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From Abraham Bolden - Printable Version

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From Abraham Bolden - Bernice Moore - 14-02-2011

attention facebook members;;;;:director::cheer:
From: Abraham W Bolden []
Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2011 6:18 PM
To: Abraham Bolden
Subject: Petition to President Obama


Below is the website to a petition directed to the Honorable President Barack H. Obama asking that he take executive action in regards to my unlawful conviction. I would deeply appreciate it if you would sign the petition and forward it to others on your email lists.

Thank you very much for your support.

Abraham W. Bolden, Sr.
7632 South Sangamon Street
Chicago, Illinois 60620
Telephone: 1-773-488-4822
Fax: 1-773-409-0660
Visit website

from frog