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What do y'all think of CIA chief Leon Panetta? - Printable Version

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What do y'all think of CIA chief Leon Panetta? - Myra Bronstein - 06-01-2009

I must say I'm surprised. Most of his other appointments have been of the establishment machine business-as-usual sell-out variety. Whereas Panetta was not an obvious choice, at least to me. Not sure what's going on.

"WASHINGTON — President-elect Barack Obama's decision to fill the nation's top intelligence jobs with two men short on direct experience in intelligence gathering surprised the spy community and signaled the Democrat's intention for a clean break from Bush administration policies.

Former [Clinton] Chief of Staff Leon Panetta, an eight-term congressional veteran and administrative expert, is being tapped to head the CIA. Retired Adm. Dennis Blair is Obama's choice to be director of national intelligence, a selection expected for weeks, according to two Democrats who spoke on condition of anonymity because Obama has not officially announced the choices...."