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BBC To Assist Georgian Propaganda Machine - Printable Version

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BBC To Assist Georgian Propaganda Machine - Magda Hassan - 08-02-2009

While of course the BBC could not possibly broadcast a humanitarian appeal for the homeless and destroyed humans of Gaza as it may have compromise their precious impartiality they seem to have no compunction about setting up a Propaganda unit in the Georgian public television. Of course it is a well known fact that Georgians were not permitted to have their own TV stations during the soviet times or even since so they have no idea how to set up and run a TV station on their own and desperately need British help with this. No doubt the BBC will teach them all about being impartial. :adore:

Trend News Agency
February 7, 2009

Large group of BBC specialists to work on public television of Georgia
N. Kirtzkhalia

Georgia, Tbilisi - Public Television of Georgia expects the visit of 15-20 BBC specialists. Specialists of British Public Television will arrive in Tbilisi on Feb. 9, Levan Gakheladze, chairman of Public Television of Georgia´s tutorial council, told the media.

The group includes journalists, producers and operators who will work together with their colleagues of Public Television of Georgia the First TV channel.

"Guests will deliver lectures and trainings in operations," Gakheladze said.

The trip of the British specialists to Georgia is implemented within the framework of 15-month-cooperation between BBC and Public Television of Georgia financed by the EU.

BBC specialists will also consult Georgian colleagues on a new ether network of the first channel. The present network will not be changed by late 2009, Gakheladze said.

It should be noted that on Feb. 5 opposition Conservative Party accused authorities of delaying reformation of the channel which must [included] the participation of opposition parties.

BBC To Assist Georgian Propaganda Machine - Paul Rigby - 08-02-2009

Magda Hassan Wrote:While of course the BBC could not possibly broadcast a humanitarian appeal for the homeless and destroyed humans of Gaza as it may have compromise their precious impartiality they seem to have no compunction about setting up a Propaganda unit in the Georgian public television. Of course it is a well known fact that Georgians were not permitted to have their own TV stations during the soviet times or even since so they have no idea how to set up and run a TV station on their own and desperately need British help with this. No doubt the BBC will teach them all about being impartial. :adore:

Trend News Agency
February 7, 2009

Large group of BBC specialists to work on public television of Georgia
N. Kirtzkhalia

Georgia, Tbilisi - Public Television of Georgia expects the visit of 15-20 BBC specialists. Specialists of British Public Television will arrive in Tbilisi on Feb. 9, Levan Gakheladze, chairman of Public Television of Georgia´s tutorial council, told the media.

The group includes journalists, producers and operators who will work together with their colleagues of Public Television of Georgia the First TV channel.

"Guests will deliver lectures and trainings in operations," Gakheladze said.

The trip of the British specialists to Georgia is implemented within the framework of 15-month-cooperation between BBC and Public Television of Georgia financed by the EU.

BBC specialists will also consult Georgian colleagues on a new ether network of the first channel. The present network will not be changed by late 2009, Gakheladze said.

It should be noted that on Feb. 5 opposition Conservative Party accused authorities of delaying reformation of the channel which must [included] the participation of opposition parties.

A most unusual case - the vomit returns to the dog.