirable mutation that resulted from using radiation on SV-40? Haslam discusses the ways in which this virus could have gotten into the blood stream of the world's population.
To learn more, go to to order the book.
[One of the earliest uses of a biological weapon happened in this country at the end of the French and Indian Wars that the British won. The British commander, Jeffrey Amherst, agreed to his lieutenant's request to give smallpox infected blankets to the Native Americans who had fought on the side of the French and were conducting a guerrilla war against Amherst and his troops.]

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Ed Jewett - 28-09-2010

For The Record

FTR #644 Interview with Ed Haslam About Dr. Mary’s Monkey

Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ September 16, 2008Post a comment [Image: email_famfamfam.png] Email This Post [Image: print.gif] Print This Post
Tags AIDS, Bio Weapons, CIA, Cover-Up, David Ferrie, Dulles, Genocide, JFK, SV40
[Image: marys300.gif]MP3: Side 1 | Side 2

Intro*duc*tion: Con*tin*u*ing our explo*ration of the ground*break*ing research of Ed Haslam, the pro*gram sets forth some of the major points of inves*ti*ga*tion from Ed’s lat*est book, Dr. Mary’s Mon*key. A New Orleans Native, Ed Haslam’s life*long inves*tiga*tive path*way into events over*lap*ping the milieu of the assas*si*na*tion of Pres*i*dent Kennedy and appar*ently iatro*genic (man-made) epi*demics con*sti*tutes a nar*ra*tive that is both thrilling and ter*ri*fy*ing. Sup*ple*ment*ing and expand*ing an inves*ti*ga*tion first pub*lished in Ed’s 1996 title Mary, Fer*rie and the Mon*key Virus, this vol*ume intro*duces the remark*able story of Judyth Vary Baker, a bril*liant can*cer researcher recruited to work on a clan*des*tine project in which viruses were irra*di*ated. Appar*ently inau*gu*rated in order to cre*ate an anti-cancer vac*cine, the project mor*phed into an effort to cre*ate bio*log*i*cal weaponry, ini*tially to assas*si*nate Fidel Cas*tro and, per*haps, to cre*ate geno*ci*dal weapons. Among Ms. Baker’s co-workers in the project were (allegedly) Lee Har*vey Oswald. After a rup*ture with Dr. Arnold Ochsner, the med*ical lumi*nary who presided over the project, Lee allegedly trav*eled to Dal*las to attempt to pre*vent the assas*si*na*tion of Pres*i*dent Kennedy by ele*ments of U.S. intel*li*gence. Unsuc*cess*ful, he was framed for the crime and mur*dered before he had a chance to defend him*self. After the 1964 mur*der of Dr. Mary Sher*man, the Ochsner asso*ciate who was a piv*otal mem*ber of the project’s staff, the deadly mutated viruses appear to have fallen into the hands of mur*der*ous right-wing extrem*ists con*nected to the intel*li*gence community.
Pro*gram High*lights Include: Syn*op*sis of the impor*tance of the city of New Orleans to Amer*i*can polit*i*cal and eco*nomic infra*struc*ture; dis*cus*sion of the sig*nif*i*cance of New Orleans as a cen*ter for research into trop*i*cal dis*eases; overview of the impor*tance of Tulane Uni*ver*sity for research into trop*i*cal dis*eases; the med*ical and polit*i*cal career of Dr. Alton Ochsner; dis*cus*sion of the careers of three remark*able female med*ical researchers (Mary Sher*man, Sarah Stew*art, Ber*nice Eddy); review of the fun*da*men*tals of the New Orleans com*po*nent of the assas*si*na*tion of JFK; dis*cus*sion of a soft-tissue can*cer epi*demic cur*rently man*i*fest*ing itself in the United States as a result of the con*t*a*m*i*na*tion of the polio vac*cine with a can*cer caus*ing mon*key virus–SV-40; dis*cus*sion of the pos*si*bil*ity that the AIDS epi*demic may be man made (FTR#16 may prove par*tic*u*larly use*ful in research*ing this sub*ject.) The Virus and the Vac*cine by Deb*bie Bookchin and Jim Schu*macher fleshes out the story of the SV-40 con*t*a*m*i*na*tion of the polio vaccine.
[Image: virusvaccine.gif]1. The pro*gram begins with analy*sis of the Cres*cent City as a vital eco*nomic and polit*i*cal engine. The North*ern*most port of the Caribbean and the gate*way to the Mis*sis*sippi River–the largest com*mer*cial water*way in the United States–New Orleans has long occu*pied a piv*otally impor*tant posi*tion in Amer*i*can eco*nomic infra*struc*ture. With agri*cul*tural prod*ucts such as cof*fee, sugar and bananas com*ing up from Latin Amer*ica and U.S. farm prod*ucts such as corn and wheat, as well as fin*ished indus*trial tools and goods going down to Latin Amer*ica, New Orleans has been a com*mer*cial epicenter.
The eco*nomic power cen*tered in the Cres*cent City pro*duced deriv*a*tive polit*i*cal and national secu*rity influ*ence. The pro*found strate*gic sig*nif*i*cance of the port of New Orleans ele*vated that city and–to an extent, the state of Louisiana–to dis*pro*por*tion*ate influ*ence in both Con*gress and the national secu*rity estab*lish*ment. Among the leg*isla*tive lumi*nar*ies from Louisiana:
” . . . F. Edward Hebert, Chair*man of Armed Ser*vices Com*mit*tee of the U.S. House of Rep*re*sen*ta*tives. Taxes start in the House, and bud*gets start in Com*mit*tee. As Chair*man of the House Armed Ser*vices Com*mit*tee, the entire U.S. mil*i*tary bud*get and the vast major*ity of the CIA bud*get started on Hebert’s desk. One of his jobs was to hide most of the CIA bud*get in the U.S. mil*i*tary bud*get. He was known as ‘the military’s best friend.’
Allen Elen*der, had been in the U.S. Sen*ate for over 40 years. He was the senior sen*a*tor when [for*mer Louisiana Gov*er*nor] Huey Long was the junior sen*a*tor in the 1930’s. Ellen*der sat on the Armed Ser*vices Com*mit*tee of the U.S. Sen*ate and got Hebert’s bud*get through the Sen*ate. Between the two, they made sure that Louisiana received its fair share of mil*i*tary and space contracts.
Rus*sell Long, the son of Huey Long, was Major*ity Whip of the U.S. Sen*ate, Chair*man of the Senate’s pow*er*ful Ways and Means Com*mit*tee, and mem*ber of the Sen*ate Bank*ing Committee.
Hale Boggs, Major*ity Whip of the U.S. House of Rep*re*sen*ta*tives, was the 3rd most pow*er*ful man in that body, and was con*sid*ered by many to be LBJ’s ‘man-in-the house.’ . . .”
Dr. Mary’s Mon*key by Ed Haslam; Trine Day [SC]; Copy*right 2007 by Ed Haslam; ISBN 978–0-9777953–0-6; p. 30.
2. The loca*tion of New Orleans and the resul*tant trop*i*cal dis*ease prob*lem it has encoun*tered has made the city a focal point of med*ical research into afflic*tions such as malaria and yel*low fever. Although not as well known as some US insti*tu*tions of higher learn*ing, Tulane Uni*ver*sity has assumed great sig*nif*i*cance in trop*i*cal dis*ease research. Much of that research has involved using pri*mates as exper*i*men*tal subjects.
“ . . . In Louisiana, the Delta Regional Pri*mate Cen*ter opened its doors in Novem*ber 1964 with Tulane Uni*ver*sity serv*ing as the host insti*tu*tion. This took the mon*key virus research out of down*town New Orleans and put it in 500 wooded acres near Cov*ing*ton, Louisiana across Lake Pontchar*train. Today, that lab*o*ra*tory has over 4,000 pri*mates, thirty sci*en*tists, and 130 sup*port work*ers, plus a pub*lic rela*tions direc*tor whose job it is to boast of the center’s virus research espe*cially on AIDS, and to point to the improve*ments in lab secu*rity, such as the high-security zone, where researchers and staff shower and change clothes before approach*ing or leav*ing the 500 mon*keys infected with simian AIDS. . . .”
Ibid.; p. 23.
3. Next, Ed syn*op*sizes the career and activ*i*ties of Dr. Alton Ochsner and his lofty stand*ing in the med*ical com*mu*nity. A famous sur*geon who helped to pio*neer blood trans*fu*sion pro*ce*dures, Ochsner became a dom*i*nant influ*ence at Tulane Uni*ver*sity and in New Orleans. Of par*tic*u*lar note was his rela*tion*ship with Latin Amer*i*can elite infrastructure.
“ . . . The Latin Amer*i*can angle was a nat*ural for a med*ical clinic in New Orleans. And as we noted ear*lier, New Orleans was America’s com*mer*cial pipeline to Latin Amer*ica, and Tulane’s rep*u*ta*tion was golden in the region. For a group of Tulane doc*tors to form a med*ical clinic to serve the needs of the Latin elite was great news for those who could step on a plane in their cap*i*tal city and be in New Orleans quicker than most Amer*i*cans. To pro*mote his clinic, Ochsner made over a hun*dred trips to Latin Amer*ica dur*ing his career, and became friends with its rulers. . . . Among his friends, Ochsner counted Anas*ta*sio Somoza, Nicaragua’s for*mer Pres*i*dent (and dic*ta*tor), who was run out his coun*try by rev*o*lu*tion*ar*ies in 1979. Thos rela*tion*ship is what one might call a per*sonal one, based on the let*ters in Ochsner’s per*sonal papers. . . Ochsner and Somoza shared mutual anti-Communist objec*tives. Somoza’s per*sonal physi*cian, Dr. Henri DeBayle, sat on the Board of Direc*tors of Guy Banister’s infa*mous Anti-Communist League of the Caribbean. Another patient was Juan Peron the pres*i*dent (and dic*ta*tor) of Argentina. Fol*low*ing the lead of these dic*ta*tors came the oli*garchies of Latin Amer*i*can coun*tries, which had not devel*oped their own health care systems. . . .”
Ibid.; pp. 178–179.
4. Ed out*lined Ochsner’s reac*tionary polit*i*cal ori*en*ta*tion, includ*ing his oppo*si*tion to the civil rights move*ment and, above all, his mil*i*tant anti-Communism, which led him to found INCA—the Infor*ma*tion Coun*cil of the Amer*i*cas. An appar*ent intel*li*gence front, INCA recorded an inter*view on New Orleans radio sta*tion WDSU fea*tur*ing Lee Har*vey Oswald pro*claim*ing his sup*posed Marx*ist sym*pa*thies. (To hear this inter*view and back*ground infor*ma*tion about INCA, see FTR#621.) Ochsner devel*oped numer*ous links to the intel*li*gence com*mu*nity as the Cold War progressed.
“ . . . In Octo*ber 1959, after two years of work*ing in a ‘Sen*si*tive Posi*tion,’ pre*sum*ably with the FBI, the FBI con*ducted yet another ‘Sen*si*tive Posi*tion’ inves*ti*ga*tion on Ochsner and for*warded their find*ings to an unnamed U.S. gov*ern*ment agency. Sev*eral days later, on Octo*ber 21, 1959, the FBI, free*ing him up to accept an assign*ment from the other undis*closed agency. So what was hap*pen*ing in 1957 and 1959? Why would they have needed the ser*vices of a doc*tor? And what did they need from this doc*tor that they could not get from the legions of other doc*tors already work*ing for the U.S. gov*ern*ment in one capac*ity or another? These are impor*tant questions. . . .”
Ibid.; p. 182.
5. The “impor*tant ques*tions” noted above receive a two-track answer in Ed’s book. In New Orleans, we view the con*flu*ence of the covert oper*a*tions being con*ducted against the regime of Fidel Cas*tro in Cuba with attempts at deriv*ing a vac*cine to neu*tral*ize a deadly, cancer-causing viral con*t*a*m*i*nant in the polio vac*cine admin*is*tered to mil*lions of Amer*i*cans. One of the major focal points of Dr. Mary’s Mon*key con*cerns the SV-40, a simian ver*sion of the deadly poly*oma virus which causes mul*ti*ple can*cers in mul*ti*ple species. Because the polio vaccine’s virus was grown on mon*key kid*neys, SV-40 found its way into the vac*cine when the polio viruses were har*vested for vac*cine pro*duc*tion. Out*lin*ing the story of the con*t*a*m*i*na*tion of the polio vac*cine with SV-40, Ed presents that account in con*junc*tion with the story of three remark*able female physicians–Dr.‘s Sarah Stew*art, Ber*nice Eddy and Mary Sher*man. After dis*cussing the fail*ure of the ini*tial polio vac*cine, Ed writes:
. . . In the after*math of the deba*cle, Ber*nice Eddy was taken off polio research and trans*ferred to the influenza sec*tion by the thank*less NIH man*age*ment. She shared her frus*tra*tions with a small group of women sci*en*tists who ate brown-bag lunches on the steps of one of the lab*o*ra*to*ries. There Eddy met a tena*cious sci*en*tist named Stew*art, M.D., PhD., who was wag*ing her own bat*tle against the offi*cial par*a*digms of bureau*cratic med*i*cine. Ber*nice Eddy and Sarah Stew*art became close friends.
Sarah Stewart’s name remains vir*tu*ally unknown today, despite her huge con*tri*bu*tion to mod*ern med*i*cine. Not only did she prove that some can*cers were caused by viruses, but sub*se*quent research on the virus she dis*cov*ered led to the dis*cov*ery of DNA recom*bi*na*tion, which is one of the most pow*er*ful tools in med*ical research today. . . .”
Ibid.; p. 204.
6. More about Dr.‘s Eddy, Stew*art and their dis*cov*ery of Poly*oma and the SV-40 con*t*a*m*i*na*tion of the polio vaccine:
” . . . In 1957, Stew*art and Eddy dis*cov*ered the poly*oma virus, which pro*duced sev*eral types of can*cer in a vari*ety of small mam*mals. Poly*oma proved that some can*cers were indeed caused by viruses. Her dis*cov*ery offi*cially threw open the doors of can*cer virol*ogy. . . . But it raised some dark ques*tions about ear*lier deeds. Before long, Yale’s lab*o*ra*tory dis*cov*ered that the poly*oma virus that had pro*duced the can*cer in Stewart’s mice and ham*sters turned out to act like Simian Virus #40 (SV-40), a mon*key virus that caused cancer.
In June 1959, Ber*nice Eddy, who was still offi*cially to the flu vac*cine project, began think*ing about the polio vac*cine again. This time she was wor*ried about some*thing much deeper than polio. The vaccine’s man*u*fac*tur*ers had grown their polio viruses on the kid*neys of mon*keys. And when they removed the polio virus from the mon*keys’ kid*neys, they also removed an unknown num*ber of other mon*key viruses. . . . Eddy grew sus*pi*cious of the polio vac*cine and asked an excru*ci*at*ing ques*tion: Had they inoc*u*lated an entire gen*er*a*tion of Amer*i*cans with cancer-causing mon*key viruses? She con*ducted her research qui*etly, with*out alert*ing her NIH super*vi*sors. . . .Her impli*ca*tion was clear: There were cancer-causing mon*key viruses in the polio vaccine! . . .”
Ibid.; pp. 206–7.
7. Like Dr.‘s Eddy and Stew*art, Dr. Mary Sher*man should be a focal point of seri*ous fem*i*nist research. These women achieved pro*foundly sig*nif*i*cant gains in the field of med*ical research at a time when pro*fes*sional advance*ment for women was dif*fi*cult. Dr. Sher*man even*tu*ally landed in New Orleans as a pro*tege of Dr. Alton Ochsner. Ed the*o*rizes that her net*work*ing with NIH mem*bers, includ*ing Sarah Stew*art, may have resulted in her par*tic*i*pa*tion in a project to irra*di*ate viruses in hope of devel*op*ing a vac*cine to pre*vent the pro*jected HIV-generated can*cer epidemic:
” . . . [Intel*li*gence agent and Gar*ri*son inves*tiga*tive tar*get David] Fer*rie and the angry Cuban exiles may have been will*ing to develop a bio*log*i*cal weapon to kill Cas*tro, but I per*son*ally had not thought that Dr. Mary Sher*man (or the other doc*tors) would have know*ingly been party to the secret devel*op*ment of a bio*log*i*cal weapon. I did, how*ever, think that she might have been will*ing to be part of a covert effort to pre*vent an epi*demic of can*cer! Espe*cially, if com*pe*tent can*cer researchers whom she per*son*ally knew and trusted thought it was pos*si*ble, and if she believed that bureau*cratic pol*i*tics or pro*ce*dures were ham*per*ing the process at the national level. They Key Words are ‘knew and trusted.’ . . . Mary Sher*man and Sarah Stew*art were friends and class*mates in Chicago for three years. . . . .”
Ibid.; pp. 218–9.
8. In New Orleans largely as a result of her pro*fes*sional rela*tion*ship with Dr. Ochsner, Sher*man crossed into the world of covert oper*a*tions because of that same rela*tion*ship. As seen above, Ochsner was very polit*i*cally active and well con*nected with the national secu*rity estab*lish*ment. Part of the anti-Castro covert oper*a*tions milieu in New Orleans, Ochsner appears to have been involved with–among other activities–an attempt at irra*di*at*ing viruses in order to cre*ate a bio*log*i*cal weapon with which to kill Fidel Cas*tro. This alle*ga*tion comes from yet another bril*liant female can*cer researcher, Judyth Vary Baker. A sci*en*tific prodigy, Judyth’s can*cer research drew the atten*tion of top med*ical author*i*ties while she was still in high school. Judyth Vary Baker con*tends that she, Dr. Sher*man, Lee Har*vey Oswald, Dr. Alton Oschner and David Fer*rie were work*ing on a project to use irra*di*ated viruses to develop a bio*log*i*cal war*fare agent to kill Cas*tro. The oper*a*tion was pig*gy*backed on the project to pro*duce the can*cer vaccine.
” . . . Was Judyth the tech*ni*cian in David Ferrie’s under*ground med*ical lab*o*ra*tory? She admits that she was, despite the obvi*ous legal, eth*i*cal and secu*rity con*se*quences of doing so. Were they irra*di*at*ing cancer-causing viruses to develop a bio*log*i*cal weapon? Judyth par*tic*i*pated in that oper*a*tion, and has said that their use of radi*a*tion was both delib*er*ate and cen*tral to the design of the project. Was the oper*a*tion in David Ferrie’s apart*ment con*nected to an oper*a*tion at the U.S. Pub*lic Health Hos*pi*tal? Judyth says it was. . . .”
Ibid.; p. 305.
9. With polit*i*cal extrem*ists of Ferrie’s ilk in charge of the deadly viruses being made under the aus*pices of the project, the organ*isms may have been used in a geno*ci*dal, ethnic-cleansing application.
” . . . The Ferrie-Sherman under*ground med*ical lab*o*ra*tory may have started with the noble and patri*otic mis*sion of pre*vent*ing an epi*demic of can*cer in Amer*ica; but once the work started, once the power to move can*cer from ani*mal to ani*mal was estab*lished, once the abil*ity to change viruses genet*i*cally was demon*strated, once the more vir*u*lent viral strains were iso*lated, once the means of trans*mis*sion was estab*lished, once Mary Sher*man died, and once [intel*li*gence agent and anti-Castro oper*a*tive] Guy Ban*is*ter died, then the lab*o*ra*tory, the ani*mals and the viruses were left in the hands of David Fer*rie. He could eas*ily have per*verted the lab’s resources into a bio*log*i*cal weapon if he wished to do so, pick*ing the most vir*u*lent strains and deliv*er*ing them to a tar*get. . . Given his his*tory of vio*lent polit*i*cal acg*tivigties and his record of men*tal insta*bil*ity, the ques*tion is dis*turb*ing: What would David Fer*rie do if he real*ized he held the power to change his*tory in his hands? . . .”
Ibid.; pp. 280–81.
10. Through*out the pro*gram, Ed fills in the pic*ture of David Fer*rie, his long*stand*ing work for ele*ments of U.S. intel*li*gence, his work for New Orleans crime boss Car*los Mar*cello, as well as his rela*tion*ship to the milieu of the JFK assassination.
11. Ed the*o*rizes that AIDS may have stemmed from the irra*di*a*tion of viruses under the janus-faced can*cer research/biological war*fare project:
” . . . SIV is the Simian Immun*od*e*fi*ciency Virus, one of sev*eral mon*key Viruses known to have con*t*a*m*i*nated the polio vac*cine. The more car*cino*genic SV-40 has received most of the press. SIV, a single-strand RNA retro*virus, is con*sid*er*ably smaller than SV-40 (a double-strand DNA virus). The tech*nol*ogy of the 1950’s was not able to fil*ter SIV from the viral extracts. Fur*ther, researchers of the day did not con*sider retro*viruses to be dan*ger*ous, so they basi*cally ignored them. AIDS has taught us how dan*ger*ous retro*viruses can be. If ‘the project’ in New Orleans was inten*tion*ally expos*ing SV-40 to radi*a*tion they have exposed SIV to radi*a*tion at the same time. Sim*ply stated, HIV-1 is a mutated form of SIV. Did the muta*tion which changed SIV into HIV-1 occur when SV-40 was exposed to radi*a*tion? Was this the moment of con*cep*tion of AIDS? Could this artificially-induced muta*tion explain why HIV-1 is mutat*ing so rapidly? Why it is behav*ing so ‘unnaturally’? . . . .”
Ibid.; p. 305.
12. Using the National Can*cer Institute’s own sta*tis*tics for the inci*dence of can*cer from 1973 to 1988, Ed came to some very dis*turb*ing conclusions:
” . . . Was [Dr. Ber*nice] Eddy’s pre*dic*tion of a can*cer epi*demic accu*rate? Did the epi*demic ever hap*pen? If it did, wouldn’t it show up in the can*cer sta*tis*tics? . . . A real epi*demic should be easy to spot due to its size. So I dug out the can*cer sta*tis*tics pub*lished by the National Can*cer Insti*tute in 1989 and started related lit*er*a*ture. Two things became clear: 1. We were los*ing the War on Can*cer, and 2. We were in the midst of an ongo*ing can*cer epidemic. . .”
Ibid.; pp. 210–211.
13. One of the most intrigu*ing aspects of the book is Ed’s search for the lin*ear par*ti*cle accel*er*a*tor used to mutate the viruses. It was located at the U.S. Pub*lic Health Ser*vice Hos*pi*tal in New Orleans. It was a defect in this par*ti*cle accelerator–deliberate sab*o*tage in Ed’s opinion–that killed Dr. Mary Sher*man. The offi*cial story of Dr. Sherman’s mur*der has it that she was mur*dered by a sex*ual preda*tor and her body set afire. As Ed notes, that could not account for the severe burns on the body, that could only have been gen*er*ated by tremen*dous heat. For a more com*plete under*stand*ing of the foren*sic evi*dence in Dr. Sherman’s mur*der and the story of Ed’s hunt for the loca*tion of the lin*ear par*ti*cle accel*er*a*tor, read the book!
” . . . If Mary Sher*man was killed by a lin*ear par*ti*cle accel*er*a*tor, then the cen*tral ques*tion was clear: Where was the lin*ear par*ti*cle accel*er*a*tor located? and then a series of related ques*tions: Upon whose prop*erty did Mary Sher*man die? Whose rep*u*ta*tion was her masquerade-murder intended to pro*tect? Upon whose author*ity was the inves*ti*ga*tion into her mur*der shut down? I thought about these ques*tions each time I looked at the book, and I won*dered if I would ever find the answers. . . .”
Ibid.; p. 245.
14. It appears that some of the viruses mutated in the project were suc*cess*fully tested on a prison inmate “vol*un*teer.” Judyth’s objec*tions to the test led to a break between Ochsner on the one hand and Baker and asso*ciate (and lover) Oswald on the other.
” . . . The Sherman-Ferrie-Vary exper*i*ments suc*cess*fully cre*ated aggres*sive can*cers in mice and (at Judyth’s sug*ges*tion) these new can*cers were tested on mon*keys. They worked, killing the mon*keys quickly. But there was a miss*ing link–they needed to know if their can*cer cock*tail would actu*ally kill a human. It was decided to test their con*coc*tion on a pris*oner from Louisiana’s Angola State Pen*i*ten*tiary who had ‘vol*un*teered’ for the exper*i*ment . They brought him to the Jack*son State Men*tal Hos*pi*tal (near Clin*ton, Lou*siana) where he was injected with their new bio-weapon, and died. . . It was a seri*ous tac*ti*cal error on her part, but Judyth has always been very strong-willed and uncom*pro*mis*ing on cer*tain issues. Dr. Ochsner was equally strong-willed and uncom*pro*mis*ing in his response, before slam*ming the tele*phone down: ‘You and Lee are expendable!’ . . .”
Ibid.; p. 325.
15. Hav*ing orig*i*nally assumed his “pro-Castro/communist” cover in order to deliver the bio*log*i*cal weapon to Cuba in order to kill Cas*tro [accord*ing to Baker], Oswald then attempted to inter*dict an attempt to kill Kennedy in Dal*las. Instead he was killed and framed for the crime. The pro-Castro cover, arranged by Ochsner, INCA et al. pro*vided a per*fect ruse for cov*er*ing up the crime by mak*ing it look as though a com*mu*nist had done it.
” . . . Judyth’s phone con*ver*sa*tions with Lee Oswald con*tin*ued until Wednes*day, Nov. 20, 1963. Dur*ing the final emo*tional phone call, Lee made it clear to Judyth that there would be a real attempt to kill Pres*i*dent Kennedy on Fri*day at one of three loca*tions in Dal*las. Lee told Judyth that he believed a man named David Atlee Phillips was orga*niz*ing it. He told Judyth to remem*ber the name. How*ever he got there, Lee was now inside the assas*si*na*tion plot try*ing to kill Pres*i*dent Kennedy, and con*sid*ered it his duty to stay in posi*tion and under*cover until it was over, telling Judyth, ‘If I stay, there will be one less bul*let fired at Kennedy.’ . . .”
Ibid.; p. 327.

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - John Kowalski - 30-09-2010


I read the book, a fascinating story, though I really doubt the part about JVB.


"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - James H. Fetzer - 30-10-2010

I asked an expert on psyops to read ME & LEE. I do not mean to
imply that he is flawless, but I have found him to be reliable as
a source about a lot of matters where he knows a lot more than I.

Jim, I just finished reading "Lee and Me" by Judyth Vary Baker

which you sent me. I have many thoughts about it, but here are

my initial reactions:

1---This book is a monumental achievement that intel never

thought could happen and worked hard to see that Judyth's

story would never see the light of day. Cutouts, phony

JFK reserchers has also been used to try and discredit

JVB's story as well as vicious smear campaigns.

No matter what the critics can say or have said before it was

published, this book cuts through their lies like a red hot knife

through a block of butter. The evidence provided in this book and

available from other sources support it fully. So if critics can't

handle that, then too bad. Just like when Oliver Stone's movie

JFK was announced to be in production, the intel cutouts and

sympathizers started their campaigns to discredit the movie and

the evidence.

2---JBV is a survivor of unbelievably intense levels of manipulation,

processing and harassment using sophisticated psyops which has

continued ever since her days in New Orleans. She has most

likely always had a case officer assigned to watch her movements

and supervise her management by psyops, mini-psyops and

mini-cointelpro type actions.

This book is a celebration of the victory of JVB's life over evil.

She has beaten the deck stacked against her and has now

triumphed. This book is her victory celebration and confetti

parade all in one and is a big kick in the face to intel and those

that abused and persecuted her for so many years. Anyone who

is well informed about how intel uses psyops and mindkontrol to

manipulate their victims, will realize that everything JVB has written

about it in this book and her other postings on the internet fits 100%

with the way intel typically does business and harasses witnesses.

3---JVB is truly a genius and was selected by intel early on for special use

by intel. She was set to become a great American physician and

medical researcher for cancer, and her career was stolen from her

by evil, self serving men who used the war against communism and

the cold war to justify their rampant evil acts which culminated in the

murder of JFK, and the murders of LHO, Jack Ruby, Dorothy Kilgallen

and many other witnesses.

4---JVB's meeting with LHO was not a chance occurrence and like all her

events in New Orleans was planned and manipulated by intel.

5---JVB was a young, immature girl who was played according to her

emotion needs and processed very cruelly in order to be manipulated

and used by intel. One use was to keep LHO occupied and distracted

so that he would cooperate with "the plan", and he was used also to

keep JVB occupied and locked into the plan.

6---The book is disturbing, grotesque and alarming in what it reveals about

the fusion between intel, the military, the mob, academia, federal and

local govt, the courts, and intel. It reveals the vicious, murderous

underbelly of how the govt really operates and documents how the

actual transformation of our nation from a Republic to

fascist/stasi military run dictatorship occurred.

7---This excellent book shows how some of the most vicious and evil acts

were rationalized under the "fight against communism" and how every

rule of law was violated with no respect for human rights.

8---This book fills in many of the blanks that show beyond any reasonable

doubt that JVB has been telling the truth about her relationship with

LHO, and that LHO never did try and kill JFK, that he was set up as a

mindkontrolled patsy, processed by use of sophisticated psyops.

9---For the first time, the tradecraft of how intel agents are recruited,

processed, and manipulated is disclosed in step by step detail, which

itself is a major disclosure to the uninformed public who wants to

learn how this is done.

10---The book shows beyond any reasonable doubt the LHO was a

PROFESSIONAL INTEL OPERATIVE trained to use sex as a tool

to recruit and control (he did admit to JVB that he had sex with the

lady in Mexico for intel purposes). It shows how once one becomes

a professional intel operative, they can easily be reassigned (ie detailed)

to many other of the over 37 intel agencies of the US shadow govt,

many of which are now privatized (it has been estimated that approx.

80% of all US intel, psyops, and black ops have now been privatized).

LHO was recruited and trained by naval intel which owned him and

detailed him to his assignment in New Orleans which was probably

the FBI, although he likely worked with the CIA and Mob on a regular

basis too.

11--The book shows how sophisticated psyops was used to recruit and

manipulate Dr. Ochsner also and how he was pulled into the system

fighting communism. JVB's descriptions of INCA are important and

show how intel has infiltrated medicine, academia in the US and

foreign countries.

12--This excellent book shows how intel provides the rewards and

ego stroking needed to reinforcement commitment to their agenda

by the various players. All had to be promised a carrot on the end

of a stick which they could never quite each, consume or attain.

13--This excellent book shows that nothing has really changed since

the coup de etat surrounding JFK's murder brought in a whole

new form of govt (which is really the oldest form of govt, a military

dictatorship, only this time with hidden controllers buried in the

shadow govt). We now has a nazi/stasi fascist dictatorship that

is still in place with the same power groups pulling the strings and

all these groups are organized into what Ike called the "military

industrial complex", best referred to as the shadow govt (and

best described by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.).

After reading this excellent book it is easy to understand why intel

never wanted this information about their tradecraft exposed, and

never wanted the evidence that shows LHO was completely innocent

of the allegations he killed JFK to be available for all to examine.

Intel stopped "60 Minutes" and prevented the History channel from

re-broadcasting the "guilty men" segment as well as the segment

on JVB. This book explains why.

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - James H. Fetzer - 30-10-2010

After Wall Street II Oliver Stone should do JFK II The last key witness has finally been found
October 28th, 2010

Roland Michel Tremblay

The last key witness that Oliver Stone mentioned in the film "JFK" (1991), the one who could have solved and proved the conspiracy surrounding JFK's assassination, has finally been found. Her name is Judyth Vary Baker and her 606 page testimony titled "Me & Lee, How I came to know, love and lose Lee Harvey Oswald" has just been published at Trine Day Press. Jim Marrs, the long-time investigator and author of the New York Times bestseller "Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy", upon which the "JFK" film was based, asked in the afterword of Baker's book how she can still be alive today. Good question.

It has not been easy. Baker decided to talk after 36 years of frightened silence, but after being confronted with death threats she had to leave the United States. She returned to the US twice, only to flee overseas due to ongoing stalking, harassment and several hospitalizations caused by what Marrs termed "freak accidents." In 2007 she was accepted as a political asylum seeker in Europe, the first ever non-combatant American woman to succeed in gaining asylum seeker status in the world. She is still struggling with character assassination over the Internet by people intent on destroying her as a credible witness, but her book is out now, and it changes everything. So much so that Oliver Stone could finally do a final and less static version of his film. Instead of telling us about what might have happened, he could now show us what really happened in 1963 in New Orleans and Dallas.

What happened is far more impressive and sinister than anyone could have imagined. Beyond the facts that the death of JFK opened the way to more wars, such as in Vietnam, ostensibly to fight communism while enriching the war industry, with the Mafia free of Bobby Kennedy's pesky presence countering corruption, we now know there is now a whole new angle to the story. And it is perhaps more important and worrying than even the assassination of a beloved President. Behind it all was the development of a biological weapon capable of killing anyone by injecting virulent cancer cells. Any such murder would, of course, look like a natural death.

This is what Lee Harvey Oswald, a US government agent, was working on with Judyth Vary Baker in the summer of 1963 in New Orleans, along with David Ferrie, Dr. Mary Sherman, and Dr. Alton Ochsner from the Ochsner Clinic, with the government and the Mafia waiting in the wings. That fact alone warranted that many witnesses had to be eliminated. If you check carefully, two of these witnesses died of a powerful cancer that spread quickly, without detection, that death ensued soon after its diagnosis -- the assassin of Oswald, Jack Ruby, who claimed to have been injected with cancer cells, and Clay Shaw, the central figure in the Garrison trial in Stone's movie, "JFK", who died in Ochsner's Clinic and was buried within 24 hours. Part of the whole story had been previously published in another significant book -- "Dr. Mary's Monkey" -- written by Edward T. Haslam. "Dr. Mary's Monkey" has become an underground bestseller. Haslam, the son of a prominent New Orleans doctor, wrote the foreword to Baker's book.

The extraordinary story of Judyth Vary Baker certainly came as a surprise to all main investigators, who had never heard of her before, although there are actually many oblique references to her in the extant body of evidence, as well as living witnesses who have verified that she was Oswald's close companion and lover in the months before the JFK assassination. Some still insist she made it all up, while others have concocted see-through lies to discredit her, preferring to protect their own theories and book sales. Strikingly, after nearly 50 years, new evidence and witnesses such as Baker are still being largely ignored in favor of well-financed TV specials and YouTube presentations. Foremost in these efforts is Vincent Bugliosi, who received a million dollars for his book, "Reclaiming History", which supports the Warren Commission's findings, and Gerald Posner (recently indicted for blatant plagiarism). Close at their heels is Gary Mack, whose robust six-figure salary at the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas depends on defending the so-called "sniper's nest" theory despite overwhelming new evidence that Kennedy was assassinated by a bullet from the Grassy Knoll. To this day, witnesses such as Baker are still not safe or free to talk, just like most significant classified information about the matter has still been kept from the public.

"How many authors do not dare have book signings?" Baker asked. "For my own safety, I'm unable to do so." Baker has turned down countless requests for interviews: in the past seven years since the History Channel presented Baker's story in a documentary ("The Love Affair"), only Dr. James Fetzer has managed to get an interview with her. Now that Baker's book has been published, it will become evident to all that no one could possibly make this up, especially when it answers and brings together all the pieces of a puzzle that so many have tried, unsuccessfully, to solve over the years. Those who read the book will also understand why so many witnesses died mysteriously, one by one, following the double assassination of JFK and Oswald, and why the various official investigations conducted were charged to convince the public that a demented lone nut -- Lee Harvey Oswald -- was Kennedy's assassin. If Jim Marrs, Edward T. Haslam, Fetzer and the producers of "The Love Affair" were convinced that Judyth Vary Baker was telling the truth, it was because she has told her story with striking candor, with a large amount of evidence supporting her testimony.

Judyth Vary Baker had only one wish when she was a young and promising lab researcher hired by Dr. Ochsner -- to discover a cure for cancer -- and everyone believed then that she could do it. She and her fellow research associates were led to believe that the New Orleans Project -- developing a biological weapon designed to assassinate Fidel Castro -- could have prevented the death of JFK and World War Three. Then, after Kennedy was killed, she was told to keep her mouth shut and to never again work in cancer research. But the little girl from Bradenton Florida still has up-to-date knowledge of the research being done today. "I still believe I could cure certain kinds of soft tissue cancers inexpensively," she says, "within five years, using modified bacteriophages." Bacteriophages are simple viruses that literally 'eat' bacteria, Baker explained, but they could be "genetically altered" to seek out certain cancers and literally eat them alive. "Bacteriophage therapy could also be applied to fight bacterial diseases such as tuberculosis," she said. "Resistance to antibiotics is becoming a problem that bacteriophage research could very possibly solve."

But Baker fears that as long as so much cancer research is financed by private pharmaceutical companies, that expensive chemotherapy will continue to be the center of research efforts, since bacteriophage therapy would be much cheaper and therefore less profitable. "We could have cured cancer decades ago," Baker insists. Because of the "profit factor," Baker believes that "if we ever develop an inexpensive cure for cancer, it will be due to independent research at universities, or in government-funded labs. An inexpensive treatment, such as one involving the direct use of bacteriophage, will not come from Big Pharma."

Me & Lee: How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald by Judyth Vary Baker ( and Dr. Mary's Monkey by Edward T. Haslam ( and Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy by Jim Marrs, offer the big picture --and finally link together -- all the major players in the conspiracy surrounding JFK's assassination. It is time for us to appreciate what transpired then and draw parallels as to what is happening today. Oliver Stone should produce "JFK II" so we can be aware and move on to real and tangible change and a durable peace. Such was, after all, the main dream of John F. Kennedy.

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - James H. Fetzer - 30-10-2010

It is just possible that Judyth's book is going to make an impression with the public, in spite of skepticism from some quarters within the JFK community.

Moral Philosophy and Current Events

A blog which is dedicated to the use of Traditional(Aristotelian/Thomistic) moral reasoning in the analysis of current events. Readers are challenged to go beyond the customary Left/Right, Liberal/Conservative One--Dimensional Divide. This site is not-for-profit. The information contained here-in is for educational and personal enrichment purposes only. Please generously share all material with others. --Dr. J. P. Hubert

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Judyth Vary Baker's Long Awaited Book Now Available

Me & Lee: How I came to know love and lose Lee Harvey Oswald (Waterville, Oregon, Trine Day LLC, 2010) by Judyth Vary Baker is now publicly available and can be purchased through HERE...

I read Edward Haslam's related book, Dr. Mary's Monkey (Waterville, Oregon, Trine Day LLC, 2007) a while back and had been eagerly anticipating my copy of Baker's book. It arrived roughly 10 days ago and I have now finished a careful methodical review. I found it to be well written, extremely englightening, full of complexity and overall a fascinating read. Judyth Baker's story is both inspiring and tragic.

Needless to say the assertions that Judtyh Vary Baker makes with regard to Lee Harvey Oswald's character, his involvement in concert with Baker, Dr. Alton Ochsner, Dr. Mary Sherman, David Ferrie and others in the clandestine project to develop a bioweapon in the summer of 1963 with which to kill Fidel Castro, Oswald's infiltration of the plot to kill President Kennedy and his alleged attempts to stop the assassination of JFK are earthshaking if true as they will alter the JFK Assassination research community landscape and US political history permanently.

I am currently in the process of writing a detailed review of Me and Lee which I will publish upon completion. I wholeheartedly recommend purchasing a copy of Baker's book to anyone who is interested in finding the truth about what happened to the 35th President of the United States and the American Republic thereafter. Given the deplorable state of affairs in contemporary America, Ms. Baker's book is fortuitous and timely.

To view multiple video interviews of Judyth Vary Baker see THIS...

--Dr. J. P. Hubert

Judith Vary Baker, Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK Assassination, Monkey Virus Induced Cancer and Dr. Mary Sherman

Editor's NOTE:

I have read Edward Haslem's book (Dr. Mary's Monkey: How the unsolved murder of a doctor, a secret laboratory in New Orleans and cancer-causing monkey viruses are linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK assassination and emerging global epidemics, Edward T. Haslam, IPG, 2007) which documents the history of the development of the Salk Poliomyelitis (virus) vaccine and the contamination of the vaccine with Monkey virus ([SV 40, the abbreviation for Simian Virus 40], also known as Polyoma virus) which has been found to induce cancer in humans.

Haslem's book also outlines the work of one Judyth Vary Baker who participated in a clandestine biowarfare project in New Orleans (summer 1963) the intention of which was to develop a fast-acting cancer with which to kill Fidel Castro. The project was headed by famed New Orleans surgeon Dr. Alton Ochsner and the "hands on" director was cancer researcher Dr. Mary Sherman.

Haslam has extensively investigated the claims of Baker who alleges that Lee Harvey Oswald was involved in the project with her, Dr. Mary Sherman as well as David Ferrie and that Oswald and Baker had a romantic afair during the summer of 1963. He reports that Sherman was involved in irradiating cancer causing monkey viruses utilizing a linear particle accelerator which he proved was housed in a Microbiology laboratory in one of the Public Health Service buildings in New Orleans in 1963.

Haslam also suggests that the AIDs crisis may be related to covert biowarfare related research conducted in the 1950's and 1960's.

The following video's contain some of the Judyth Vary Baker interviews conducted by JFK Assassination researcher Dr. James Fetzer and an interview of Ed Haslem by Wim Dankbaar and Jim Marrs (who wrote the forward to Haslem's book).

--Dr. J. P. Hubert

Update on Judyth Vary Baker's Book: Ed Haslam Interviewed by Professor Jim Fetzer

Famed Surgeon and Former Head of American Cancer Society Engaged in Crimes Against Humanity if Judyth Vary Baker's Allegations are True!

Since my previous post, noted JFK Assasination researcher and author Professor James H. Fetzer has completed a fascinating radio interview with Ed Haslam the author of Dr. Mary's Monkey (TrineDay, Waterville, Oregon: 2007) regarding Judyth Vary Baker's new book; Me and Lee (TrineDay, Waterville, Oregon: 2010).

Ed Haslam has provided an incredible radio summary of Judyth's book which has further improved my understanding of the material covered in Me and Lee. I wholeheartedly recommend the radio interviw to readers. At this point I have only a few additional questions I would appreciate obtaining the answers to.

One of the most egregious and unethical things ever to have been done to an impressionable young and burgeoning medical scientist is what Dr. Alton Ochsner allegedly did to Judyth Vary Baker after she objected on moral grounds to the testing of their bioweapon on unsuspecting prisoner's. He purportedly not only ended her career in Medicine but threatened to do physical harm to her if she did not complete her part of the project at the Prison and remain quiet about what she had been involved in.

If Judyth Vary Baker's testimony is true, Ochsner violated international humanitarian as well as US law by directing that prisoners be injected with the weaponized cancer causing virus in the absense of their consent and violated the Hippocratic oath he undoubtedly took as a physician to first "do no harm."

The actions ostensibly undertaken by David Ferrie in clandestinely injecting prisoner's with the cancer-causing virus at Dr. Alton Ochsner's request was a crime against humanity, one which is comparable to the Nazi human experiments so forcefully repudiated at the Nazi War Crimes Tribunal after World War II.

It bears repeating, It is always and everywhere morally wrong to intentionally harm a patient irrespective of the circumstances. The alleged prisoners in question were utilized as human test animals the result of which was their death(s). In this case, a successful human experiment would of necessity demand the death of the subject--a situation which is beyond the pale for any medical doctor to have been involved in let alone one of such fame and professional reputation. It is truly unfortunate that this case was not brought to the Hague or other international criminal court of justice. Presumably, Dr. Alton Ochsner could be tried in absentia even at this late date.

Haslam who edited and wrote the forward to Judyth's book firmly believes in the truthfulness of her claims as does Professor Fetzer, and acclaimed JFK Assassination author Jim Marrs.

To listen to the interview, proceed HERE...

Needless to say, Judyth's story would make an excellent sequel to Oliver Stone's movie JFK as would the material which Ed Haslam presented in his book Dr. Mary's Monkey.

--Dr. J. P. Hubert, MD FACS

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - James H. Fetzer - 30-10-2010

13 of 15 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Poignant, compelling, and convincing (about the real Lee), October 20, 2010
By James H. Fetzer (Oregon, WI USA) - See all my reviews

This review is from: Me & Lee: How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald (Hardcover)

As it happens, I have been privileged to know Judyth Vary Baker for several years now. I have interviewed her at least fifteen times on YouTube and featured her in blogs (which are archived at JamesFetzerNews and [...]). I also initiated a thread about her on The Education Forum, which had thousands of posts and became the longest thread in the history of the forum. I am convinced that she is "the real deal", which is also the name of my radio show, which is archived at [...]. But all fifteen can be found at [...].

I have done extensive research on the death of JFK, including editing ASSASSINATION SCIENCE (1998), MURDER IN DEALEY PLAZA (2000), and THE GREAT ZAPRUDER HOAX (2003). My recent publications on JFK include "JFK and RFK: The Plots that Killed Them, The Patsies that Didn't", "The Dartmouth JFK-Photo Fiasco" with Jim Marrs, and "RFK: Outing the CIA at the Ambassador", which has just appeared. (Just google "John F. Kennedy: History, Memory, Legacy", and download Chapter 30, "Revisiting Dealey Plaza: What Happened to JFK?" for an overview.) I am familiar with the twists and turns of assassination research and of the extent of the effort to keep Judyth's story from the American public, which have even forced her to live in exile.

In my opinion, there are three major reasons for these attempts to silence her. The first is that she humanizes the alleged assassin, which makes it more difficult for the government to continue with its charade that he was "a lone, demented gunman". The second is that it exposes methods and techniques employed by the agency to keep its covert activities in the background and away from public scrutiny. The third is that she exposes research to develop a bio-weapon to murder Fidel Castro and make it appear to have been due to "natural causes" under the direction of Alton Ochsner, M.D., Dr. Mary Sherman, David Ferrie, Lee Oswald, and herself. Lee was working for the very agencies that would ultimately frame him.

This is a gripping and absolutely compelling story told with emotional intensity and stunning candor. We already knew that the weapon he was alleged to have used cannot have fired the bullets that killed JFK. We also knew that he was on the 2nd floor in the lunchroom at the time of the shooting. We also know that he admired JFK and bore him no malice. Which means the man who was fingered by the Warren Commission for murdering JFK had neither the means, the motive, or the opportunity to have killed him. Now we know what was happening during the crucial months that Lee was in New Orleans prior to 22 November 1963 through this book, which brings the character and personality of the man who would be cast as "the patsy" to life.

This book ranks among the very best ever written on the assassination, including BLOODY TREASON by Noel Twyman, JFK AND THE UNSPEAKABLE by James Douglass, INSIDE THE ARRB by Douglas Horne, and LBJ: THE MASTERMIND BEHIND JFK'S ASSASSINATION by Phillip Nelson, most of whom I have also interviewed. (See, for example, [...]) ME & LEE belongs in this illustrious collection. Judyth Vary Baker has demonstrated her courage, integrity, and dedication to the truth and has made a major contribution to understanding the plot to kill our 35th president and has earned our admiration.

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10 of 11 people found the following review helpful:
4.0 out of 5 stars The Summer of '63 Ends with the Tears of Autumn, October 19, 2010
By W. Green - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)

This review is from: Me & Lee: How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald (Hardcover)

It's somewhat difficult to read this book in the harsh glare of today's cynical society. But the author's honest memories, although almost incredibly naive as viewed within the current paradigm, seem perfectly credible in the context of 1963 America. So in reading this love story, researchers must get beyond the fairy tale and look at the apparent facts Baker presents. Her book Me & Lee, is full of "facts" many of which are astounding. According to her, Lee Harvey Oswald should be remembered as real person with strong but almost child-like feelings of patriotism and romantic love. He was her dear friend and lover in the Summer of '63. Only 24 years old, he was a disciplined, well-read, self-educated person of strong convictions. He had already experienced a lifetime of adventures, relationships, and tribulations: orphanage living, Mafia-related foster parents, parental divorces, Marine duty in Japan (playing the part of the good American and the bad American), travel to Soviet Russia in an attempted "defection", marriage to a young Russian woman with Soviet espionage connections, return to America (with the government giving him a pass on his apparent treason), shooting at General Walker in April 1963 (according to the Warren Commission), starting his own branch of a pro-Castro organization in New Orleans while working secretly as part of a conspiracy to kill Castro, falling in love with the author Judyth Vary Baker, rubbing shoulders with the powerful Dallas White Russian community, finding a job in a building located on Dealey Plaza (the perfect location to execute the crime of the century), and finally becoming the prime suspect in the killing of a Dallas policeman and the President of the United States. Then as a postscript, he is a victim of assassination (a live-TV first), and takes his place in the history books of the school children of America, as the "official", non-conspiratorial, "lone-nut", motivation-unknown killer of JFK.

With the publication of her book, Judyth Vary Baker has introduced many new juicy "facts" into the JFK assassination stew. Some may question her facts, but that is the nature of this historical beast. After 47 years, identifying and interpreting the Oswald "facts" has become almost impossible. But the nature of Oswald's life in New Orleans in 1963 has remained a mystery until now. The facts of that period of time have been few and confusing. The author illuminates this time with her personal reflections as a young cancer researcher hired to work on a secret project. The book deals with events of incredible historical impact but maintains a light-hearted, youthful tone often laced with tour guide detail. She describes an alleged major criminal/political conspiracy involving all the "usual suspects": Dave Ferrie, Clay Shaw, Guy Bannister, Jack Martin, Dean Andrews, Carlos Marcello and a couple of new players from the medical establishmentDr. Mary's Monkey: How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor, a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses are Linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, ... Assassination and Emerging Global Epidemics. However, some the well-known players, while acting out the same parts that Jim Garrison scripted in his trial, appear to have different motives. In her scenario, Ferrie and Oswald respect JFK and only want to kill Castro which will spare Kennedy's life. Others like Shaw are involved but their motivations are murky. It may be impossible to know understand the motives of the JFK/Castro/CIA/Anti-Castro/Mafia/FBI/Right Wing/political elements. One is left with the feeling that the "usual suspects" are really only puppets controlled by unknown hands. However, since the Warren Commission's case against Oswald is such a house of cards, the facts provided in this book provide more tools to undermine its conclusions: Is it true that Oswald was a paid agent of the government as Baker concludes? Did he know Jack (Sparky) Ruby as a close friend and conspiratorial co-worker? Was he part of a highly organized and financed plan to kill Castro? Did he deliver a cancer-producing device to a mental hospital in Louisiana as a test, which resulted in the murder of several inmates? If any of these "facts" are true you can fill in the blanks of Garrison's case and disregard the evidentiary weight of the Commission and its 26 volumes. If the author's facts are true, the Warren Report must have been based on falsified evidence, inept or non-existent investigation, and the clever omission and distortion of reality. Did all-powerful parties create a patchwork, cartoon-like picture of Oswald as the "lone nut" by forcing ill-fitting historical puzzle pieces into their positions and selling this as the "truth" to the American people? If so, the real truth was buried, the 4th estate was bound and gagged, and Americans now carry the psychological burden of knowing their political "parents" in Washington D.C. are at the very least hypocrites and at worst murderers.

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18 of 23 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Baker's Story Is Imperfect Enough to Be True, October 5, 2010
By Dean T. Hartwell (Glendale, CA United States) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Me & Lee: How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald (Hardcover)

Me and Lee tells us a story of a man we have all heard about. But we finally get to meet him.

Judyth Vary Baker recalls her relationship with Lee Harvey Oswald from the time they met in New Orleans in the spring of 1963 until their last phone conversation just two days before events in Dallas identified him to the public.

She introduces him as a "good man" and a "patriot." He helped her get a job, he revealed his secret life as a government agent concerned about protecting President Kennedy and consoled her over the turmoil in her life - a bad marriage, a new city to live in and an unknown future.

This refreshing, new look at Oswald will challenge preconceptions many people have had about him. Many will be willing to at least give her story a chance. And that is all that Baker asks for, as she states in the books final line, "I leave my testimony in your hands."

Those who wish to dismiss what she says will have to contend with several factors, among them: Baker's candor, her depth of detail and verification of much of the story.

Judyth Baker never claims to be a saint. She admits to having an affair with Oswald during a time in which both were married to other people. And she acknowledges she spent time with questionable company, including New Orleans mafia boss Carlos Marcello, on a questionable top-secret project designed to develop cancer cells to be used to poison Fidel Castro.

Even though she was only twenty years old during this time, she makes no excuses and allows herself to be seen in a less-than-sympathetic light at times. Her writing thus shows sincerity about herself.

Baker also gives details of her relationship with Oswald. She recounts phone conversations, places the two went and people they met. Her questioning of Oswald about his actions during this time provide a strong picture of what many have suspected all along: he served as an agent during the Cold War, pretending to be a Communist at times so as to provide cover for other activities.

And she provides in her Appendix many details that confirm her story, such as a portion of a tourist visa for Oswald to visit Mexico, her recounting of an interview with Anna Lewis as a person who knew her and Oswald and her conversations with people such as David Ferrie to provide a conclusion for such questions as why Ruby, a friend of Oswald's, would kill him.

The story of Me and Lee is for anyone who wants to learn more about one of the most misunderstood people in our nation's history. It is a story of a flawed man written by a flawed woman who has dealt with the passage of time in recounting it. Their imperfections do not harm the reading of the story: they make it all the more likely to be true.
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"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Magda Hassan - 30-10-2010

Thanks for posting this Jim. We will have to keep an eye on the Amazon rating system too for any trolling there. Vince Palamara has had his blogs taken down and is banned from Amazon reviews (this is because of the new book by SS agent). 'They' will be watching. Now, of course, if Judith had written a book slamming Oswald and supporting the LN theory she'd be a) a wealthy woman b) 'respected' by the respectable c) protected by the powerful. But she is a woman of principle.

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Albert Doyle - 01-11-2010

Magda Hassan Wrote:Thanks for posting this Jim. We will have to keep an eye on the Amazon rating system too for any trolling there. Vince Palamara has had his blogs taken down and is banned from Amazon reviews (this is because of the new book by SS agent). 'They' will be watching. Now, of course, if Judith had written a book slamming Oswald and supporting the LN theory she'd be a) a wealthy woman b) 'respected' by the respectable c) protected by the powerful. But she is a woman of principle.

Like I said, eventually you'll have to show up at a 'gate' and deal with the 'gate-keepers' as Palamara obviously did. They hang-out at the gates. Since all decisions are made inside the castle walls they don't really care what the public does out there in the hovels.

Even better, if Baker later had her pro-Warren Commission version destroyed like Posner and Bugliosi she would be immune from any public exposure of it or having to credibly answer for it...

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - James H. Fetzer - 01-11-2010

Gary Mack has written to me asking that I remove the sentence about him,
since, on the basis of discussions between him and the author and publisher,
it has been removed from the original. So here is the article without it,
which read in the original: "Close at their heels is Gary Mack, whose robust
six-figure salary at the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas depends on defending
the so-called "sniper's nest" theory despite overwhelming new evidence that
Kennedy was assassinated by a bullet from the Grassy Knoll." He told me he
has never had a six-figure salary and does not make the director's decisions.

I took the occasion to write to him about the museum's policies as follows:


Yes, I got it. I will do something about it. Since we are in contact, will The
6th Floor Museum be changing its policy about not carrying any assassination
books that contradict the official account, such as BEST EVIDENCE, BLOODY
that the museum is taking a more even-handed approach toward his death.

Best wishes,


Unsurprisingly, he wrote back that the books in the bookstore are evaluated
on the basis of "their accuracy and objectivity". But he assured me that they
are available for reading in their reading room. I find all of this nauseating.

James H. Fetzer Wrote:

After Wall Street II Oliver Stone should do JFK II The last key witness has finally been found
October 28th, 2010

Roland Michel Tremblay

The last key witness that Oliver Stone mentioned in the film "JFK" (1991), the one who could have solved and proved the conspiracy surrounding JFK's assassination, has finally been found. Her name is Judyth Vary Baker and her 606 page testimony titled "Me & Lee, How I came to know, love and lose Lee Harvey Oswald" has just been published at Trine Day Press. Jim Marrs, the long-time investigator and author of the New York Times bestseller "Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy", upon which the "JFK" film was based, asked in the afterword of Baker's book how she can still be alive today. Good question.

It has not been easy. Baker decided to talk after 36 years of frightened silence, but after being confronted with death threats she had to leave the United States. She returned to the US twice, only to flee overseas due to ongoing stalking, harassment and several hospitalizations caused by what Marrs termed "freak accidents." In 2007 she was accepted as a political asylum seeker in Europe, the first ever non-combatant American woman to succeed in gaining asylum seeker status in the world. She is still struggling with character assassination over the Internet by people intent on destroying her as a credible witness, but her book is out now, and it changes everything. So much so that Oliver Stone could finally do a final and less static version of his film. Instead of telling us about what might have happened, he could now show us what really happened in 1963 in New Orleans and Dallas.

What happened is far more impressive and sinister than anyone could have imagined. Beyond the facts that the death of JFK opened the way to more wars, such as in Vietnam, ostensibly to fight communism while enriching the war industry, with the Mafia free of Bobby Kennedy's pesky presence countering corruption, we now know there is now a whole new angle to the story. And it is perhaps more important and worrying than even the assassination of a beloved President. Behind it all was the development of a biological weapon capable of killing anyone by injecting virulent cancer cells. Any such murder would, of course, look like a natural death.

This is what Lee Harvey Oswald, a US government agent, was working on with Judyth Vary Baker in the summer of 1963 in New Orleans, along with David Ferrie, Dr. Mary Sherman, and Dr. Alton Ochsner from the Ochsner Clinic, with the government and the Mafia waiting in the wings. That fact alone warranted that many witnesses had to be eliminated. If you check carefully, two of these witnesses died of a powerful cancer that spread quickly, without detection, that death ensued soon after its diagnosis -- the assassin of Oswald, Jack Ruby, who claimed to have been injected with cancer cells, and Clay Shaw, the central figure in the Garrison trial in Stone's movie, "JFK", who died in Ochsner's Clinic and was buried within 24 hours. Part of the whole story had been previously published in another significant book -- "Dr. Mary's Monkey" -- written by Edward T. Haslam. "Dr. Mary's Monkey" has become an underground bestseller. Haslam, the son of a prominent New Orleans doctor, wrote the foreword to Baker's book.

The extraordinary story of Judyth Vary Baker certainly came as a surprise to all main investigators, who had never heard of her before, although there are actually many oblique references to her in the extant body of evidence, as well as living witnesses who have verified that she was Oswald's close companion and lover in the months before the JFK assassination. Some still insist she made it all up, while others have concocted see-through lies to discredit her, preferring to protect their own theories and book sales. Strikingly, after nearly 50 years, new evidence and witnesses such as Baker are still being largely ignored in favor of well-financed TV specials and YouTube presentations. Foremost in these efforts is Vincent Bugliosi, who received a million dollars for his book, "Reclaiming History", which supports the Warren Commission's findings, and Gerald Posner (recently indicted for blatant plagiarism). To this day, witnesses such as Baker are still not safe or free to talk, just like most significant classified information about the matter has still been kept from the public.

"How many authors do not dare have book signings?" Baker asked. "For my own safety, I'm unable to do so." Baker has turned down countless requests for interviews: in the past seven years since the History Channel presented Baker's story in a documentary ("The Love Affair"), only Dr. James Fetzer has managed to get an interview with her. Now that Baker's book has been published, it will become evident to all that no one could possibly make this up, especially when it answers and brings together all the pieces of a puzzle that so many have tried, unsuccessfully, to solve over the years. Those who read the book will also understand why so many witnesses died mysteriously, one by one, following the double assassination of JFK and Oswald, and why the various official investigations conducted were charged to convince the public that a demented lone nut -- Lee Harvey Oswald -- was Kennedy's assassin. If Jim Marrs, Edward T. Haslam, Fetzer and the producers of "The Love Affair" were convinced that Judyth Vary Baker was telling the truth, it was because she has told her story with striking candor, with a large amount of evidence supporting her testimony.

Judyth Vary Baker had only one wish when she was a young and promising lab researcher hired by Dr. Ochsner -- to discover a cure for cancer -- and everyone believed then that she could do it. She and her fellow research associates were led to believe that the New Orleans Project -- developing a biological weapon designed to assassinate Fidel Castro -- could have prevented the death of JFK and World War Three. Then, after Kennedy was killed, she was told to keep her mouth shut and to never again work in cancer research. But the little girl from Bradenton Florida still has up-to-date knowledge of the research being done today. "I still believe I could cure certain kinds of soft tissue cancers inexpensively," she says, "within five years, using modified bacteriophages." Bacteriophages are simple viruses that literally 'eat' bacteria, Baker explained, but they could be "genetically altered" to seek out certain cancers and literally eat them alive. "Bacteriophage therapy could also be applied to fight bacterial diseases such as tuberculosis," she said. "Resistance to antibiotics is becoming a problem that bacteriophage research could very possibly solve."

But Baker fears that as long as so much cancer research is financed by private pharmaceutical companies, that expensive chemotherapy will continue to be the center of research efforts, since bacteriophage therapy would be much cheaper and therefore less profitable. "We could have cured cancer decades ago," Baker insists. Because of the "profit factor," Baker believes that "if we ever develop an inexpensive cure for cancer, it will be due to independent research at universities, or in government-funded labs. An inexpensive treatment, such as one involving the direct use of bacteriophage, will not come from Big Pharma."

Me & Lee: How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald by Judyth Vary Baker ( and Dr. Mary's Monkey by Edward T. Haslam ( and Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy by Jim Marrs, offer the big picture --and finally link together -- all the major players in the conspiracy surrounding JFK's assassination. It is time for us to appreciate what transpired then and draw parallels as to what is happening today. Oliver Stone should produce "JFK II" so we can be aware and move on to real and tangible change and a durable peace. Such was, after all, the main dream of John F. Kennedy.