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New Eastwood ''J.Edgar'' Movie.. - Printable Version

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New Eastwood ''J.Edgar'' Movie.. - Bernice Moore - 09-03-2011

J. Edgar, Clint Eastwood's biopic of the man starring Leonardo DiCaprio, ...

New Eastwood ''J.Edgar'' Movie.. - Phil Dragoo - 09-03-2011

The author of this brief article displays ignorance with the remark:

Though Hoover famously clashes with Kennedy's older brother when he was President, and investigated JFK's assassination, it's unclear why Eastwood might be focusing on Hoover's interactions with Robert Kennedy as well.

The symbolic gesture of Hoover "ripping" the direct line to the Attorney General out of his private office after the assassination is a dramatic representation of diametric opposites vis-a-vis organized crime in America:

Hoover was its pampered--and blackmailed--guest and denier, finding Appalachin 1957 to be a bridge too far.

Bobby went after Hoffa, Marcello, Giancana, Traficante and no doubt they had the later laugh--

--though we do not expect to see any meaningful coverage of the assassinations.

Line of Fire was sexy but, Clint Hill? It is to laugh; and spit.

New Eastwood ''J.Edgar'' Movie.. - Bernice Moore - 09-03-2011

it appears one of the many, getting in on the 50th, they seem to be lining up, but yes agreed, they need to study first to appear less than so dumb, and ignorant of the facts, but hell hollywood never has, so nothing new, but with Eastwood i had thought we might expect more, perhaps he will educate himdelf before it is started let alone completed, but do not hold much's all about making the money and right now first out of the box, the 50th, is only meaning that to many...there will be more..perhaps Stone may yet..??.best b