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Is there anyone in the UK government actually working for the UK? - Printable Version

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Is there anyone in the UK government actually working for the UK? - Magda Hassan - 09-02-2009

I know, silly question. It's just that it seems that the whole country has been sold off to others while you (and I) were sleeping.

All those years Tony Blair was obviously working for the CIA and Bush Crime Family. That is when he wasn't working for the Vatican and Opus Dei. Maybe on his days off.

Apparently they have Brown and a good number of other too as it is said by Wayne Madsen that he has been on the CIA payroll for the past few decades.

Jonathan Powell is likely CIA liason.

Lord Moonie obviously works for the US firm Northrop Grumann IT

Sir Clive Whitmore, Admiral Lord Boyce, Sir Robert Walmsley, Lord Guthrie all working for US arms manufacturers and other foreign governments.

Baron Truscott works with drug pushers and blood diamond merchants.

The rest of the Lords look like they will work for anyone who will fork over any currency in a brown paper bag.

Pretty much all of British industry flogged off to whomever.

The union leadership has been compromised by the CIA through the agency front International Confederation of Free Trade Unions

Th US can dictate what happens with evidence in UK courts and the UK rolls over and permits this.

The whole country is beginning to look like a failed state,
Across the channel there is CIA assets Sarkozy and Merkel.

Looks like JJ Angelton and LBJ did good in getting their guys in.

Is there anyone in the UK government actually working for the UK? - David Guyatt - 09-02-2009

We all work for UK Plc, the premier British corporation.

Ordinary Brits have no option but to work for UK Plc., as the captured labour force. And the really very clever part of this scheme is that the labour force pay 50% of their gross income (tax) simply to finance being overseen by the "work police" for the pleasure of working in the UK ergastulum.

But to be fair we mustn't knock old Blighty too much, as this franchise model has been exported all over the world - AmericaFirst Corp, OzRoo Company Ltd., Germany Gesellschaft etc etc.