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Stewart Galanor, THE ART OF MISREPRESENTING EVIDENCE - Printable Version

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Stewart Galanor, THE ART OF MISREPRESENTING EVIDENCE - Bernice Moore - 01-01-2012


Stewart Galanor, THE ART OF MISREPRESENTING EVIDENCE - Bernice Moore - 01-01-2012

a few more from mr.galanor...Big Grinb

a few more goodies for your interest..b

Stewart Galanor, THE ART OF MISREPRESENTING EVIDENCE - Bernice Moore - 01-01-2012

Stewart's book '' Cover UP ''is still available, some is a small book, very by comparison to many, but within, imo, he explains and blows much of the supposed evidence all to halo and back with a grace of ease, it is well worth a read and a book to have within any library...b

Stewart Galanor, THE ART OF MISREPRESENTING EVIDENCE - Charles Drago - 01-01-2012

Although I haven't seen Stewart in many years, I'll never forget how he demolished Facilitator Ken Rahn's fatally flawed SBT "defense" at the Providence JFK conference.

Stewart so powerfully exposed Rahn's perfidy that Rahn had no choice but to embrace a "the dog ate my homework" defense when asked by Stewart to provide his working/bench notes for the SBT analysis he presented.

It was more like "the dog DID my homework." Stewart reminded Rahn-on-the-run that Rahn had used the same lame excuse at a previous conference.

Rahn was exposed for the intellectual fraud he truly is.

Thank you, Stewart.

All of this being said, can anyone enlighten us as to Stewart's whereabouts today? Is he with us? Is he well?

We last spoke more than ten years ago during a series of long, enlightening telephone chats.

I miss the man.

Stewart Galanor, THE ART OF MISREPRESENTING EVIDENCE - Bernice Moore - 01-01-2012

Yes Stewart's information was, is like the man himself a mathematician i believe,without doubt and with the rules of truth he buries any and all opponents...he slices and dices....some time back, i believe it was Dr. Jim made mention in an email he had been in touch with him, but that like i say is some time back.......happy new year best to you and your family, thanks much for the

Stewart Galanor, THE ART OF MISREPRESENTING EVIDENCE - Bernice Moore - 01-01-2012

3 more to add on the s/b crapola..b

Stewart Galanor, THE ART OF MISREPRESENTING EVIDENCE - Bernice Moore - 01-01-2012

information from stewart galanor from...The MaryFerrell Foundation

i have no idea WHY this page is not showing results and seems to be blocked...???????? i am a paid up member i did not think this was done..but tis...?????????? b

just go to and type in search galanor, the page should come up...b

Stewart Galanor, THE ART OF MISREPRESENTING EVIDENCE - Bernice Moore - 01-01-2012

Stewart Galanor - Pipl Profile

Stewart Galanor, THE ART OF MISREPRESENTING EVIDENCE - Bernice Moore - 01-01-2012

Stewart's witnesses page .....