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"Reason and Rationality in Public Debates: The Case of JFK" - Printable Version

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"Reason and Rationality in Public Debates: The Case of JFK" - Bernice Moore - 14-11-2011


Here's my latest column on Veterans Today, which introduces and complements Doug Horne's:

"Reason and Rationality in Public Debates: The Case of JFK"

I am doing a series of six two-hour programs on JFK this coming week, where the first (Monday)
iwith Karyn Holt-Harcourt, daughter of Chauncey Marvin Holt; the second (Wednesday) with John P.
Costella on the Zapruder film; and the third (Friday) with David W. Mantik on the medical evidence.
They can be heard "live" on and will then be archived at

Warm regards,
