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Australian PM dragged to safety - Printable Version

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Australian PM dragged to safety - Ed Jewett - 27-01-2012


Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard clung to her bodyguard as she was dragged to safety through a crowd of angry protesters in Canberra today.

More (videos too) here:

Australian PM dragged to safety - Peter Lemkin - 27-01-2012

To me, more interesting that that daring rescue of the damsel in distress was the Occupation Embassy the Aborigines were running!! Occupy Oz, indeed! Who's island-continent? Their island-continent!

Australian PM dragged to safety - Magda Hassan - 27-01-2012

This is such a beat up. It had nothing to do with the Prime Minister. The Opposition Leader had said some highly insensitive remarks about the Aboriginal people and the Aboriginal Tent Embassy. This is normal for him as he is such a racist, sexist homophobic bigot. However, the day all this happened was Australia Day but for many it is Invasion Day. (like Columbus Day in the US) He basically said the Aboriginal people had never had it so good so they should pull down the tent embassy and just get over it. After all they got their apology. I am paraphrasing. The tent embassy has been there for 40 years and yesterday was the 40th anniversary. Aborifinal people still live in 3rd world conditions and die from 3rd world diseases are over represented in prision statistics, poverty statistics, etc. Not much has changed in 40 years. Any way, the restaurant where the PM and Opposition Leader were at a function was just across the road from the tent embassy. When it became known to the embassy residents that he was inside the restaurant they assembled outside and chanted "Shame!" and some banged on the windows. It was the police who rough handled the politicians in their haste to make their big media escape. The PM lost her shoe and her dignity along the way. She decided the opposition leader should come and not be thrown to the wolves. Any one else would be charged for inciting a riot with his highly insensitive and inflammatory remarks.

Aboriginal leaders told Abbott to respect the Indigenous nation or get off their land. A version of love it or leave it.

Better coverage here:

Australian PM dragged to safety - Keith Millea - 27-01-2012

Quote: It was the police who rough handled the politicians in their haste to make their big media escape.

That's what I could see.It was a bodyguard that stepped on her foot,losing her shoe,which led to the stumble and hold on tight,or else fall.I hope all the blame is not heaped on the Aboriginals.

Australian PM dragged to safety - Peter Lemkin - 27-01-2012

I'm glad I learned about the 'Mother' of all Occupations. Will tell the Occupy Movement!

Australian PM dragged to safety - Jan Klimkowski - 27-01-2012

Magda - thanks.

As usual, the truth bears no resemblance to events as reported by MSM.