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"The Package" -- The Most Important JFK Assassination-Related Film to Date - Printable Version

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"The Package" -- The Most Important JFK Assassination-Related Film to Date - Charles Drago - 09-08-2011

And its superficial plot has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Kennedy assassination.

The Package, released in 1989, was written by John Bishop and directed by Andrew Davis. Cast includes Gene Hackman, Tommy Lee Jones, Joanna Cassidy, John Heard, Dennis Franz, and Pam Grier.

Hackman plays a US Army sergeant assigned to bring criminal soldier Jones back to the states for incarceration. Prior to that assignment, Hackman was involved in providing security for a NATO conference at which high-ranking American and Soviet military and intelligence officers were in attendance to negotiate the terms of an upcoming summit meeting. The unnamed leaders clearly were modeled on George Herbert Walker Bush and Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev.

Hackman gets Jones back to D.C., but before they can leave the airport Hackman is mugged. When he regains consciousness, Jones is gone.

SPOILER ALERT: I'm going to condense the plot, so if you haven't seen the film, I STRONGLY urge you to do so.

Jones's character is a world-class sniper who has been sent to Chicago to assassinate one or both of the leaders. Part of the plot -- brilliantly depicted -- will be the patsying of a young man who is led to believe that he's on an important intelligence mission to infiltrate a group of White militants hostile to detente. He is given a job on a high floor of an office building overlooking the podium on which some sort of Cold War-ending treaty will be signed.

The most important element of The Package is its depiction of the conspiracy's high-ranking Facilitators: military and intelligence offices whose masters are above Cold-War differences.

Writer John Dickson Bishop was born in Ohio in 1929 and died of cancer in December, 2006 in Bad Heilbrunn, Germany.

Bishop began his career as an actor. As a writer, his first play, The Trip Back Down, was produced on Broadway in 1977. Later he became a resident playwright at New York's Circle Repertory Company.

For a time Bishop was at Paramount Studios where he helped rework several scripts, including Beverly Hills Cop III.

Given Bishop's identification of Facilitators and his film's obvious references to the JFK assassination, I submit that The Package is -- as the title of this thread indicates -- the most important JFK assassination-related film to date.

Thanks to IMDb for background on Bishop.

"The Package" -- The Most Important JFK Assassination-Related Film to Date - Gary Severson - 10-08-2011

[Image: icon1.png]

I finished watching THE PACKAGE a couple days ago. I thought the plot was very plausible in terms of the reference to the 2 Cold War military sides being interested in maintaining nuclear arsenals. The likeness to Gorbachev as the target was interesting in its reversal of JFK as target. In 1963 N. Khruschev could also have fit the bill as target considering what James Douglas has made clear about NK's interest in bucking his own generals over nuclear weapons.

It occurred to me that when RC Nagell, in Russel's TMWKTM, posited an end of Sept. 63 hit of JFK it was coincidental with the US Senate passage of the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty on 9/24. Of course it doesn't seem likely that the sponsors would have been clear about when the Senate vote would happen in order to sync JFK's killing to derail the treaty but an interesting thought in any case. The film EXECUTIVE ACTION does have a dry run assassination scene on 9/25/63 showing the shooters gathering photo shoots of the possible angles for a future attempt.

I was there that day,9/25, in Grand Forks, N.Dak. as a 15 yr. old, (see my 2010 COPA presentation), and unwittingly breached security & later found out that accd. to FAREWELL AMERICA "The Committee" was on site to gather intell. Grand Forks was home to a large nuclear B-52 base. Perhaps Nagell's 9/20 El Paso arrest had derailed an actual JFK hit on 9/24/25, the day of & day after the Senate passage of the LNTBT. Remember double agent Nagell was on his way to kill LHO in Mexico City on 9/20 for the Russians who were of the belief they were being framed for the upcoming killing of JFK. Again was this in order to derail the LNTBT and allow for an invasion of Cuba.

"The Package" -- The Most Important JFK Assassination-Related Film to Date - Magda Hassan - 10-08-2011

*goes off to Pirate Bay and NetFlix to look for movies*

"The Package" -- The Most Important JFK Assassination-Related Film to Date - Phil Dragoo - 08-09-2011

1989 a significant year, the Wall, erected during the first year of the Administration of John Kennedy, when the marker was laid down, comes down.

The earlier destabilization, May 1960, that U-2 which Eisenhower was assured would not be over the Soviet Union, was downedperhaps by the legendary defector's treason.

Treason the label for the new president in April 1961. The Wall, followed by the missiles, yet despite the goadings and proddings of General Buck Turgidson, the young president carried on a secret correspondence with the Soviet Premier and proposed a detente with a bold speech at American University June 10, 1963.

In 1989 the American and Soviet leadership meet across a long table in Berlin to negotiate a nuclear stand-down, as two innocent hikers wander into the security zone.

Within their rucksacks machine guns and gas grenades they use to kill an American General.

Was it one like that wingnut the young president fired and sent back to Dallas to be shot at by a patsy.

One is pulled from a military cell and sent to Chicago to infiltrate a White Supremicist group, given an office with a window high up in the ballistic cone of a coming international choke-point.

Hackman who was so adept at fleshing out an NSA out of control in Enemy of the State (1998) is tasked to ferry a good-old-boy-clothed Jackal back to CONUS, who uses both the identity of the patsy and the latter's 1020.

When the plainclothes operatives kill inconvenient witnesses, the latter are shown to be identity camelions carrying Rollodexes of cardsone thinks of the Grassy Knoll Secret Service.

The mid-level facilitators are Russian and American military with covert ops ties.

"Without nukes you'd be fighting the Russians in the streets of Washington."

The assassination of either or both the American President and the Soviet Premier. How outre.

November, 1963. October, 1964.

Game on.

It already happened.

"The Package" -- The Most Important JFK Assassination-Related Film to Date - Charles Drago - 08-09-2011

Phil Dragoo Wrote:The assassination of either or both the American President and the Soviet Premier. How outre.

November, 1963. October, 1964.

Game on.

It already happened.

The single most important insight into the Sponsorship level of the JFK assassination. Too few of us experience it or accept its full significance to past, current, and future events.

"The Package" -- The Most Important JFK Assassination-Related Film to Date - Ed Jewett - 09-09-2011

Magda Hassan Wrote:*goes off to Pirate Bay and NetFlix to look for movies*

I remember watching this great flick a long time ago. It was so long ago I am unable to comment, but have enjoyed the thread. Especially the last bits. Great food for thought and further research.

"The Package" -- The Most Important JFK Assassination-Related Film to Date - Phil Dragoo - 09-09-2011

The interplay of Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia was presented by George Orwell in 1984 published the year before Eric Blair's death in 1951. The quadrangle of allowed combat was defined, as the national boundaries had to be respected, else the citizens would see the identity of the three systems.

In the 'nineties Clinton's nuclear commander Habiger confronted the Russians over their Yamantau Mountain project. A treaty prohibiting defensive anti-missile shields was signed, one more milepost on a test and treaty fan dance.

I mentioned this Yamantau Mountain complex (said to be as big as Washington, D.C., inside the Beltway) to an Air Force veteran last night. He replied with an account that the U.S. has facilities beneath surface bases going down miles, the best of which are able to survive "dropping the entire arsenal on it."

He says within a few years there will be a major exchange. And yet I do not quite buy that.

Here is a treatment of the mechanisms along with some interesting speculation:

The main thing is that Russia relies on arms salessomeone must survive to buy its arms.

China now develops carrier-denying systems in order to absorb Taiwan, but there is a tension borne of its one-child policy which adds to a spectrum of unrest. If it loses America as a market, how does it cope.

America relies upon China for production of a panoply of goodsHuntsman and Trump represent opposite ends of the range of response to the sino-borgian phenomenon.

China was to rely upon Russia for oil and gas for the next foreseeable decades, whether that deal succeeds remains to be seen.

The point to the killing of Number Thirty-Five is that he went against the grain of how business is done.

The economics of the Vietnam War benefited not just the American corporations, but the Soviet and Bloc and Chinese industries as well.

Dulles in Switzerland when the Germans sent Lenin to Petrograd. Dulles and McCloy participants in all the secret ratlines for Nazis.

It would have suited the American establishment and Stalin as well for Patton to die before returning to stateside electoral success thereby enacting his dangerous anti-game plan.

MacArthur could not end China; Nixon and Kissinger would meet Deng Xiaoping and Zhou Enlai for a lava lamp evolution of pseudoalliance.

Kennedy couldn't be friends with Khrushchev and vice versa.

The game must go on.

To that end there may not be exceptional men.

"The Package" -- The Most Important JFK Assassination-Related Film to Date - Dawn Meredith - 07-04-2013

Charles Drago Wrote:
Phil Dragoo Wrote:The assassination of either or both the American President and the Soviet Premier. How outre.

November, 1963. October, 1964.

Game on.

It already happened.

The single most important insight into the Sponsorship level of the JFK assassination. Too few of us experience it or accept its full significance to past, current, and future events.

I totally agree. This was a rental last night but am buying it. Brilliant. Amazing how some films can get to the truth and be so educational and other trash like the winner of this year's Academy Award, the propaganda torture film serves the exact opposite purpose. I so hate it I can't even keep the name straight: Zero Dark Thirty or some such trash.
Thanks CD for finding this for me, this thread. And the rec. as it totally lived up to your short review, above.
A must have for every serious JFK assassination student .:happydrinks:

"The Package" -- The Most Important JFK Assassination-Related Film to Date - Bernice Moore - 07-04-2013

One of Geoff's favourite's.thanks for review..i agree Dawn what was behind the best picture award this year certainly not the truth in many ways...Phil thanks for the underground tunnel link...what is it with some a tunnel fetish...b

"The Package" -- The Most Important JFK Assassination-Related Film to Date - Dawn Meredith - 07-04-2013

Bernice Moore Wrote:One of Geoff's favourite's.thanks for review..i agree Dawn what was behind the best picture award this year certainly not the truth in many ways...Phil thanks for the underground tunnel link...what is it with some a tunnel fetish...b

Yes indeed, thank you Phil. an excerpt:

Why are they rushing to do this? Because they know that catastrophe is coming. And where's this money coming from? It's not coming from our regular Black Op budget. It's coming from the illegal sale of drugs. In the United States there's at least, by conservative estimates, a quarter of a trillion to a half a trillion of illegal drugs just sold in the United States that goes directly into underground budgets, and 90-95% goes to the DUMBs [Deep Underground Military Bases].
