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Morrow Rules the EF - Greg Burnham - 25-04-2012

There appears to be an "entity" posting by the name of Robert Morrow on the Education Forum and elsewhere. The "signature" is legend. There is no mistaking it.

Skully has indicated that a majority of the moderation team voted to ban him from the forum but that "taking action" was still under advisement [paraphrased].

Colby, Morrow, et al... Where will it end? Why would any of the moderators allow Morrow to continue his single-minded crusade in favor of further concealing
the role of false sponsors? Not to beg the question, but...?

Morrow Rules the EF - Magda Hassan - 25-04-2012

Morrow is a 'real' person in that Dawn has actually met him in real life. He seems to be a sex obsessed individual with too much time on his hands (amongst other matter I surmise....) He is a member here but also on moderation.

Morrow Rules the EF - Charles Drago - 25-04-2012

As in the case of "Colby," "entities" often seek camouflage behind a witting, real live homo sapien.

Or as "Morrow" would prefer (yes, "he" has earned his quotation marks/inverted commas), hetero sapien.

Morrow Rules the EF - Keith Millea - 25-04-2012

I'm a nobody in the JFK research community,but lurked at the EF for about 4 years.I had finally had enough about a month ago,and stopped reading there.I'm not going to waste anymore of my time sifting through all the bullshit and acrimony that pervades that site.Such a waste of brain cells for a choice nugget now and then.OH Well...

Morrow Rules the EF - Greg Burnham - 25-04-2012

Magda Hassan Wrote:Morrow is a 'real' person in that Dawn has actually met him in real life. He seems to be a sex obsessed individual with too much time on his hands (amongst other matter I surmise....) He is a member here but also on moderation.

Hi Magda,

Yes, I have met him too. He attended my COPA presentation in 2010 and he hung out with James Tague all day as I was filming from the Zappy perch with my Bell and Howell. So, I know that there is a real Morrow. However, his writing style and even his writing patterns have changed recently and quite a bit. Also, the depth of his research is taking on new dimensions. Less than a year or so ago he claimed to have only read one book on the assassination, but skimmed through many of them. He stated that reading a whole book on the subject was a waste of time. Today, he appears to have read hundreds of books on the subject. Highly unlikely especially in such a short period of time...and given his confessed revulsion toward reading. As is the case with Colby, I believe there exists a central person upon which the entity is built for cover purposes.

Morrow Rules the EF - Charles Drago - 25-04-2012

If I were to create a fictional character on the "Morrow" model, it would be an egomaniacal, sex-obsessed, latent homosexual male living off a trust fund. He would be named "Boner Marrow." Boner would be ripe for blackmail (and Black males, but I digress). Further, Boner would be the target not just of honeytrap operations, but also of an operation to play on his ego and twisted sense of right and wrong.

The latter might see Boner approached by a "trusted" JFK researcher who shares Boner's true belief in LBJ's "mastermind" role and provides just the right incentives for Boner to agree to post material prepared by other LBJ true believers.

Greg is on target when he notes the significance of wide variations in literary abilities in a correspondent presenting as one person. I nailed the EF's "Colby" entity when I noted and presented examples of such differences in style, usage, punctuation, vocabulary, etc.

Another give-away: A sudden expansion of interests and expertise.

"Morrow" is, in my Constitutionally-protected opinion, a conscripted identity being used by JFK assassination Facilitators to extend and fortify the cover-up.

Morrow Rules the EF - Jan Klimkowski - 25-04-2012

Charles Drago Wrote:If I were to create a fictional character on the "Morrow" model, it would be an egomaniacal, sex-obsessed, latent homosexual male living off a trust fund. He would be named "Boner Marrow." Boner would be ripe for blackmail (and Black males, but I digress). Further, Boner would be the target not just of honeytrap operations, but also of an operation to play on his ego and twisted sense of right and wrong.

The latter might see Boner approached by a "trusted" JFK researcher who shares Boner's true belief in LBJ's "mastermind" role and provides just the right incentives for Boner to agree to post material prepared by other LBJ true believers.

A deep political parable with a dash of ribald wit....

Charles Drago Wrote:Greg is on target when he notes the significance of wide variations in literary abilities in a correspondent presenting as one person. I nailed the EF's "Colby" entity when I noted and presented examples of such differences in style, usage, punctuation, vocabulary, etc.

Another give-away: A sudden expansion of interests and expertise.

Note that there were once many good researchers sharing insights and interpretations in the "Political Conspiracies" section of The Swamp.

Then a creature wormed into the body fabric, nibbling away at irrelevancies, attempting to divert work into empty laybys, provoking anger and bile. One moderator would cheerlead the worm's efforts, often engaging in tag team theatre, whilst Simkin and the other mods were essentially AWOL.

And so it came to pass.

All the good "Political Conspiracies" researchers abandoned the hostile territory of the Swamp.

Some created a new home at DPF, where subversion is not tolerated.

The entities simply navigated to fresh water in The Swamp, tasked with a new mission, to disrupt meaningful research in the JFK section.

Displaying a breadth of reading, an ability to challenge the most obscure footnote, that seems beyond the achievement of a single person in a few short months.

"Brock Vond" is the COINTELPRO character in Pynchon's Vineland, whose narrator opines:

Quote:Brock Vond's genius was to have seen in the activities of the sixties left not threats to order but unacknowledged desires for it. While the Tube was proclaiming youth revolution against parents of all kinds and most viewers were accepting this story, Brock saw the deep -- if he'd allowed himself to feel it, the sometimes touching -- need only to stay children forever, safe inside some extended national Family. The hunch he was betting on was that these kid rebels, being halfway there already, would be easy to turn and cheap to develop. They'd only been listening to the wrong music, breathing the wrong smoke, admiring the wrong personalities. They needed some reconditioning.

The creature Brock lives in a particular carnal universe, as articulated by the compromised radical, Brock's sometime "lover", Frenesi:

Quote:With his own private horrors further unfolded into an ideology of the mortal and uncontinued self, Brock came to visit, and strangely to comfort, in the half-lit hallways of the night, leaning in darkly in above her like any of the sleek raptors that decorate fascist architecture. Whispering: "This is just how they want you, an animal, a bitch with swollen udders lying in the dirt, blank-faced, surrendered, reduced to this meat, these smells. . . . " Taken down, she understood, from all the silver and light she'd known and been, brought back to the world.

Morrow Rules the EF - Dawn Meredith - 25-04-2012

Robert is not unintelligent, he has two degrees, BA and MA. He is also a "trust fund baby" with, as Magda pointed out, "too much time on his hands". I know he buys many books but he only skims them, unless of course they are sex based or character attacking books. He is interested only in the LBJ theory of the assassination, with a bit of Poppy Bush thrown in. Since he does not work he can post at all hours. I cannot comment on any changing literary style as I've long since stopped reading his posts. I ignore "Colby" as well. I continue to look in over there because there are some very good people alas...the threads are cluttered with the rantings of Robert and "Colby".


Morrow Rules the EF - Charles Drago - 25-04-2012

Dawn Meredith Wrote:"too much time on his hands"Dawn

That's "slime."

Morrow Rules the EF - Phil Dragoo - 25-04-2012

An impression from an hour call now several years back, he is avid and obsessed, anything and everything is fed through a salad shooter showing Johnson at the center of all.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder might be a descriptive.

Mark Rudd and Abbie Hoffman in 1969 presented as excitedly espousing, but in the extant case the contrast between reality and the contrivance is glaring, the presentation off-putting.

In Thy Will Be Done the fifteen-year-old mistress of Juan Peron passes in a sentence in 900 pages; in the lens of the sexological johnsonista, it would recur in infinite fugue, Jerry Lee Lewis marrying his cousin's widow in the last act.

Just another roadside attraction in the Posimken Village.