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Baer predicts imminent Israeli attack on Iran - Jan Klimkowski - 17-07-2011

For those in need, wiki gives an introduction to the career of (former) intelligence aget Robert Baer.

His comments could sit anywhere on the truth to disinformation spectrum.

Quote:Netanyahu planning to attack Iran: veteran CIA officer

PTI Jul 16, 2011, 05.25pm IST

JERUSALEM: Israel is certainly planning to launch an attack on Iran before the September General Assembly vote on Palestine, and also hoping to draw the US into the war, a longtime CIA officer who has spent 21 years in the Middle East believes.

Robert Baer told a Los Angeles radio station today that such an Israeli move will drag the United States into another major war, endangering its military and civilian personnel throughout the Middle East and beyond, Ynetnews reported.

"There is almost near certainty that (Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu is planning an attack (on Iran)... and it will probably be in September before the vote on a Palestinian state. And he's also hoping to draw the United States into the conflict," Baer told the Radio.

The ex-CIA official went on to predict that the Israeli air force would attack "Natanz and other nuclear facilities to degrade their capabilities".

"The Iranians will strike back where they can: Basra, Baghdad," effectively forcing the US to "jump into the fight" with attacks on Iranian targets.

"Our special forces are already looking at Iranian targets in Iraq and across the border (in Iran) which we would strike. What we're facing here is an escalation, rather than a planned out-and-out war... it's a nightmare scenario," he said.

He warned that the US does not have enough troops in the Middle East to fight such a war and "we are looking into the abyss".

In September, the Palestinian side has decided to move the UN General Assembly to seek recognition for their state.

Baer spoke on the provocative KPFK Los Angeles show Background Briefing, hosted by Ian Masters.

He didn't quote any sources for his prediction of an Israeli attack, but the few he cited were all Israeli security figures who have publically warned that Netanyahu was adamant to strike Iran, such as former Mossad chief Meir Dagan.


Baer predicts imminent Israeli attack on Iran - Ed Jewett - 01-08-2011

People who have been at this game of deep politics and information/perception longer than I have will provide proper guidance regarding the eventual placement of this piece; options include "propaganda", the trash, other, war, pending war (subdivision: rank stupidity), etc. I do not know or deeply appreciate this fellow Baer or have a thorough understanding of his history, motives, current situation, etc. The strike against Iran has been pending for years now....


Tuesday 26 July 2011 14:38

Islam Times Exclusive:
Former Top CIA Officer Claims Pentagon Is Preparing For Israeli Attack On Iran:
Islam Times

U.S. and Israeli attempts to justify attacking Iran are once again shifting into overdrive: Former top CIA officer Robert Baer told LA KPFK radio that Israel will probably strike Iran in September...

Author : Bill Lindner

Baer, who spent 21 years in the Middle East including Lebanon and Syria, didn't reveal the sources behind his claims but he did refer to former Mossad chief Meir Dagan's warnings of an Israeli attack on Iran as "no bluff."

Baer reportedly told the KPFK Los Angeles show Background Briefing that previous comments made by Dagan that an Israeli attack on Iran could lead to a regional war, "tell us with near certainty that Netanyahu is planning an attack, and in as much as I can guess when it's going to be, it's probably going to be in September before a vote on the Palestinian state" (link:

The retired CIA officer also stated that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hopes to draw the U.S. into the conflict, and that the Pentagon is internally preparing for conflict with Iran. Given the U.S. government's unflinching support for Israel and protection of Neocon war criminals, Netanyahu will have no problem drawing the U.S. into its conflict. In fact, the Pentagon and the U.S. government have habitually lied to the U.S. public hoping for its support for war with Iran for the past decade. It's using the same tactics is used to lie us to war Afghanistan and Iraq.

During his radio interview, Baer predicted a scenario starring Israel attacking Iran's Natanz nuclear facility and a couple of others to "degrade their capabilities" (link: Baer claimed "The Iranians will strike back where they can and that will be in Basra and in Baghdad," where the US has a diminished troop presence, Baer said, adding "we've started to look at Iran's targets in Iraq and across the border." Baer did note that "What we're facing here is an escalation, not a planned all-out war."

Israeli Fighter Jets Conducted Drills At U.S. Military Base In Iraq

In early May Iranian TV reported that Israeli fighter jets conducted drills at a U.S. military base in Iraq in preparation for a strike on Iran (link: According to the report, Israeli planes participating in weeklong drills, which were conducted mainly at night, included F-15, F-16, F-18 and F-22 fighter jets. Press TV's report was based on information from a source close to Moqtada al-Sadr's group in Iraq.

Press TV reported that the drills were being conducted in collaboration with the U.S. military and that Iraq was not informed that the drills were being conducted. Iraq's government is not involved in any U.S. military activities occurring at U.S. bases there according to the report and there was no official comment from the Israeli government or military officials. The Pentagon has denied the report of the U.S. military conducting Iranian invasion exercises, but as history has repeatedly shown, that doesn't mean it's not true.

In April, according to Press TV, Brig. General Mohammed Ali Safari, the alleged commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, purportedly declared that Israeli and American military bases in the Middle East are within range of Iran's missiles. According to the report, Ali Safari told the Fars news agency "Although we are capable of increasing the range of our missiles, we don't think it would be necessary because today our extra-regional enemy the Zionist regime of [Israel] is within the range of our missiles" and "As for the American forces if they were to back Israeli threats they would be closer to us than them [Israel] and they would be within the range of our firepower as well" (link:

In the western media, the he-said, she-said verbal charades have run rampant for the past decade as corporate media has pushed off political propaganda aimed at garnering public support for invading Iran as fact. Indeed, the G.W. Bush administration was planning an attack on Iran before it was appointed by the U.S. Supreme Court. Iranian leaders are just as adept at public deception and political theater as U.S. leaders are. America's corporate media has -- again -- started loyally planting stories about weapons from Iran being used in Iraq. That story has been recycled to mislead the public and justify attacking Iran.

Israeli War Hawks Calling For War With Iran

Netanyahu and company have been calling for war with Iran, and the government's propaganda pushing press is reportedly trying to opine that there is considered danger that Iran will be surprise attacked between the June departure of Robert Gates from the office of Secretary of Defense and the retirement of Admiral Mike Mullen from the chairmanship of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in September, allegedly to take advantage of the inevitable confusion resulting from the change of command in Washington (link:

Israel and the U.S. have repeatedly been caught preparing for attacks on Iran while purposely spreading lies and propaganda off as fact to justify invading Iran (link: One of many examples of lies and propaganda includes fabricating fears and intelligence to make their citizens believe Iran is preparing nuclear missiles. Lie after lie about Iran's nuclear program have been quickly debunked, but the lies keep coming. The reality is U.S. terrorism by covert CIA operations against Iran, including boat loads of propaganda, have been the norm for years now (link:

Will an Israeli attack on Iran occur? It's hard to tell, but if the past ten plus years are any indication, it wouldn't be surprising. Rest assured that another false flag will undoubtedly be involved to serve as a catalyst to justify more war crimes if it does. For the past decade U.S. foreign policy has been dictated by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which President Obama -- and most of the U.S. Congress -- caters to and will not cross. AIPAC, which in reality is part of the Israeli government, has led the U.S. into the quagmires it faces today (link: and AIPAC couldn't care less about the U.S. public. Another war would result in the U.S. President gaining more powers illegally and the U.S. public will again pay a high price for political corruption.

Keywords: Iran, Israel, CIA, Benjamin Netanyahu, Iranian Nuke Propaganda, Mohammed Ali Safari, Moqtada al-Sadr, President Obama
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