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Edwin Kaiser's address book and Oswald - Printable Version

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Edwin Kaiser's address book and Oswald - Magda Hassan - 22-05-2011

Edwin Kaiser's address book and Oswald - Scott Kaiser - 30-04-2014

I have tried tracking these numbers down, I used the Miami Beach directory, I had no luck in locating any numbers that belonged to Oswald, however, the librarian who also helped in the search said, it doesn't mean that Oswald wasn't staying there. FWIW, I thought I'd let you know.

Scott Kaiser

Edwin Kaiser's address book and Oswald - Magda Hassan - 30-04-2014

Thanks Scott. It can be hard to find people who don't want to be found. Especially after so many years.

Edwin Kaiser's address book and Oswald - Peter Lemkin - 30-04-2014

Magda Hassan Wrote:Thanks Scott. It can be hard to find people who don't want to be found. Especially after so many years.

Or...someone could have been using someone else's number and/or only there for a short time. We don't have a phone number for Oswald [either one] in N.C., but reason to believe he was there for training at some point. So why not Miami area too.....he might have been surfing the jm waves....from a distance.

Edwin Kaiser's address book and Oswald - Dawn Meredith - 30-04-2014

Magda Hassan Wrote:Thanks Scott. It can be hard to find people who don't want to be found. Especially after so many years.

Unlisted numbers were popular I will bet.


Edwin Kaiser's address book and Oswald - Albert Doyle - 30-04-2014

Chopping up soldiers for demoralization psy-ops is straight out of the Marchetti CIA play book. The people who intended to do that were either acting under or working with CIA.

What is the gist of this article? That Kaiser knew about the Miami Oswald infiltration and would talk about it?

Edwin Kaiser's address book and Oswald - Scott Kaiser - 30-04-2014

Albert Doyle Wrote:Chopping up soldiers for demoralization psy-ops is straight out of the Marchetti CIA play book. The people who intended to do that were either acting under or working with CIA.

What is the gist of this article? That Kaiser knew about the Miami Oswald infiltration and would talk about it?

What is the gist of this article? That Kaiser knew about the Miami Oswald infiltration and would talk about it? Can you please tell me where you saw this article? The chopping up of "Cuban soldiers" was my father's idea, not out of any CIA handbook.

Edwin Kaiser's address book and Oswald - Albert Doyle - 30-04-2014

Scott Kaiser Wrote:What is the gist of this article? That Kaiser knew about the Miami Oswald infiltration and would talk about it? Can you please tell me where you saw this article? The chopping up of "Cuban soldiers" was my father's idea, not out of any CIA handbook.

Read Marchetti and how CIA planned to capture the last soldier in an enemy patrol in the Philippines, puncture the soldier's neck with two holes and drain his blood, and then perch this bloodless corpse on the trail hoping the next patrol would find him and think the Chupacabra had killed their fellow soldier. Your father had a profile of being immersed in the people who did these things, especially Sturgis. I don't know, maybe he did think it up on his own but it was close to common CIA psy-ops practices of the day.

I believe the article was linked in the original post.

Edwin Kaiser's address book and Oswald - Scott Kaiser - 30-04-2014

Albert Doyle Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:What is the gist of this article? That Kaiser knew about the Miami Oswald infiltration and would talk about it? Can you please tell me where you saw this article? The chopping up of "Cuban soldiers" was my father's idea, not out of any CIA handbook.

Read Marchetti and how CIA planned to capture the last soldier in an enemy patrol in the Philippines, puncture the soldier's neck with two holes and drain his blood, and then perch this bloodless corpse on the trail hoping the next patrol would find him and think the Chupacabra had killed their fellow soldier. Your father had a profile of being immersed in the people who did these things, especially Sturgis. I don't know, maybe he did think it up on his own but it was close to common CIA psy-ops practices of the day.

I believe the article was linked in the original post.

I always find it very fascinating when I read how someone knows my father or Frank, very interesting, however, the Philippines is not Cuba. And, yes. It was my father's plan, but for some reason, other's who were involved with my father's plan chicken out. Chupacabra hun? Now that's scary! ::headbang::