Who is he? What is he doing? - Lauren Johnson - 21-09-2012
Mr Phil
As most of your posts require some exegesis, the one quoted below is no different. Since I have some questions and comments, I am inviting you to continue the conversation here, if you should elect to do so. BTW, I certainly do not see this as an exclusive thread and anyone else is more than welcome to join in. I would say that it is somewhat puzzling that I have been the only one to pick up these thoughts.
Quote:DBA OBAMA. Doing Business As Obama.
The person doing business as Obama is not the son of the Kenyan nor the son of the Dunham.
On the basis of research done by a score of others over several years he is the son of Malcolm Little aka Malcolm X aka El Hajj Malik Al-Shabazz and a Lebanese daughter of an Arabist of the American University of Beirut.
He is not related in any biological way to the American Communist Frank Marshall Davis, an important mentor from ages nine through eighteen.
He perhaps studied under Brzezinski. At any rate he used Brzezinski as an advisor. Brzezinski and Gates (whom he used fresh from the eevil Boosh) authored the CFR "Iran: Time for a New Approach".
Even now the JCS is enforcing dhimmitude. Number three at DOJ is a Taliban lawyer. SecState is run by a Saudi agent of influence. POTUS is subservient to the Saudi king.
Islam and the pretend-Left DBA OBAMA are a double helix. The language (as we learn from Orwell) charts the way. There is no way to say Islamic terrorist in government jargon.
FBI agents are sensitized. Mueller is rewarded with two more years.
CIA and NATO advance the Arab Spring, the Islamization of regimes: out go the secular tyrants; in come the Islamist democrats.
Putin and Beijing have zero tolerance.
Washington has limitless tolerance.
Ft. Hood was workplace violence. NASA is Muslim outreach. American is no longer a Christian nation, claimed the POTUS who celebrates all Muslim holidays and no Christian holidays, who did Letterman but not Netanyahu--for zionists will have to take the back seat said Jesse Jackson in whose home Michelle grew up.
I'm not in the least judgmental. This is descriptive. It is no longer speculative nor arguable.
There remains the triad of states in the Orwellian model. The contention is in the quadrilateral--just as in 1984.
Jim Jones filled a role in acclimatizing the people to violence and control, to lies regarding what was before their very eyes.
Who are you going to believe: The Castle or your lying eyes.
All political and religious contention is manipulated for maximum profit as a measure of power and control.
The basic premise is that that level is not seen, but rather felt by the ripples going out in the world.
The percentage probability of a candidate is what the power deems.
Soros said Obama and Romney not much difference.
And Soros is if anything the third string sent to the out of bounds line to bark like a dog.
Brzezinski said it wasn't time to destabilize Iran. Nothing Syrious will transpire to alter the trilateral balance.
Everyone can relax, play Solitaire, watch Survivor.
The economy is recovering. The economy is recovering gloriously--if we could only crush Emanuel Romnstein.
Who is he? What is he doing? - Dawn Meredith - 22-09-2012
Phil what "research" shows Obama the son of Malcolm X? I have never seen anyone make this claim before.
Is this a serious claim? I have no love for Obama and see him as Bush's third term.
Who is he? What is he doing? - Lauren Johnson - 22-09-2012
Dawn Meredith Wrote:Phil what "research" shows Obama the son of Malcolm X? I have never seen anyone make this claim before.
Is this a serious claim? I have no love for Obama and see him as Bush's third term.
I had a long and delightful conversation with Phil last night via phone. (He reached out to me.) We hit on all kinds of topics and swapped stories. After hanging up, I realized I still did not really understand his position Obama and the Islamization of the West. As much as his position, as much as I understand (or don't understand) it, is foreign to my mind, my respect and affection for him as only grown.