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Former wife of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Mary, found dead at age 52 - Printable Version

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Former wife of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Mary, found dead at age 52 - Adele Edisen - 17-05-2012

Wed, May 16, 2012 7:08:51 PM

Police At Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s House, His Wife Mary Dead At 52 | Radar Online



Former wife of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Mary, found dead at age 52 - Peter Lemkin - 17-05-2012

An awful LOT of Kennedy family die all too young to be chance or the stress of the fame et al. Add to the list of mysterious deaths, IMO.

Former wife of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Mary, found dead at age 52 - Dawn Meredith - 17-05-2012

Peter Lemkin Wrote:An awful LOT of Kennedy family die all too young to be chance or the stress of the fame et al. Add to the list of mysterious deaths, IMO.

I just shared an article on fb that says she was found hanging and had left a note. How very very sad.


Former wife of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Mary, found dead at age 52 - Albert Doyle - 17-05-2012

"He had pretty much moved-on".

Wouldn't you like to take a baseball bat to that reporter.

Former wife of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Mary, found dead at age 52 - Peter Lemkin - 17-05-2012

Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:An awful LOT of Kennedy family die all too young to be chance or the stress of the fame et al. Add to the list of mysterious deaths, IMO.

I just shared an article on fb that says she was found hanging and had left a note. How very very sad.


I would [from experience] NOT take at face value the story of how someone like her died...not the autopsy report, witness accounts, police accounts, etc. Such events need real research to get behind the cover story for the MSM and the Sheeple. It could be true, but I'd say the chances are very small......

Former wife of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Mary, found dead at age 52 - LR Trotter - 18-05-2012

Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:An awful LOT of Kennedy family die all too young to be chance or the stress of the fame et al. Add to the list of mysterious deaths, IMO.

I just shared an article on fb that says she was found hanging and had left a note. How very very sad.


I would [from experience] NOT take at face value the story of how someone like her died...not the autopsy report, witness accounts, police accounts, etc. Such events need real research to get behind the cover story for the MSM and the Sheeple. It could be true, but I'd say the chances are very small......

Yes Mr Lemkin, it could be true. But, with history as it is, I'd also wonder...

Former wife of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Mary, found dead at age 52 - Adele Edisen - 23-05-2012

Tue, May 22, 2012 7:30:59 AM
Kennedy, The New York Post and the truth
By Greg Palast

What a terrible task to take on at such a dark moment when I would prefer to keep my thoughts private, but someone must speak.

I am, and I hope you are, sickened to see Rupert Murdoch's New York Post savage our colleague Robert F. Kennedy Jr. while he and his children are in great distress.
I will not answer, and thereby repeat, the cruel libels thrown at Kennedy by the Post.

But let me get this on the record: Kennedy is, and this is no exaggeration, the most committed family man I know. Every single day, he shuts down work, no matter the flood of urgent demands from around the world, for family time, for his kids. He is deeply religious, with a piety and intelligence he communicates with his family so impressive it makes me doubt my atheism.
Kennedy uses his family name, not to further his career, but to widen his children's understanding and involvement in the world and to try to teach our ignorant nation lessons in moral conduct that his kids have already learned well.
To blame Kennedy for his wife's illness is just further proof of the conclusion of Britain's Parliament that Murdoch is "unfit to run a newspaper." But then, no one would say the NY Post is a newspaper.
Again, I want to extend the condolences of the entire Palast crew to Mary Richardson Kennedy's family.
When Bobby's grief and mourning pausesbecause it will never endwe look forward to resuming our partnership with him.

- Greg Palast

No worst, there is none. Pitched past pitch of grief,

More pangs will, schooled at forepangs, wilder wring.

Comforter, where, where is your comforting?

...O the mind, mind has mountains; cliffs of fall

Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed. Hold them cheap

May who ne'er hung there. Nor does long our small

Durance deal with that steep or deep.

- Gerard Manley Hopkins

Journalist Greg Palast, with Bobby Kennedy Jr., investigated the threat to voters' civil rights for Rolling Stone magazine and BBC Television.

Copyright © 2012 Greg Palast, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

Greg Palast
PO Box 90
Greenport, NY 11944

Add us to your address book


Former wife of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Mary, found dead at age 52 - Peter Lemkin - 23-05-2012

Thanks for that Adele. Murdoch is a real beast - quite obviously [to me] working for the interests of the Deep Political Establishment which has always sought to discredit and dig up/create dirt on the Kennedys - since they murdered more than a few of them....

Former wife of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Mary, found dead at age 52 - Dawn Meredith - 11-06-2012

I just read a long article about her. I shared it on facebook. Much came from the sealed divorce file. It seems she was quite violent, borderline personality, with a bad drinking problem. All very tragic since there is so much help available for all of her problems and demons. Young kids 10-17, motherless. I get so pissed off when I see "the curse". Given that many of the dead were assassinated. And others, like young David Kennedy, in 1984-(whose death I actually dreamed as it was happening---long story)- died from a drug overdose- but more so from the inability to recover from his dad's assassination.

Curse the fucking conspirators! And the media whores who cover for them.
