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Police Shoot to Kill Policy Hardens - David Guyatt - 10-02-2011

Yep, another police shooting. How may is that we've discussed on this forum in the last year? Half a dozen?

Are they aiming for one a month perhaps?

Was the man armed? Don't know, we're not being told. The man was wanted for a "number" of crimes from around the country. What crimes and how many? We're not told.

But it was a "planned operation". We are told that.

Was the shooting also planned? We're not told and won't ever be, if it was.

Move along folks nothing but another dead body here.

Just remember for future reference though, if you fuck with the Bill they will shoot you.

Quote:Armed police shoot dead wanted manThu Feb 10 2011 15:51:36Armed officers have shot and killed a man in a pre-planned police operation in Brighton.

The man, who has not been named, was gunned down in Upper Rock Gardens shortly after 1pm on Thursday. He later died in hospital.

Sussex Police said officers were on an operation to locate a man wanted in connection with a number of crimes in the county in recent months.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission has been informed and is sending investigators to the scene.

Police stood guard at cordons at each end of the narrow one-way street, which connects the seafront with a busy shopping area.

Students at the Brighton Institute of Modern Music, just a few doors down from where the incident took place, were ordered to stay inside by police.

Frankie Sparrowhawk, 18, said he walked outside just as the man was being shot.

He said: "I heard two gunshots and saw someone lying on the floor. There were five or six police officers there at that point.

"I was too far away to see if he was moving but it looked like one of them was trying to resuscitate him. An ambulance arrived within about two seconds."

Local resident Janet Hood, 67, said she was not able to get to her ground-floor flat in the street.

Police Shoot to Kill Policy Hardens - Peter Lemkin - 10-02-2011

Not quite there yet...but not much further and they'll have shoot to kill teams going out after persons with more than four unpaid parking tickets!.....:popworm:

Sadly, the USA is still far ahead of you there in the UK on this sort of thing.....Police have and know they have a license to kill without cause - nor will they even be sentenced for cold blooded murder as the prosecutors and police are buddy-buddies. They often kill subdued and calmly prone persons and get away with saying they were resisting arrest or endangering the life of the officer[s]...etc. Whatever, it always works. Police State stuff. Atta way....the UK is catching up....good poodle!:wavey: