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JFK and the Unspeakable: A conversation with James W. Douglass, Oliver Stone & Lisa Pease - Printable Version

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JFK and the Unspeakable: A conversation with James W. Douglass, Oliver Stone & Lisa Pease - Ed Jewett - 15-11-2010

JFK & the Unspeakable: A conversation with James W. Douglass, Oliver Stone & Lisa Pease (14+-minute video)!

JFK and the Unspeakable: A conversation with James W. Douglass, Oliver Stone & Lisa Pease - Myra Bronstein - 15-11-2010

Thank you for posting this Ed, it's excellent.

Is there someplace we can see the entire unedited session?

JFK and the Unspeakable: A conversation with James W. Douglass, Oliver Stone & Lisa Pease - John Kowalski - 15-11-2010

I saw the 14 minute version but would like to see the whole session too.

Does anyone know how I can contact James Douglass?


JFK and the Unspeakable: A conversation with James W. Douglass, Oliver Stone & Lisa Pease - Ed Jewett - 15-11-2010

I find the snippet at Lisa Pease's blog who says "I believe the full video of the event will eventually be posted, but for now, here's a 15 minute digest version". When I saw Douglass, he told me he should be contacted through Mary’s House, in Birmingham, AL.

JFK and the Unspeakable: A conversation with James W. Douglass, Oliver Stone & Lisa Pease - Peter Lemkin - 15-11-2010

Here is a very good hour with Douglass interviewed by Blaze Bonpaine from yesterday. He talks about the talk referred to above - and much more!

JFK and the Unspeakable: A conversation with James W. Douglass, Oliver Stone & Lisa Pease - Ed Jewett - 16-11-2010

Home > Politics & Policy > Washington Whispers > New JFK Theory: CIA, Pentagon Behind Assassination
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Washington Whispers

New JFK Theory: CIA, Pentagon Behind Assassination

By Paul Bedard
Posted: November 12, 2010

The 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's election is leading to a resurgence in attention to his assassination and the conspiracies about who did it. The latest entry comes from author James Douglass, in his new book JFK and the Unspeakable. His theory: The Pentagon and CIA plotted to kill JFK because they were upset that the military hawk had turned dove and wanted to end the Cold War, not win it. Douglass concludes that JFK was shot not from the top of the Texas School Book Depository but from the front of the car. He suggests Lee Harvey Oswald was set up to take the blame, that he didn't shoot Kennedy, and that he was gunned down before he could tell his tale. And, he writes, Oswald's killer, Jack Ruby, was in on the plot and supplied JFK's unknown killer.


Beware the lies and obfusaction coming out of the Govt and Corporations (media) for these are the LAST so called people who will provide any type of REAL info.
Beside this was known back in 1976, with the House Assassinations Committee.
There was not one item that caused the Ruling Elite to wack JFK, and paying off his father for "the loss",(apparently BushieSr. was the bag man) but a host of reasons, some more important than others.
Getting rid of the Fed was major, exposing Secret Societies (Skull and Bones), scrapping the CIA, that did it for sure. Ending the Vietnam War. Not invading Cuba, the list is very long. Surfice it to say, there was a coup in the US, and the "wet op' was enabled by the CIA.
This insanity continues today with CIA, and others, wacking anybody that gets in their way. Mysterious plane crashes, auto accidents (their favorite) heart attacks... so mant way to kill.
The New Reich is Alive and Killing.
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DGS @ Nov 15, 2010 15:29:29 PM

JFK's assination was directly ordered by LBJ

E. Howard Hunt (Watergate fame) sent a cassette tape to his estranged son,Saint John Hunt, with orders NOT to make it public until after his death (Nov. 2005) In April of 2006 Saint John Hunt made the tape public. You can easily recognize E. Howard Hunt's voice; if you ever heard his testimony during Nixon's Watergate trial-he tells how the hit on JFK was a 'wet operation' using a well known Sicilian assassin in concert with the CIA and 2 back up shooters to make sure they got JFK.
E. Howard Hunt was on the railroad over pass and was caught an questioned and RELEASED by authorities along with 3 other 'bums' within 24 hours of JFK's death.
The United States had a blood coup in Nov. of '63 and yet we turn a blind eye to our corrupt FEDS and LBJ's order for keeping all evidence secret for 75 years!!!
WE are damned fools to pay those murdering bastards one dime of taxes!!!
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REBEL1 of SC @ Nov 14, 2010 15:46:54 PM

Federal Reserve

JFK issued US Notes-remember those?-in an attempt to break the control of the nation's currency exercised by the consortium of private banks that make up the Federal Reserve System. For this he was gunned down in Dallas. No succeeding president has ever challenged the Fed since. None has ever even suggested ending the Federal Reserve System.
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erhanallen of VT @ Nov 14, 2010 15:33:07 PM

[I would guess erhanallen of VT missed the "t" key when signing in.]

But it's curious to see this in USNews and World Report the same day we see WTC7 covered on Fox news. :dontknow:

JFK and the Unspeakable: A conversation with James W. Douglass, Oliver Stone & Lisa Pease - Steve Duffy - 16-11-2010

It's like the sky is falling....
Let me guess, they'll cover it some, to maintain the journalist integrity while it's newsworthy, show some cut down clips, a few unknown talking heads, pretend the story doesn't add to much, and it'll be forgotten in a week. If they go that far...
If the MMS thinks that Douglass' book (brilliant that it is) present's a radical "New" theory, than god help them...

JFK and the Unspeakable: A conversation with James W. Douglass, Oliver Stone & Lisa Pease - Dawn Meredith - 16-11-2010

Steve Duffy Wrote:It's like the sky is falling....
Let me guess, they'll cover it some, to maintain the journalist integrity while it's newsworthy, show some cut down clips, a few unknown talking heads, pretend the story doesn't add to much, and it'll be forgotten in a week. If they go that far...
If the MMS thinks that Douglass' book (brilliant that it is) present's a radical "New" theory, than god help them...

Jim Douglas is not online. He is also not at home at the moment as he is doing a tour for his book. Lisa is hoping the entire talk will be posted at some point. If the MSM even notices this brilliant work that is a step in the right direction after silence all these years.

JFK and the Unspeakable: A conversation with James W. Douglass, Oliver Stone & Lisa Pease - Peter Lemkin - 16-11-2010

Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Steve Duffy Wrote:It's like the sky is falling....
Let me guess, they'll cover it some, to maintain the journalist integrity while it's newsworthy, show some cut down clips, a few unknown talking heads, pretend the story doesn't add to much, and it'll be forgotten in a week. If they go that far...
If the MMS thinks that Douglass' book (brilliant that it is) present's a radical "New" theory, than god help them...

Jim Douglas is not online. He is also not at home at the moment as he is doing a tour for his book. Lisa is hoping the entire talk will be posted at some point. If the MSM even notices this brilliant work that is a step in the right direction after silence all these years.

Douglass' book is incredible and IMO puts the last piece of the puzzle together, that the rest of us have long worked on. I am NOT optimistic [but more than willing to be WRONG] that the MSM or Sheeple will notice his book...I can't even get my own sibs to read it....they consider it 'conspiracy theory beyond the pale and not to be cracked open for fear of causing a paradigm shift in their thinking and mythology. I sent them pdf copies....which remain unread....

For those of you who have not noticed, Douglass' book is the second that puts parts of Tosh Plumlee's tale [RedBird Ariport part] as HIGHLY questionable, a cover-story, diversion, or some such. I have sent Tosh the relevant portions from both books...without response - other than he doesn't 'do' responses to researches on JFK any more. There are land mines everywhere - living breathing ones. Sadly. I know, I've been a victim of them and have the blown away limbs to prove it.......

JFK and the Unspeakable: A conversation with James W. Douglass, Oliver Stone & Lisa Pease - Lauren Johnson - 16-11-2010

Quote:Douglass' book is incredible and IMO puts the last piece of the puzzle together, that the rest of us have long worked on. I am NOT optimistic [but more than willing to be WRONG] that the MSM or Sheeple will notice his book...I can't even get my own sibs to read it....they consider it 'conspiracy theory beyond the pale and not to be cracked open for fear of causing a paradigm shift in their thinking and mythology. I sent them pdf copies....which remain unread....
After three years of cajoling, my book group has finally relented and has agreed to start the book after Christmas. Nevertheless, I was still greeted with a jeer today about being the group's official conspiracy theorist. A couple of people who have just started reading the book have privately told me about how deeply emotional it has been for them. It will be very interesting how this plays out. I suspect it will be a huge shock for them. From The Matrix: "Kansas is goin' bye bye."

I'm on my third time reading it since I bought it right after it came out.