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Occam's Razor Too Dull to Dissect Intel Ops - Charles Drago - 12-01-2009

Certain scientists, educators, and skeptics -- self-annointed and otherwise -- continue to wield Occam's Razor to slash at the truth that is conspiracy in the JFK assassination.

While the truth is impervious to all attempts to disfigure it, its lifelines to those most in need of its redemptive qualities far too often are cut by these charlatans who, knowingly or not, do the killers' business.

The principle known either as Occam's Razor or lex parsimoniae (the law of parsimony) states that "the explanation of any phenomenon should make as few assumptions as possible, eliminating those that make no difference in the observable predictions of the explanatory hypothesis or theory."

Stated another way, "plurality should not be posited without necessity."

The caveat most often raised by honorable observers when this principle is about to be misapplied: "A superficially simple phenomenon may have a complex mechanism behind it; a simple explanation would be simplistic if it failed to capture all the essential and relevant parts."

Read that again: "A superficially simple phenomenon may have a complex mechanism behind it."

Are you aware of a more pleasingly and accurately succinct definition of an intelligence operation?

Are you aware of a more pleasingly and accurately succinct definition of a cover story, or "legend"?

Intelligence operations are protected by cover stories which are designed to provide to parsimony law enforcement authorities the illusion of successful penetration.

The "evidence" proffered in support of the Lone Nut cover story was designed to confound topicality with mere simplicity.

Again: "A simple explanation would be simplistic if it failed to capture all the essential and relevant parts."

I have witnessed first-hand how an infamous academic repeatedly misapplied the law of parsimony as a key element in his defense of the Lone Nut cover story. His classic arguments from false (or in these instances, perverted) authority held sway with naive undergraduates and malpracticing educators, university administrators. and journalists.

The application of pseudo-science in defense of criminality remains a cornerstone of the JFK cover-up.

Occam's Razor Too Dull to Dissect Intel Ops - Peter Lemkin - 12-01-2009

Charles Drago Wrote:Certain scientists, educators, and skeptics -- self-annointed and otherwise -- continue to wield Occam's Razor to slash at the truth that is conspiracy in the JFK assassination.

While the truth is impervious to all attempts to disfigure it, its lifelines to those most in need of its redemptive qualities far too often are cut by these charlatans who, knowingly or not, do the killers' business.

The application of pseudo-science in defense of criminality remains a cornerstone of the JFK cover-up.

Good stuff, Charles. The Black Hand behind the Assassination scripted their 'Lone Nut' script knowing it would satisfy many's need for a simple solution, closure and blaming a scapegoat. Life is complex and it is a special Americanism to think that most things have simple solutions, structures; and that simple analysis will reveal all. Those of us who have laboured long in 'these here fields 'o cotton' know that this damn thing [if nothing else] has a complexity of epic, ne mythological, proportions. The Labyrinth would well describe the Deep Political hall of mirrors and horrors. Many who push the Occam's Razor stuff know they are selling snake oil - but if the business in snake oil is good, that's all they care about. Others are just simpletons, looking for simple solutions in a complex world [sadly made much the more complex by the Hidden Hand of Deep Political Action].

It would be a nice childlike reverie to see the world in such simple terms.:marchmellow::marchmellow::marchmellow: