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Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Printable Version

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Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Mark Prior - 16-08-2012

We should begin discussing ideas, organization, leadership and preparations for the 50th anniversary of the assassination. Below is something I wrote which proposes several ideas in anticipation of the 50th; it should be considered simply a "jumping off" point, nothing more.

I post here only to introduce the topic, not moderate it nor lead it. But leadership will be required for, but not limited to: organizing online efforts, and a physical presence in Dallas on 11/22/2013.

This is the "spit-ballin'" phase. Put every idea you have here, no matter how trivial you might think it is, and let's see what comes out.

The KEY thing here is to talk about this now.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Peter Lemkin - 17-08-2012

A convention but simulcast out to the entire internet - and well advertised. Both talks for the advanced and for the general public. PLUS [and I think this the most important - no essential part] - an Occupy-style occupation of the entire Dealey Plaza area - hell with the official plans and threats of arrests for blocking traffic. Our President and our Nation were murdered!...and people timidly want to just blab, blab, blab. Blabbing to each other is fine and I engage in it to..but if you/we/I want our country back, we're going to have to do nonviolent civil disobedience at the very least. A multi-day occupation would be best, but 'the day' is the most important. The media attention at the inevitable Police 'problems' [unless we had 100,000 or more...MLK did it!] will highlight to the Public the determination for the Truth and numbers who know we've been lied to, misled, had evidence hidden and destroyed, witnesses tampered with-threatened-killed, faked or modified limited hangout investigations, et al. To explain why and what during the occupation, they can try the peoples mike or real microphones, but since the Police will likely be turning them off and hauling them away, the legal conference speakers can do that with the livestreaming of both events in the Plaza and prepared speakers on various topics. Livestreaming of the kind seen in past years won't cut it on the 50th...not the quality of the speakers, but the lack of professional preparation of the streams - sorry to be brutally honest. Perhaps this in Dallas and two sister conventions at the same time on either Coast...but all coordinated electronically.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Vasilios Vazakas - 17-08-2012

We should begin the preparations with a basic platform:
That we should be united and not divided. We do not have the luxury
of wasting any of the good minds available in this forum.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Adele Edisen - 17-08-2012

Mark Prior Wrote:We should begin discussing ideas, organization, leadership and preparations for the 50th anniversary of the assassination. Below is something I wrote which proposes several ideas in anticipation of the 50th; it should be considered simply a "jumping off" point, nothing more.

I post here only to introduce the topic, not moderate it nor lead it. But leadership will be required for, but not limited to: organizing online efforts, and a physical presence in Dallas on 11/22/2013.

This is the "spit-ballin'" phase. Put every idea you have here, no matter how trivial you might think it is, and let's see what comes out.

The KEY thing here is to talk about this now.


Bill Kelly had made some inroads toward this. Have you been in touch with him, or he with you?
I don't know how far he has carried it, but he and I had some discussions about it, and what to use as a title.

I had made a few suggestions to Bill about having some sort of program (video, radio for oral reports, still photographs)
that could be broadcast on the internet, using the testimonies or public statements of witnesses, including living witnesses
reading their own statements, or using actors to read from the statements (or excerpts from them) of those witnesses
who have passed away. The witness statements could be organized according to timelines and locations (example:
pre-assassination, Dealey Plaza, post-assassination, autopsy, FBI, USSS, ARRB, Warren Commission Reports, Congressional
Committees - Pike, Church, HSCA, Readings from Books as resources, NARA II's JFK Collection). I envision it as a sort of
"You are there" program, as it happened through witnesses' eyes and ears.

Bill has his website at


Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Charles Drago - 17-08-2012

We are the Lakotaof AIM. We are the Jewsof the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. We are the Viet Congof Tet.

We can be defeated only by our closely held fears and self-deceptions. And by our unwillingness to feel.

Petitions? Radio programs? Show-and-tell?

It has all worked great so far.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Nathaniel Heidenheimer - 17-08-2012

Thank you for starting this ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY THREAD.

I have read your article posted in CTKA, and found it provocative. I disagree with a few things... more on that soon.

For now let me just type 3 words noting that the first is by far the most important: coordinated internet use.

I will explain more on this later. I know it works based on experience.

Part of it is thought about A) how tracks are blown up by the enemy and B) the logical solution to making those tracks functional again for the Battle of The Bulge. (ok, maybe I should choose a different battle metaphor)

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Nathaniel Heidenheimer - 17-08-2012

The KEY thing here is to talk about this now.[/QUOTE]

About this I am in absolute agreement. If this thread ever disappears from page 1, we are in trouble.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Mark Prior - 18-08-2012

Peter / Nathaniel

I agree...coordinated use of the internet is under-utilized by the assassination proponents. I think a website specifically for the 2013 anniversary is warranted: an outline of goals, a timetable to achieve those goals, guidelines for a letter writing campaign, and a schedule for potential flashmobs & posting letters, etc. Facebook / Twitter posts should become more prevalent as we approach 11/22/13.


I have visited Bill Kelly's blog but have not seen what you are referring to. If you wouldn't mind copying & pasting here what you & Bill have discussed, I'm sure others and I would be interested in taking a look at it.


I agree with you 100% that we must be united. At the very least, everyone can agree that JFK was killed as a result of a conspiracy, the medical evidence does not support the single bullet theory, and that the evidence against LHO is flimsy at best. If we attempt to break off into individual LBJ DID IT, CIA DID IT, MAFIA DID IT endeavors, we will accomplish very little.


Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Bill Kelly - 18-08-2012

Mark Prior Wrote:Peter / Nathaniel

I agree...coordinated use of the internet is under-utilized by the assassination proponents. I think a website specifically for the 2013 anniversary is warranted: an outline of goals, a timetable to achieve those goals, guidelines for a letter writing campaign, and a schedule for potential flashmobs & posting letters, etc. Facebook / Twitter posts should become more prevalent as we approach 11/22/13.


I have visited Bill Kelly's blog but have not seen what you are referring to. If you wouldn't mind copying & pasting here what you & Bill have discussed, I'm sure others and I would be interested in taking a look at it.


I agree with you 100% that we must be united. At the very least, everyone can agree that JFK was killed as a result of a conspiracy, the medical evidence does not support the single bullet theory, and that the evidence against LHO is flimsy at best. If we attempt to break off into individual LBJ DID IT, CIA DID IT, MAFIA DID IT endeavors, we will accomplish very little.


Hi Mark,

A lot of what you have requested is already being done by COPA - check out their web site - Coalition On Political Assassinations, and Facebook pages devoted to Freeing the Files and getting Congressional oversight of the JFKAct.

The most important event coming up is Wed. Aug. 29th at the National Archives and Records Administration in DC

Dan Alcorn has called attention to this important meeting that I think we all should add imput to regarding JFK assassination records:

I sent an e-mail around yesterdaycalling attention to the open public forum that will be held by the NationalArchives on August 29 seeking public input on the declassificationprocess. It occurred to me later that the Archives is accepting questionsfor the forum in advance, so that those who are not in the DC area could submitquestions for the forum. Here is the notice with the e-mail address ofthe Archives official who is point of contact for this forum:

The NDC will be hostingits third annual open forum on Wednesday, August 29, from 10 a.m. to 12 noonin the McGowan Theater at the National Archives Building.The theme for this year's forum will be "NDCChallenges at Two Years: What did we learn, and how are we moving forward?" Youmay contact Don McIlwain, or 301-837-0587 foradditional information or to submit advance questions. Additional informationand details will follow.


I will be responding to the other points as soon as I can.


Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Mark Prior - 21-08-2012

Bill Kelly Wrote:Hi Mark,

A lot of what you have requested is already being done by COPA - check out their web site - Coalition On Political Assassinations, and Facebook pages devoted to Freeing the Files and getting Congressional oversight of the JFKAct.

The most important event coming up is Wed. Aug. 29th at the National Archives and Records Administration in DC

Dan Alcorn has called attention to this important meeting that I think we all should add imput to regarding JFK assassination records:

I sent an e-mail around yesterdaycalling attention to the open public forum that will be held by the NationalArchives on August 29 seeking public input on the declassificationprocess. It occurred to me later that the Archives is accepting questionsfor the forum in advance, so that those who are not in the DC area could submitquestions for the forum. Here is the notice with the e-mail address ofthe Archives official who is point of contact for this forum:

The NDC will be hostingits third annual open forum on Wednesday, August 29, from 10 a.m. to 12 noonin the McGowan Theater at the National Archives Building.The theme for this year's forum will be "NDCChallenges at Two Years: What did we learn, and how are we moving forward?" Youmay contact Don McIlwain, or 301-837-0587 foradditional information or to submit advance questions. Additional informationand details will follow.


I will be responding to the other points as soon as I can.


Hello Bill,

I read Adele's emails between you & her, and signed your petition I've been to your blog and visited the COPA website. I don't know if COPA is your website, or if you're affiliated with it, or if COPA just reposts your articles. But I have to say (and I don't know if it were the navigation, that one has to log in, or if it's just the content) I didn't see where or how the Coalition On Political Assassinations was taking "point" on organizing other groups & forums. It's a great name, and that is what I would be expecting of them with a name like that - I don't see how Mary Ferrell or CTKA, etc. coordinate with COPA

The thing that concerns me, about everything, is that we seem to have several different initiatives, conferences and endeavors that are operating independently of one another. Kind of sounds like the CIA (lol).

I think we need, for lack of a better name, an "information committee" which would keep tabs on & communicate with the different project leaders to keep them informed of what's going on with other groups and report to the other groups the progress/status of all project leaders.

Thoughts, anyone?
