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Sam Husseini suspended from the National Press Club for asking the "Prince" a tough question - Printable Version

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Sam Husseini suspended from the National Press Club for asking the "Prince" a tough question - Magda Hassan - 25-11-2011

The National Press Club is a private club for journalists and communications professionals. The 100 year old institution hosts thousands of events each year where political leaders make themselves available to the press. Their mission is to be the world's leading professional organization for journalists, but is The National Press club censoring the press? Sam Husseini, communications director for the Institute of Public Accuracy, was banned from The National Press Club and explains why.

Sam Husseini suspended from the National Press Club for asking the "Prince" a tough question - Peter Lemkin - 25-11-2011

Well, after is a MSM Press Club [although a few independent journalists do attend, at times] and one is NOT supposed to ask the real nor hard questions about the ill deeds of the Empire's friends.......Confusedhutup: I don't know who first said it, but I love the saying, "Don't believe anything, until it is officially denied."