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British Airport security - the rationale - Printable Version

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British Airport security - the rationale - David Guyatt - 27-10-2010

BA boss slams US airport security

Quote:he chairman of British Airways has attacked "completely redundant" airport checks and said the UK should stop "kowtowing" to US demands for increased security.

BA boss slams US airport security

Martin Broughton said people should not be forced to take off their shoes and have their laptops checked separately in security lines.

He also said there was no need to "kowtow to the Americans every time they wanted something done", especially when this involved checks the US did not impose on its own domestic routes.

The US stepped up security in January in the wake of an alleged bomb plot.

It introduced tougher screening rules, including body pat-down searches and carry-on baggage checks, for passengers arriving from 14 nations which the authorities consider a security risk. Passengers from any foreign country also face random checks.

Mr Broughton, who is also chairman of Liverpool Football Club, said: "America does not do internally a lot of the things they demand that we do. We shouldn't stand for that. We should say, 'We'll only do things which we consider to be essential and that you Americans also consider essential'."

British Airport security - the rationale - Peter Lemkin - 27-10-2010

David Guyatt Wrote:BA boss slams US airport security

Quote:he chairman of British Airways has attacked "completely redundant" airport checks and said the UK should stop "kowtowing" to US demands for increased security.

BA boss slams US airport security

Martin Broughton said people should not be forced to take off their shoes and have their laptops checked separately in security lines.

He also said there was no need to "kowtow to the Americans every time they wanted something done", especially when this involved checks the US did not impose on its own domestic routes.

The US stepped up security in January in the wake of an alleged bomb plot.

It introduced tougher screening rules, including body pat-down searches and carry-on baggage checks, for passengers arriving from 14 nations which the authorities consider a security risk. Passengers from any foreign country also face random checks.

Mr Broughton, who is also chairman of Liverpool Football Club, said: "America does not do internally a lot of the things they demand that we do. We shouldn't stand for that. We should say, 'We'll only do things which we consider to be essential and that you Americans also consider essential'."

Oh, you poodles are in for a severe disciplinary session!!!! It could well involve physical and psychological pressure beyond the international legal limit.....since you choose to violate that yourselves......:musicus:

British Airport security - the rationale - David Guyatt - 29-10-2010

What outstanding timing:

Quote:Package on Yemen-US flight sparks East Midlands alerts

BBC News coverage of plane bomb alert

A "suspicious object" found at East Midlands Airport was on a flight from Yemen to Chicago, the BBC understands.

Parts of the airport were sealed off twice following the package's discovery but the cordons have now been lifted.

The BBC's Danny Shaw said it is understood that the item was on board a UPS cargo plane on a routine stop at East Midlands.

It was re-examined after UPS cargo planes were later grounded at Newark in New Jersey and Philadelphia.

Scotland Yard says there is nothing to suggest that any location in the UK was being targeted.

No other UK airports are affected by the security alerts.

The plane travelling from Yemen to the US had stopped at East Midlands airport. The cargo was examined, tests were carried out and the object has now been sent for "scientific examination."

According to the BBC's Home Affairs correspondent Daniel Sandford, it was not a "bomb" but was "potentially sinister".

Emergency services were called to the Donington site at East Midlands airport at about 0330 BST and evacuated a distribution centre. The area was reopened just before 1000 BST but a cordon was re-imposed just before 1400 BST so the package could be re-examined.

All cordons were lifted at about 1740 BST.

A Leicestershire Constabulary spokesman said the package at East Midlands was re-examined "as a precaution".

This meant a freight distribution building and a number of offices were closed, together with two internal airport roads.

No details have been given as to why the package was re-examined after being declared safe.

A spokeswoman for the Foreign Office said: "We are aware of the incident and it is a matter for the police. The Department for Transport is taking the lead on this."

According to the Home Office, the current threat level from international terrorism to the UK is classed as severe, meaning a terrorist attack is highly likely.

The "potentially sinister" (my italics) and "suspicious object" appear to be an "ink toner cartridge converted to a bomb", according to Reuters/CNN - both well known for leaking "spooky" stories - see:

According to BBC News 6 p.m., bulletin it is far too early to even "remotely" conclude that the "potentially sinister" (my italics) and "suspicious object" is anything to worry about.

Which is, I suppose, why it has become the leading news item on both sides of the Atlantic.

Those whose "suspicious" noses are twitching about "potentially sinister" news stories are invited retune their TV's to the Simpson's.

British Airport security - the rationale - Jan Klimkowski - 29-10-2010

David Guyatt Wrote:According to BBC News 6 p.m., bulletin it is far too early to even "remotely" conclude that the "potentially sinister" (my italics) and "suspicious object" is anything to worry about.

Which is, I suppose, why it has become the leading news item on both sides of the Atlantic.

Those whose "suspicious" noses are twitching about "potentially sinister" news stories are invited retune their TV's to the Simpson's.


This is truly risible. But then it is almost pantomime time.

Traditionally performed at Christmas, with family audiences, British pantomime is now a popular form of theatre, incorporating song, dance, buffoonery, slapstick, cross-dressing, in-jokes, audience participation, and mild sexual innuendo.

The 24/7 "breaking news" channels are filled with Volkland Security experts feverishly rubbing their palms, their voices almost breaking with excitement..... :aetsch:

British Airport security - the rationale - Peter Lemkin - 29-10-2010

Well, as I'm sure all have heard by now...Obama was the first to break the news that the two packages did contain explosives [which is odd or interesting as the BBC had it from the British authorities that their package had no explosives], and a plane was being escorted by jet fighters to NY, as it was thought to possibly contain yet another. I'm sure this will be played for all its worth; make that for a lot more than its worth. :eating: Cynical me thinks this might just be to give Obama and the Dumbos a pre-electoral boost. :bandit: Oh, and ratchet up security at airports and all kinds of package transport everywhere....and raise the 'threat color level' a notch or three. Season's Greetings from someone!

British Airport security - the rationale - Paul Rigby - 29-10-2010

The whole dismal rigmarole is a complete nonsense dreamt up by perverts and weirdos within the Terrorism Industry, strange men and women content - nay, delighted - to spend their days patting other people's privates and inspecting their soiled smalls.

My CV accompanies.

Sir John Bedde Sawes (Non-Torturer)

British Airport security - the rationale - Ed Encho - 30-10-2010

Good God, this is so obviously phony and ginned up by the hysterical corporate U.S. media that were it not so immensely diabolical it would be funny. Anyone with any sense here in Der Heimat realizes that all of these bogus terror plots that get busted up just in the nick of time are nothing more than the ongoing con to keep the impoverished by the system rubes in a constant state of fear.

The first thing that should set off the bullshit detector is that it is four days before the mid-term election and the scumbagger ascendancy, this is like the vintage Bushreich where the bogeyman Osama Bin Laden showed up on that Friday before the 2004 presidential election to pretty much endorse Bush over the feckless Kerry. That the so-called terror plot was stopped James Bond style in the nick of time with the detonator ticking down is just more of the same standard script writing for the masses of electronically lobotomizes sheep. The additional and delightful storyline that the 'bombs' were headed for a Jewish worship center is the dead giveaway. Nothing that gets the mouthbreathers, Jesus Nazis and Raptureheads more up in arms than any sort of threat to anything even remotely Jewish. In our star spangled lemming colony where no alternative view other than Israel's is EVER allowed to escape this will be hammered and hammered and hammered over an over again.


That the Obama administration is out there pimping this miserable crock of outlandish rot and lies is just further confirmation that America is doomed and the coin of the realm is FEAR! Gotta keep the schmucks in line and as long at the 24/7 television doesn't get stopped they will continue to blissfully chew their cud (translation - Doritos, candy bars, beer and fried prok rinds) as they slowly but surely are fattened for the slaughter.

And it's coming....

Just five more shopping days until QE2 where helicopter Ben Bernanke is going to hit the American economic corpse with more incendiaries than were dumped on Colonel Kurtz's compound at the end of Apocalypse Now.


British Airport security - the rationale - Magda Hassan - 30-10-2010

If they had really wanted it to get to its destination all they had to do was buy a stamp and put it in a post box.

British Airport security - the rationale - Ed Encho - 30-10-2010

Yes, it HAD to involve the airplanes, further justification to transform our American airports into Soviet style checkpoints where shoes must be taken off, items are stolen and now children are marched through naked body scanners where drooling TSA goons can get their rocks off peeking.

I refuse to fly anymore, the last time that I went to the airport, in addition to all of the fascism in the name of security they had an actual cage outside for people who wanted to have a cigarette and it was filled with lemmings who obviously had no problem with it. Our society is being conditioned like animals to accept our captivity and as long as the games and Dancing With the Stars continue there will be no insurgency, other than the co-opted and controlled scumbaggers that is. Hell, I couldn't believe it when that 'anti-establishment' bunch ends up on the front page of the most corrupt and largest pro-establishment paper in the land but I am being sarcastic about my disbelief. A good sense of cynical sarcasm is needed to remain sane in Der Heimat these days.

This is one terminally diseased country now and it's about to get much worse in the next few days, not that there is a big difference between parties but we are talking about the assimilation of brownshirts into the legitimate system where their thuggery will be sanctioned.

Sounds familiar.....

British Airport security - the rationale - Magda Hassan - 30-10-2010

Quote:I refuse to fly anymore
Me too. Wont play that game. Never know now if your passport is going to be used in some action to off some foreign bloke either.