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Why the Planes Were Not Intercepted on 9/11: The Wall St. Lawyer & the Special Ops Hijack Coordtr - Printable Version

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Why the Planes Were Not Intercepted on 9/11: The Wall St. Lawyer & the Special Ops Hijack Coordtr - Ed Jewett - 27-04-2011

Why the Planes Were Not Intercepted on 9/11: The Wall Street Lawyer and the Special Ops Hijack Coordinator

Kevin Ryan
Dig Within
April 27, 2011


Why the Planes Were Not Intercepted on 9/11: The Wall St. Lawyer & the Special Ops Hijack Coordtr - Peter Lemkin - 28-04-2011

It is quite simple. They weren't intercepted as non-interception was in the script. Interception would have ruined all that carefully planned false-flag op...and look what joy it has brought us, since! Hitler