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Make of It As You Will, Please - Printable Version

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Make of It As You Will, Please - Ed Jewett - 27-12-2011

Whoa-die maloodie....

as found at

Make of It As You Will, Please - Ed Jewett - 27-12-2011

Ed Jewett Wrote:Whoa-die maloodie....

as found at

Go down the trail laid forth above and find several nodes, one of which is the Giffords shooting [ ] and there are others... this is either an extremely elaborate psyop-disinfo or perhaps poorly-done proof of something that may be there but I haven't watched all the films...

This seems to me to be a rent in the curtain of today's asymmetric warfare game, mediated & Cass Sunstein-ed perhaps, that somehow may be informative..... It is today's Internet crossword puzzle; in one corner, distraction; in another corner, tidbits of previously-unknown factoids; in the third corner, dazed entertainment and another gradation in someone's grid somewhere; in the fourth corner, a tiny black hole.

As before, all comments welcome and wanted.

Make of It As You Will, Please - Ed Jewett - 27-12-2011

Oh dear... another node:

Make of It As You Will, Please - Ed Jewett - 28-12-2011

It's the Hegelian dialectic in action, folks, caught on video. Straight out of Skull and Bones and the Truman creation of the state of Israel and the national security state run by former OSS folks from Wall Street days....

The Truth EXPOSED pt 2a

Ha ha... can you say "busted"?

Follow the thread.... 'What role do you play?'

ha ha ... it's a freackin' repertory company

this thing brings "ARG's" into focus...
[that's alternative reality games, for the uninitiated]
[hey, there's one that is high resolution]

or go here and drop to the bottom and work your way up:

scroll down at that website and watch the 33:47 show entitled THE FAMILY EXPOSED ...! noting that at the very end the fellow offers up evidence for analysis by others....

Here's the YouTube channel:

Make of It As You Will, Please - Ed Jewett - 29-12-2011

The same actors who appeared in the shootings at Virginia Tech were at 911 and as members of Seal Team 6 and the Occupy Movement. They also were at the Gabrielle Giffords and Fort Hood Shootings.
The ability to assemble and script a cast prior to 911 would indicate prior knowledge of the murder of 3,000 people on 911. That is a serious felony and will be investigated as soon as we have a real government.
(same videos as above)(more succinct statement)