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Sargent Shriver,made the CIA promise never to plant spies in the Corps. - Printable Version

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Sargent Shriver,made the CIA promise never to plant spies in the Corps. - Bernice Moore - 11-07-2011

Sargent Shriver, shown with the first Peace Corps volunteers, made the CIA promise never to plant spies in the Corps. (Reuters/Jfk Library) By Katharine Whittemore A little name-dropping, and then we'll move on. Two former New England senators were

Sargent Shriver,made the CIA promise never to plant spies in the Corps. - Magda Hassan - 11-07-2011

I think the CIA had their fingers crossed when they agreed to this.....Spy

Sargent Shriver,made the CIA promise never to plant spies in the Corps. - Peter Lemkin - 11-07-2011

...but they did - over and over. I had three members of my immediate family in the Peace Corps, and know through well as from reading exposees over the years... Damn, 'they' lied again...they seem to be serial liars...or pathological liars - or totalitarian liars [never speaking truth]. Which of them wanted anything related to 'peace' anyway?~ Bring on the War Corps...ah, that's more like it!!!!