Andrea Davison claimed she worked for the security services - Magda Hassan - 18-08-2012
What is this? Claimed political asylum at an embassy in Ecuador? Quote:North Wales woman jailed for document frauds
A WOMAN who claimed she worked for the security services has been jailed for two and a half years for a series of frauds.
Andrea Davison, believed to have fled the country and claimed political asylum, denied 27 theft and fraud offences.
The prosecution said she was running a false document factory after she kept items from a mail drop service, including passports, as templates to recreate documents.
She was convicted unanimously of 26 charges by a jury at Mold Crown Court, who found her not guilty of one charge at the direction of the judge.
Judge Niclas Parry said Davison had made it clear at the start that she was not attending her trial, and information provided to the court indicated she was at an embassy in Ecuador seeking political asylum.
Davison had, he said, been convicted on overwhelming evidence of serious offences of fraud and dishonesty over many years. It was a breach of trust because people who trusted her with crucial personal information as part of a mail drop service had their privacy violated in a calculated and deliberate way.
Judge Parry said he was satisfied that she was a highly intelligent woman who used information she fraudulently obtained to repeatedly create false identification documents for the purpose of obtaining, potentially, many thousands of pounds worth of credit. It had left people devastated.
"The potential for loss was quite enormous," he said.
The court heard how Derby Police economic crime unit raided Davison's Felinheli home after documents uncovered in another fraud case were found to have come from her.
DC Stephen Winnard, commended by the judge for his work, said after the case: "What we found was a document factory at Felinheli, personal documents that could be used in any type of fraud. The end result of her actions is that many people lost their life savings through organised crime groups."
Davison, 62, of Bangor Street, Felinheli, admitted much of what was alleged.
But she said she provided herself with false or virtual identification because she was trying to protect herself. People had been trying to kill her because of her previous covert work for the security services, she claimed in police interviews.
But she said a large number of people knew who she was and could verify who she was, including former prime minister Tony Blair.
In police interviews she said that she had been deeply involved in the arms to Iraq inquiry. She said she had become involved in the inquiry and many agencies and organisations were trying to kill her, while other agencies were trying to protect her.
Davison confirmed she had credit or bank accounts in other names but said they were all paid up. She spoke of providing virtual realities for other people and told how she ran an organisation called The Association for Former British Intelligence Officers.
Davison denied possessing copies of passports in connection with fraud, making a false Venezuelan passport, offering to supply false ID documents, possessing false utility bills and bank statements and falsifying the register of electors.
She also denied possessing false documents including four stamps purporting to be of official origin including one for the Republic of Panama, possessing a false driving licence in her name with a false date of birth, theft of the passport from the Passport Service, exposing banks and credit card companies to risk of fraud, money laundering, and a trademark offence centred on five watches alleged to have been Breitling watches.
Andrea Davison claimed she worked for the security services - Jan Klimkowski - 18-08-2012
See series of articles starting here, which includes text of articles allegedly written by Andrea Davison.
NB by providing the link, I am not necessarily endorsing all the commentary. Caveat Emptor.
Quote:Ms Davison did further attempt to bring things into the public domain when she wrote the following article titled:
Iraq Inquiry headed by Sir John Chilcot is calling on Andrea Davison to supply sensitive evidence which was seized by the Derby Police mid January 2010. Andrea a former adviser to the Trade and Industry Select Committee on Arms to Iraq is struggling to know what to do. As she did when giving evidence to the Scott Inquiry into Arms o Iraq she expected to do so in total secrecy but the actions of Derby police have made this impossible.
The Iraq enquiry set up by Gordon Brown is convened for the purpose of examining the United Kingdom's involvement in Iraq, including the way decisions were made and actions taken, to establish as accurately and reliably as possible what happened, and to identify lessons that can be learned. The Inquiry is considering the period from 2001 up to the end of July 2009.
Gordon Brown (then Prime Minister) told the House of Commons, "No British document and no British witness will be beyond the scope of the Inquiry." The Government has assured the Inquiry of the full co-operation of the relevant Departments.
But conversely Brown either colluded, organised or aided and abetted Derby police seizing documents, mid January 2010, which were pertinent to the inquiry implicating himself in a cover-up. Five weeks later he would himself be called to the Inquiry to give evidence.
These Iraq documents were seized by DC Steven Winnard on the 13th of January just weeks before they were due to be presented to the Iraq Inquiry. Although by now everyone in the New Coalition Government knows about the seizure of the Iraq Documents from Andrea they have not been returned.
Hywell Williams MP of Plaid Cymru whose party originated and led the call to impeach Tony Blair, in 2004 because of Blair's decision to engage in an illegal war with Iraq, is making enquiries but so far without success.
This begs the question will Iraq Inquiry be just another cover-up !
UPDATE: The Iraq Inquiry closed and all attempts to get the arms to Iraq' documents to the Inquiry failed. James Brokenshire MP Home Office Minister wrote to Hywell Williams MP but the documents still have not been returned.
End of Andrea's article.
Andrea Davison claimed she worked for the security services - Jan Klimkowski - 18-08-2012
As well as "Arms to Iraq", Andrea Davison claims her treatment is also due to her knowledge of the child abuse scandal in Welsh orphanages, for which there is strong evidence of political and intelligence service involvement.
See her comments here.
Andrea Davison claimed she worked for the security services - Magda Hassan - 18-08-2012
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:As well as "Arms to Iraq", Andrea Davison claims her treatment is also due to her knowledge of the child abuse scandal in Welsh orphanages, for which there is strong evidence of political and intelligence service involvement.
See her comments here. Very interesting. Thanks Jan. Well, no idea who Peter Eyre is, except that Andrea Davison is suing him, but in any case he has some facts wrong. She is in an embassy in Ecuador seeking asylum. Not the Ecuadorian embassy in London with Julian Assange. So she and Julian are not chatting and keeping each other company as stated. Also of interest is the prosecution Barrister Felicity Gerry. She was also the prosecution barrister in the Ratcliffe on Soar power station aggrivated trespass case in which undercover policeman and Mark Stone was one of the defendants. She knew who Mark Stone was and did not tell the defence.
Andrea Davison also goes by the name Tara Andrea Davison.
Andrea Davison claimed she worked for the security services - Jan Klimkowski - 18-08-2012
Magda Hassan Wrote:Jan Klimkowski Wrote:As well as "Arms to Iraq", Andrea Davison claims her treatment is also due to her knowledge of the child abuse scandal in Welsh orphanages, for which there is strong evidence of political and intelligence service involvement.
See her comments here. Very interesting. Thanks Jan. Well, no idea who Peter Eyre is, except that Andrea Davison is suing him, but in any case he has some facts wrong. She is in an embassy in Ecuador seeking asylum. Not the Ecuadorian embassy in London with Julian Assange. So she and Julian are not chatting and keeping each other company as stated. Also of interest is the prosecution Barrister Felicity Gerry. She was also the prosecution barrister in the Ratcliffe on Soar power station aggrivated trespass case in which undercover policeman and Mark Stone was one of the defendants. She knew who Mark Stone was and did not tell the defence.
Andrea Davison also goes by the name Tara Andrea Davison.
Yes. This is complex and murky.
Spook-filled nooks and crannies where nothing can be taken at face value.
I'm glad we recently raised the collective IQ here....
Andrea Davison claimed she worked for the security services - Peter Lemkin - 18-08-2012
I'm trying to understand this situation in its own right...and the [attempted] overlap with that of Assange. I admit to being more confused than I usually find myself.....the smoke is very thick and the mirrors very wavy. Who has been 'pushing' this story?...that should tell a lot. The timing NOW of anything with the term 'Ecuadorian' and 'Embassy' is suspect. Can I buy the 'Cliff's Notes Summary'?
Andrea Davison claimed she worked for the security services - Magda Hassan - 18-08-2012
Peter, there is no connection to Assange but Peter Eyre seems confused and makes one by thinking she is in the Ecuadorian embassy in London and not in an embassy in Ecuador (nationality unknown). He also states that Julian's friends tell him that they keep each other company. This could tell us some thing about Julian's friends but I think it says more about Peter Eyres. Veterans Today seem to like his work though. Which also tells us some thing. And yes Jan, a vast improvement on the collective IQ here :e=mc2:Ooops, Einstein is Jewish isn't he?
Andrea Davison claimed she worked for the security services - Magda Hassan - 18-08-2012
She was arrested in the Joint Met / Derby Police Operations "HANDA & SOUNDWAVE"
Some info from Peter Eyres. I'll post more tomorrow. Quote:The most important witness for the LOST 3 X 20kt Conservative Party purchased Nukes and the Chilcott Iraq Inquiry to naming the Lords, MP's, Grandee's and VIP's behind the Arms to Iraq Scandal is
She had taken and copied the UOR in her duty to deliver to Number 10 for Government Sign approval by "Maggie Thatcher on her last day in office, the DTI UOR for the "3 CYLINDERS" (Pelindaba Nukes) not knowing what they were, only the involvement of Dr David Kelly, Security clampdown, ARMSCOR, ASTRA, the involvement of Stephen Kock who she knew was MI6 and the massive purchase cost.
I have over 400 Documents that MS ANDREA DAVISON put onto the Internet after her arrest on 13/1/2010 for being the head of an International Organised Crime network alligned to Massive fraud networks funding the CONSERVATIVE and LABOUR PARTY.
Among them Personal Letters on Crested House of Lords Paper from Lord Doug Hoyle to the Chief of Derby Police attempting to use his Authority and Government Position on behalf of MS TARA ANDREA DAVISON, a major arrested suspect in Organised Crime.
She published them in her attempt to "Blackmail" Prime Ministers, MP's and VIP's to get her out of criminal Prosecution following her arrest. Her Web Site, which was removed by MI5-6 Security Authorities
I recovered other letters to Gordon Brown, Peter Hain, Tony Blair, Government Departments involved in the SCOTT INQUIRY, The IRAQ Supergun Files, Missing Nuclear Warhead Dossiers, Evidence on the portable Chemical Labs in IRAQ, Details of Chemical and Boi sales to Sadam and IRAN by British Companies that were used to slaughter hundreds of thousands. Sara Keays v Sawyer Court Case files, this case involved CECIL PARKINSON. The list is massive.
Ms TARA ANDREA DAVISON was not alone when arrested on the 13/1/2010, her live in Partner Mr DAVID WILLIAM MILLS who holds Security clearance to Nuclear Weapon level, as do I.
Who was sentenced by the Italian Courts for operating with the ITALIAN Prime Minister for setting up front companies in the UK and routing and laundering MAFIA money.
The writer has published many of these documents in a series of 10 Articles he named PANDORA'S BOX
through an associate who has his own blog site. Mr Peter Eyre, an aviation specialist, ex Naval Intelligence and Middle East Consultant.
In an attempt to remove these Documents from the internet domain that include Her Police Arrest Warrants, Search and Seizure Orders, evidence of her Fraud Business and arrest, Intelligence Service History, the evidence of Conservative, Labour Party Corruption, fraud, theft and money laundering she took the writer and publisher to Court for Defamation.
Royal Courts of Justice Queens Bench Division Case Number HQ 10D 04366
The writer has, for 14 months, attempted to get the major editorials to publish these Documents but prevented under the Claimant MS TARA ANDREA DAVISON being on Super Injunctions and STILL under POLICE Investigations and BAIL.
She was arrested in the Joint Met / Derby Police Operations "HANDA & SOUNDWAVE" Many of those arrested now serving custodial sentences when sent to trial in July 2011
This case will, through the writer, expose forensic evidence of Massive Government Corruption, criminal Arms Trading Evidence that would lead to the arrest and criminal prosecution of Many past and Current Conservative and Labour Party Leaders , the most damaging charge under the "NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS ACT"
This re following the loss of (stolen) Conservative covert Purchased Nukes, one of which sold to NORTH KOREA who detonated it on 25th May 2009
And our UK Leader, the Rt Hon Prime Minister,DAVID CAMERON,(Who's family are BANKERS, HEDGE FUND Managers, Capital Venture Funders) who went on the 1989 Jolly to Pelindaba with Ken Warren has betrayed a Nation by keeping this from the Public and World in an attempt the "IRON LADY" Maggie Thatcher, his own self political /Party preservation and Criminal Prosecution.
Still looking for copies of the originals and not just Peter Eyres word for it.
Andrea Davison claimed she worked for the security services - Peter Lemkin - 18-08-2012
retracted due to creeping insanity due to creeping insanity worldwide.
Andrea Davison claimed she worked for the security services - Magda Hassan - 18-08-2012
Posted by some one called Laarbruch [URL=""]here
Andrea may be a BNP member from the description here and there is arming of some BNP members going on here too.
Quote:I fully understand, this would fly over the heads of most.
I am not and never will be a Conspiracy theorist. This is FACT, the people are real, the Companies, the fraud, the Missing Nukes. Trust me, I can take the ridicule, I'm Welsh.
I hold the Ace Cards: I have forensic RSA Attorney Court prosecution and Police case Dossiers and over 400 Government Documents and Politicians letters posted by Ms Andrea Davison.
It has taken me 10 years of personal involvement through 2 major South African criminal fraud cases (2001-2006), aligned with those working directly with Sir Mark Thatcher and Simon Mann. The amount stolen by the fraud group in excess of US$ 130 Million, most laundered to LONDON and to "Virtual" Smoke & Mirrors Fronts run out of the then LONRHO HQ. They only abandoned 22 ARLINGTON STREET and delisted ARLINGTON ASSOCIATES LIMITED after I published my articles on PANDORA'S BOX.
I have made known to the Derby Police (Recorded), should they fail to Prosecute Ms Davison and her Superiors I have named in affidavit statement, I will raise a case with the IPCC of Police Corruption aligned with protection of known Politicians and Political Parties known to have been funded by and in operating International Organised Crime networks in the United Kingdom.
Now, for further reference, the RSA Police Cases. I was assisting the Police with the recovery of information and Corporate Documents associated to METOREX LIMITED, Convicted Con Artist and Bank fraudster NICO SHEFER operating with Sir Mark Thatcher, Simon Mann and "EXECUTIVE OUTCOMES" LONRHO Directors and 22 ARLINGTON STREET. LONDON . It was highlighted when in 2008, the Australian Investigative Programme
ABC 4 CORNERS broadcast this "bombshell."
They ran an expose on the asset stripping of 2 of the largest mining Companies. JCI and DRD Gold and assassination of Roger Brett Kebble.
Download from their Broadband site: ABC 4 CORNERS "BAD COMPANY"
Basic. How to steal (in Total) US$ 1.3 Billion The RAWAS Scam, was only one of 22 Frauds involving the same Directors running Interlocked "Virtual" Mining and Oil and Gas "Exploration" Shell Companies. I had the FULL network.
Do the BNP worry you, they should, they have access to full MILITARY Weapons, Why do I say that.
Well, MS TARA ANDREA (Biggs-) DAVISON uses many guises, as most Intelligence Officers do.
So, recover from Internet: [Link dead MH ]
who lists herself as AN INTELLIGENCE ADVISOR
The same Address as: MS TARA ANDREA DAVISON
LL56 4JD