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Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA - Printable Version +- Deep Politics Forum (https://deeppoliticsforum.com/fora) +-- Forum: Deep Politics Forum (https://deeppoliticsforum.com/fora/forum-1.html) +--- Forum: Books (https://deeppoliticsforum.com/fora/forum-5.html) +--- Thread: Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA (/thread-9915.html) |
Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA - Lauren Johnson - 18-10-2012 a synopsis on this book by Terry Reed and John Cummings, S.P.I. Books, 1994 When Terry Reed met "John Cathey" he was a man on the move. He had led an elite black op intelligence unit in Viet Nam with commendations. After his military service he ended up as a VP of a machine tool manufacturing company, Northwest Industries. In his spare time paid for his own flying lessons which included single engine, multi-engine, and jet aircraft certifications. While at NWI, he was approached by the FBI to become an asset and report on his contacts with one of their partners in Hungary who were KGB agents. His entire life to this point seemed to him to have led up his recruitment by CIA agent "John Cathey" aka Oliver North in 1982. His first assignment was to be an asset in the investigation of the Toshiba Corporation in selling illegal technology to the USSR. He would soon be recruited by North to be a contract CIA asset in Arkansas using his new ultralight aircraft company as cover. He was thrilled to be serving his country again and this time he might make some real money. He was now a spook in Arkansas and it would ruin his life. This is the beginning of the story his story as told in Compromised: Clinton, Bush, and the CIA by Terry Reed and John Cummings. This 556 page book is filled with detail, adventure, and intrigue. I think the book is well worth the read. What follows is a brief synopsis with a long quote that has to be read in full to be appreciated. I do not know the literature on Mena, AR scandal involving in the murder of Barry Seal. But this is Reed's view: the CIA had the run of the state as if it were a banana republic. They trained Central Americans to fly C-123 cargo airplanes to supply the Contras in Nicaragua. Airplanes for the training were stolen from any source available. (Reed realized even his own airplane disappeared into the program to some other place in the world.) The Mena airport was a kind of wild west operation. Airplanes were given new numbers, retrofitted with illegal or at least uninspected equipment, smuggling, etc. The CIA bought an arms manufacturing company and moved it to Arkansas to produce untraceable arms made from stolen parts from the Arkansas National guard. The guns were smuggled on "special" barges up the Mississippi river to lock 13 where they were trucked to Mena for crating and smuggling out of the country by air often by Barry Seal. One of the manufacturing cutouts was making untraceable printed circuit boards for stinger missiles. Reed personally witnessed the dropping of duffel bags stuffed with cash and sometimes cocaine to the Triple S Ranch, owned by Governor Bill Clinton cronies. The dirty cash was laundered in the Arkansas Industrial Development Corporation. This was made especially easy through the little Wall Street bond underwriting business that Clinton controlled. The CIA could do what they wanted without any interference as long as Clinton and the State got their cut (10%). At one point Reed asked one of his handlers what his politics were. He answered that he was an political atheist. "[The] Agency is politics. Everything else is just puppets, a big game." He was soon to get the ultimate lesson. From the CIA point of view, working in Arkansas with its good 'ol boy network was just not working. The final straw was the Clinton demand for a bigger cut while at the same time cheating the CIA out of some of its funds. The scheme to bypass Clinton's Arkansas was bold. Reed's stock with the Agency was sky high at the time. He had it all. He was approached by North about starting a turnkey arms manufacturing company in Mexico under cover of another company he would also would start. Operation "Centaur Rose" (pilot training) was to be shut down and "Jade Bridge" (arms manufacture and smuggling) was to be outsourced to Mexico under Reed as operation "Screw Worm." In March of 1986, one month that Reed's handler, close friend, mentor and flying partner was murdered, Reed was called to a meeting in a WWII bunker with top Arkansas officials, Oliver North, and the personal spokesperson for DCI Casey, a "Robert Johnson," who Reed had only talked to on the phone. Reed only knew by word of mouth from Seal that Johnson was running a much bigger operation out of Florida. The purpose of the meeting was to tie up the loose ends and to calm down a furious Bill Clinton, who by the way was the surprise guest at the meeting! And so, Reed was to hear Robert Johnson dress down a panicky Clinton. After all, he was to lose the funding for the core of what had fueled his popularity -- bringing jobs to Arkansas. So what if it meant selling out his own Party and engaging in a wide range of criminal activity. Johnson said to Clinton: Quote:Calm down and listen....We are all in this together. We all have our personal agendas...but let's not forget, both the Vice President and Mr. Casey want this operation to be a success. We need to get these assets and resources in place and get them self-sustaining and prospering on their own while we have the chance. This is a golden opportunity. The timing is right. We have communists taking over a country in this hemisphere. We must all pull together and play as a team. This is no time for lone wolves. Mr. Seal is an example of what happens to lone wolves. They just don't survive in the modern world of intelligence. Clinton left mentally bruised but intact. Another participant at the meeting, Felix Rodriguez, expressed his disgust with commie lover Clinton. Johnson answered: Quote:You need to realign your thinking about black and white, good and bad, us and them. Under our new plan we all get along for the advancement of the common goal. North interjected: Quote:...We are all hand-chosen by the highest office in the land to be entrusted with this mission. We should all feel honored to be here. Our objective is two-fold. One, to rid this earth of the evil communist element we've been trained to seek out and destroy. The other is to set in place a true self-sustaining and modern black operations division worldwide, as Mr. Casey envisioned.... The remainder of the book is devoted to the collapse of Terry Reed's world as he became a "live liability." He was disgusted that his operation "Screw Worm" was being used to traffic huge amounts of drugs. He was on the run for over a year with his family and makes for quite the thriller. I understand that Reed's location is unknown at this time. Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA - Phil Dragoo - 18-10-2012 Tosh Plumlee and John Carman could add to this perspective. Buddy Young guarded the bunker meeting wherein Bill Clinton was advised of his chosen status, would later be a regional FEMA director. In May 2000 six National Park Service employees began a 300-acre controlled burn in the beautiful Bandelier National Monument during a period of decreasing humidity and rising temperature and wind. When the blaze was whipping up to its 50,000-acre toll Los Alamos New Mexico was evacuated and Los Alamos National Laboratory closed and vacated. Buddy Young met with residents to assure them they had no need to be nervous. Neither did Wen Ho Lee and the phantoms continually checking out warhead data drives from secure lab areas. The lesson of Mena is that intelligence is a transpolitical stratum in which contraband and counterinsurgency comingle with intrigue and murder, life's value is measured on a need-to-know basis--obviously U.S. citizens have none. Patriotism is reason enough for the crimes committed and when its fabric is tattered conscientious objectors are immediately eligible for shovel-ready jobs. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/drugs/cron/ Missing from Big Bird's timeline is the murder of Barry Seal. Exit question: When U.S. forces entered Afghanistan and heroin from that region supplied 90% of the world's need was it a surprise that Posner would defend a dead Karzai and Obama would fly in to sign an agreement with the live Karzai continuing U.S. relationship through 2024. That the border kept open under the last administration remains open under this one; that Los Zetas get immunity while Sinaloa gets 3.5K weapons. That the most dangerous thing for a Customs, Border Patrol or DEA officer to do is his job? Compromised: still relevant thirty years later. Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA - Peter Lemkin - 18-10-2012 Yes, Tosh could tell much in this regard; but, he is no longer posting on this Forum. What he sends about things in Mexico, he sends to me and Magda via PM. I don't think he even looks any longer at the posts here. He likely also knows something about Seal [who he knew well], but I've never been able to get him to speak to that issue...nor am I aware he ever has to anyone else. I guess he feels that is too dangerous an area to talk about...and my guess is what he might know of other 'big names' he would also be hesitant to speak about [he didn't say that;that is just my take]. Tosh is on record [and gave me and a few others some bits more than is public record] about his flying flights that would be guns one way; drugs the other - and things along those lines - hidden within a government or off-the-shelf black operation and/or secret war. While his involvement in Dallas is hard to nail down; I've never found anything he said about his Iran-Contra and related flights and activities to be questionable. He even provided proof and evidence to Sen. Gary Hart and later to Sen. John Kerry's subcommittee [the testimony is still classified]...and many others about all of this. He is well aware the general practice has not stopped a beat. Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA - Dawn Meredith - 18-10-2012 Damn I posted here but it's gone... About the C-123 being Ollie's drug plane and now a restaurant in Costa Rica. We ate there in 2010. Everyone know what it had been. For more see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairchild_C-123_Provider I LOVED this book. And can't believe there is so much about "John Cathy's (Oliver North's) drug/guns plane on wiki. Yes Tosh knows this stuff but when he posted some of his classified testimony years ago he got into trouble with the PTB Dawn Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA - Lauren Johnson - 18-10-2012 One more thing, "Bob Johnson" was in fact William Barr, attorney, fixer, handy-man for GHWB who would become his Attorney General. According to Wikipedia, he had left the CIA in 1977. Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA - Dawn Meredith - 19-10-2012 Lauren Johnson Wrote:One more thing, "Bob Johnson" was in fact William Barr, attorney, fixer, handy-man for GHWB who would become his Attorney General. According to Wikipedia, he had left the CIA in 1977. There is a lot about the crime family Bush that some argue about. And his ties to the CIA going way way back is one of those issues. Naive? Or something worse. Dawn Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA - Lauren Johnson - 21-10-2012 This a strange story amongst the many strange stories he tells. The strangest? Reed in his effort to lead a normal family life in Mexico, while trying to establish a business that will not exist on any map, loads them into a trailor for a "vacation." They are to drive to Zirahuen, Michuachan for a meeting to set up his arms manufacturing business. His needs are substantial. The machine tool industry in Mexico is non-existent. He knows that some very delicate machinery will have be delivered over some very bad roads. They will never survive. He needs to know that he will have 100% support from the highest levels of the Mexican government. (He plans to ask for a 7000 ft runway. He will get an 8000 ft runway "just in case." They stop at a resort a few miles Zirahuen--a very strange place. No expense has been spared in this poverty stricken nation. It reminds him of a village from Alps--a mixture of Mexican and German with large gingerbread a-frame chalets. He says that at 6am, Deutschland Uber Alles blasts out of the loudspeakers. He says he went to sleep in Mexico and woke up the the Third Reich. The children are lined up and put through a series of martial like marches to the rhythm of drum as they are marched off to school. Many of them are very fair skinned and some are blond. He concludes these are some refugees from Germany keeping their culture alive. Consider: put operation Paperclip together with the fact that this area was being established by the Reagan administration (which is really GHWB and all that goes with that). Sounds velly intawesting. Reference: p320ff. Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA - Jan Klimkowski - 22-10-2012 Lauren Johnson Wrote:They stop at a resort a few miles Zirahuen--a very strange place. No expense has been spared in this poverty stricken nation. It reminds him of a village from Alps--a mixture of Mexican and German with large gingerbread a-frame chalets. Lauren - we know that at least one Nazis in lederhosen enclave existed in the Andes mountains in Chile. It was home to an international paedophile network. It was home to secret weapons research. It was where the Chilean secret police went to torture their most obstinate victims under Washington's military dictator Pinochet. It was where humans rights campaigners and "leftists" were disappeared. It was the logistical hub of the fascist Operation Condor. It's name was Colonia Dignidad. There are DPF threads here and here. Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA - Lauren Johnson - 22-10-2012 Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Lauren Johnson Wrote:They stop at a resort a few miles Zirahuen--a very strange place. No expense has been spared in this poverty stricken nation. It reminds him of a village from Alps--a mixture of Mexican and German with large gingerbread a-frame chalets. Jan, I had you in mind when I posted this obscure reference. To my mind it is one of those Levendaesque connections. Bush -- Nazis -- World Domination -- Children. Shudder. Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA - Dawn Meredith - 03-05-2014 Bumping this thread. Spread the word. Dawn |