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William Kelly Scoops Again - New USSS Information on 1963 Presidential Trip Records - Printable Version

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William Kelly Scoops Again - New USSS Information on 1963 Presidential Trip Records - Adele Edisen - 26-07-2012

Thu, July 26, 2012 11:11:34 AM
New USSS information from Bill Kelly's Blog ---- 1963 Presidential Trip Records
From: Tree Frog

Bill has updated his blog with some important new information on NARA's recovery of copies of 1963 Presidential trip records which had been removed from the headquarters files and destroyed early during the actual collections effort by the ARRB.

We've all heard about that destruction but Bill details what has been recovered from one agent's personal effects - and also raises a very key question about why the agent was called into a Secret Service headquarters meeting immediately following the assassination, a meeting which focused on the Tampa trip.

Check Bill's blog at:


William Kelly Scoops Again - New USSS Information on 1963 Presidential Trip Records - Bill Kelly - 29-12-2012

I recently received copies of the SecretService records that Gerald Blaine refers to in his book "The KennedyDetail" and turned over to the NARA.

I've posted some of them at my blog andwill post the rest when I can.

More to come - Bill Kelly

Also see:


William Kelly Scoops Again - New USSS Information on 1963 Presidential Trip Records - Greg Burnham - 29-12-2012

KUTGW, Bill.:thumbsup:

William Kelly Scoops Again - New USSS Information on 1963 Presidential Trip Records - Vasilios Vazakas - 29-12-2012

Congratulations Bill

Have you been able to locate any SS records regarding the "Studies of November" as Palamara describes in his "Survivor Guilt"?

Palamara wrote:
In re-sponse to J. Lee Rankin's question, "In view of such changes that the Secret Service has made or intends to make in its procedures in effect on Novem-ber 22, 1963,
does it require additional funds, equipment, or personnel? If so, how much?" Rowley responded: "… since the 1965 budget figures had to be submitted in November, 1963, it was not possible to make specific and properly justified requests at that time … the 19641965 budget request was submitted in November 1963 and requests for additional personnel were not made because of the studies then being conducted [emphasis added]."[size=12]5 [/SIZE]What studies? And in November of 1963, of all times? [size=12]The fiscal year for 1963 was July 1, 1962 through June 30, 1963![/SIZE]It wasn't until a month after the assassinationlate December, 1963that C. Douglas Dillon formally requested Chief Rowley to start a study of the procedures used by the Secret Service in protecting the President, with reports and recommendations for changes to be submitted to him.7 So, again: what study was Rowley referring to for November 1963? Per-haps a test of the President's security?

Palamara Continues:

[size=12] [size=12]Former agent Darwin Horn wrote: "There was some talk about remov-ing protection of the president from the Secret Service, and giving that respon-sibility to the Federal Bureau of Investigation...

[size=12]The original idea of the security tests may have been to cement the Secret Ser-vice's role as the protector of the President, having successfully stopped an as-sassination attempt. Conversely, the agency (and the tests) may have been compromised by those in the know who were partial to Hoover (and, by exten-sion, perhaps even the V.P., LBJ). The test, and the accompanying sinister be-havior of some of the agents, was covered up after the fact, reducing the agents' poor performances down to mere negligence, at worst. Another reason for the cover-up: survival.

Any idea what these November studies were?


William Kelly Scoops Again - New USSS Information on 1963 Presidential Trip Records - LR Trotter - 30-12-2012

I just love the term, "Public Servant". I suppose the "public serves up salaries and expenses", but is not due any accountability.

William Kelly Scoops Again - New USSS Information on 1963 Presidential Trip Records - Bill Kelly - 08-01-2013

Because the copy sent to me is fuzzy, I retyped Blane's Tampa Report and posted it here: (Please note that Blaine says that the Tampa Sheriff's Dept placed officers on the roofs of all tall buildings along the Tampa motorcade route. If they had only done that in Dallas.
JFKcountercoup: Blaine's Tampa Survey Report

[/URL] I also found a speech by Judge Tunheim in which he says that they found copies of the destroyed SS records in the FBI files.
JFKcountercoup: "FBI Had SS Records Thought Destroyed" - Tunheim


