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Richest Americans Get $1.4 Million Tax Cut in Republican Pawlenty Plan - Printable Version

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Richest Americans Get $1.4 Million Tax Cut in Republican Pawlenty Plan - Bernice Moore - 13-06-2011

couldn't find any areas on just politicians so posting here....

Richest Americans Get $1.4 Million Tax Cut in Republican Pawlenty Plan .........THAT'S ALL HE WILL SURELY GET IN.......:gossip:Pullhair:fullofit:B

Richest Americans Get $1.4 Million Tax Cut in Republican Pawlenty Plan - Cody Burkin - 30-06-2011

Hello. What did Margaret Meade say about small groups getting things done? Was it the Puritans or Calvinists who believed good people made money and bad people made none. I saw a list on Above Top Secret which gave the top ten corporations for paying under 3% corporate tax or whatever. Do you think the masses have always been so complacent? I don't believe the masses have it em to do anything let alone protest tax cuts for the rich. Hegemony! Is that what keeps the people happy that they are oppressed? Thank you
P.s. Its pretty early yet. I believe Pawlenty has the low bid someone will come along offering at least $2 million tax cut for the richies.

Richest Americans Get $1.4 Million Tax Cut in Republican Pawlenty Plan - Jan Klimkowski - 30-06-2011

Cody Burkin Wrote:Was it the Puritans or Calvinists who believed good people made money and bad people made none.

It's both.

Indeed, WASPs in general.

Thomas Pynchon's masterly Gravity's Rainbow explores (amongst many other things) the theological concept of the Elect and the Preterite.