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Gullibility Factor Test; What'd Your Score ?? - Printable Version

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Gullibility Factor Test; What'd Your Score ?? - Bernice Moore - 01-03-2011

The Gullibility Factor test. What's your score?

If the media was controlled and the propoganda machine was cranked up it'd probably be easy to believe too many things we see and hear that just are NOT true?

Sometimes it is worth spending just a few minutes precious time to do a reality check or even a gullibility factor test maybe worthwhile doing

This is an extremely interesting test to do then, pass around to people. Complete with answers and research links when you have done it.

Just press the Gullibility link and spend just a few minutes to answer the questions - don't be too amazed or upset at the results.

After all we are always are told the truth...hmmm

The original article from where the test is from is also here if you want to look. [URL=""]
Do the test and pass it around.

How close are you to 100%?