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Overcoming A Grossly Misplaced Sense of Right - Printable Version

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Overcoming A Grossly Misplaced Sense of Right - Keith Millea - 09-12-2010

12.08.10 - 11:27 AM
Overcoming A Grossly Misplaced Sense of Right

by Abby Zimet

[Image: crime_jayyusdemonstration.jpg]
As Israel's rebranding campaign rolls on, U.S. students staged another silent walkout, this time at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. During an speaking event entitled, "Overcoming Terror – A True Story," an IDF soldier told of being shot in the leg by a "terrorist" in Gaza and hearing he couldn't play basketball anymore, which was "one of the hardest things I've ever heard."

A very good video presentation and footage of the walkout can be seen at the link HERE.

Overcoming A Grossly Misplaced Sense of Right - Keith Millea - 15-12-2010

12.15.10 - 1:19 PM
To Motorola: We Don't Want Your Dirty Phones

by Abby Zimet
[Image: motorola-afcon-metal-detector-settlements.jpg]

Members of St. Louis' Palestine Solidarity Committee – including an 86-year-old Holocaust survivor – hold a flash mob at Best Buy and AT&T urging holiday shoppers to boycott Motorola, which makes electronic devices for Israeli checkpoints and surveillance in Gaza and the West Bank.

Great flash mob video

Inspired by this protest