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A BILLION - Printable Version

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A BILLION - Bernice Moore - 19-11-2011

[B]How many zeros in a billion?[/B]
[B]This is too true to be funny.[/B][B] [/B][B]

The next time you hear a politician use the word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about whether you want the 'politicians' spending YOUR tax money.
[/B][B] [/B][B]

A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of
putting that figure into some perspective in one of it's releases.


[/B][B] [/B][B]

A billion
seconds ago it was 1959.

[/B][B] [/B][B]

A billion
minutes ago Jesus was alive.

[/B][B] [/B][B]

A billion
hours ago our ancestors were
[/B][B] [/B][B]living in
the Stone Age.

[/B][B] [/B][B]

A billion
days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.


A billion
[B]dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the
rate our government
[/B][B] [/B][B]is spending it. [/B][B]

While this thought is still fresh in our brain...
[/B][B] [/B][B]

let's take a look at New Orleans.
[/B][B] [/B][B]

It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division.
[/B][B] [/B][B]


[/B][B]Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu (D)
is presently asking
[/B][B] [/B][B]Congress[/B][B] [/B][B]for [/B][B]


to rebuild New Orleans.
[B]Interesting number....[/B][B] [/B][B]

What does it mean?

[/B][B] [/B][B]

Well... if you are one of the 484,674 residents of New Orleans
(every man, woman, and child),
you each get

[/B][B] [/B][B]

Or... if you have one of the 188,251 homes in New Orleans, your home gets
[/B][B] $1,329,787.[/B][B]

[/B][B] [/B][B]

Or... if you are a family of four, your family gets
[/B][B]$2,066,012.[/B][B] [/B][B]

Washington , D.C.

[/B][B]HELLO![/B][B] [/B][B]

Are all your calculators broken??
[/B][B] [/B][B]


Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL License Tax
Cigarette Tax
[/B][B] [/B][B]

Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
[B]Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA) [/B]
[B]Fishing License Tax Food License Tax Fuel Permit Tax Gasoline Tax Hunting License Tax Inheritance Tax Inventory Tax IRS Interest Charges [/B]
[B](tax on top of tax) [/B]
[B]IRS Penalties [/B]
[B](tax on top of tax) [/B]
[B]Liquor Tax Luxury Tax Marriage License Tax Medicare Tax Property Tax Real Estate Tax [/B]
[B]Sales Taxes Service charge taxes Social Security Tax [/B]
[B]Road Usage Tax (Truckers) [/B]
[B]Recreational Vehicle Tax School Tax State Income Tax State Unemployment Tax (SUTA) [/B]
[B]Telephone Federal Excise Tax Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax Telephone State and Local Tax Telephone Usage Charge[/B]
[B] [/B][B]Tax

Utility Tax

Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

[/B][B] [/B][B]

Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago..
and our nation was the most prosperous in the world.
[/B][B] [/B][B]

We had absolutely no national debt...
We had the largest middle class in the world...

and Mom stayed home to raise the kids
[/B][B]. [/B][B]

What the HELL happened?
[/B][B] [/B][B]

Can you spell 'politicians!'

And I still have to
press "1" for English.
[/B][B] [/B][B]

I hope this goes around
[/B][B]the[/B][B] [/B][B]

[B]at least
100 times
