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A Deep Political Case For a Romney Presidency - Lauren Johnson - 30-10-2012

Consider that the 2004 Presidential election was won through massive election fraud, most significantly through the work of late Mike Connell, no one should doubt that the electronic theft of elections is now entirely possible even likely. Consider that no individual can become President without having received a stamp approval from TPTB. Consider Wayne Madsen's persuasive argument that Obama was recruited as a young man by some three letter agency; that his left leaning career was the creation of a legend; that his career was placed on the fast track as one who would make a desirable president. Consider that his presidency has been highly favorable to banks, the military, and the expansion of the security apparatus.

Question: why should we doubt that the re-election of Obama could be anything but a sure thing? Well, given Romney's Mormon identity, and the church's ties to the CIA, we could presume that Romney's intelligence ties are every bit as strong as Obama's. So, could we make the argument based on who the TPTB think would make the better president in terms of competence? Who would best be able to take the fabled 3AM telephone call? This is not even factored into the equation. The best presidents are the ones who don't screw up and get too far of script. Their job is to stay on message most persuasively. Both candidates are fully capable from that perspective.

How then can we do anything but flip a coin? I think the answer is found by analyzing plausible narratives available to each candidate and then asking which narrative fits with the next phase. Who is best suited to move The Agenda forward? If TPTB wants a story line of Obama struggling to forge a bi-partisan Grand Bargain, he's the guy. If you want the nuclear option, Romney's the guy. His speech after being sworn in will be something like this: The American people have spoken. They want this country to be brought back to its senses. We must have austerity, austerity, austerity. We must have a strong military and face the enemies of freedom abroad. We must recognize there are enemies of freedom domestically. They must also be confronted. At last we will economic freedom in this land and a country that will based on the Constitution. Let freedom march; let there be prosperity for all.

Which narrative will be the Chosen One? The one clue we have is Obama's performance at the first debate. As he went into the debate, Nate Silver at the NYT had Obama's chances of winning at about 97%. That was a big problem for anyone wanting to win an election by stealing it. They needed it to be a much closer election. So now that's where things are. Obama had an "off day." I say he was instructed to blow it. I know; not much of a clue. But in this day of presidents acting as art installations in the public square of the Potemkin Village that we are, it should be given more weight.

Whatever the case, we are now well positioned for another stolen election. I say it's Romney who will be standing at the podium.

A Deep Political Case For a Romney Presidency - Keith Millea - 30-10-2012

I'll be sending in my ballot tomorrow.I absolutely will not vote for either a Democrat or Republican any longer.Done..Fini...!My vote will be for the Green party candidates.

From the few times that I saw Obummer speak recently,it is clear to me,the man has "lost his Mojo".He can barely get through his speeches without stumbling,or stopping to think what he was supposed to say.I think he's done.So,in all honesty,I'm not sure Romney needs to even steal this election.

Either the end we're all gonna get screwed...

Published on Tuesday, October 30, 2012 by Naked Capitalism

The Great Betrayal and the Cynicism of Calling it a Grand Bargain

by William K. Black

A Deep Political Case For a Romney Presidency - Lauren Johnson - 30-10-2012

A Deep Political Case For a Romney Presidency - Charles Drago - 30-10-2012

There used to be a thoroughbred racetrack in Rhode Island called Narragansett Park. Law enforcement officials and wise guys alike recognized it as one of the most corrupt facilities of its kind.

A large percentage of bettors who frequented NP knew the score. But nevertheless they came and they gambled.

The most successful ticket buyers handicapped races not by evaluating the records of horses and jockeys, or track conditions, or odds, or length of race. They used an entirely different set of metrics: who really owned the horses and jockeys, where and when was the heavy money going, who was owed a win.

Lauren, you are quite correct. Deep political analysis -- as opposed to poll results, fundraising numbers, debate performances, etc. -- provides the only meaningful metrics available to handicap an American presidential election.

It's all theater of the absurd -- and the obscene.

My best analysis: Obama is given the razor-thin victory so as to put to rest the suspicions that a close presidential election in which the son of the Republican candidate owns an electronic voting machine firm will be stolen for the GOP.

Thus is preserved and protected the fraud option for future use in an election in which one of the candidates represents true change.

A Deep Political Case For a Romney Presidency - Lauren Johnson - 31-10-2012

Quote:My best analysis: Obama is given the razor-thin victory so as to put to rest the suspicions that a close presidential election in which the son of the Republican candidate owns an electronic voting machine firm will be stolen for the GOP.

Thus is preserved and protected the fraud option for future use in an election in which one of the candidates represents true change.

How about this one?

The fear and hatred of Obama is huge amongst certain groups. No, really. A razor thin election could serve to stir the pot in a big way. Season with a "revelation" of vote rigging on the part of a Democrat or two. Suddenly, It's "Obama stole the election." A razor thin victory could end up serving all kinds of agendas.

A Deep Political Case For a Romney Presidency - Charlie Prima - 31-10-2012

- edited -

A Deep Political Case For a Romney Presidency - Charles Drago - 31-10-2012

Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Quote:My best analysis: Obama is given the razor-thin victory so as to put to rest the suspicions that a close presidential election in which the son of the Republican candidate owns an electronic voting machine firm will be stolen for the GOP.

Thus is preserved and protected the fraud option for future use in an election in which one of the candidates represents true change.

How about this one?

The fear and hatred of Obama is huge amongst certain groups. No, really. A razor thin election could serve to stir the pot in a big way. Season with a "revelation" of vote rigging on the part of a Democrat or two. Suddenly, It's "Obama stole the election." A razor thin victory could end up serving all kinds of agendas.

Not bad. Not bad at all.

A Deep Political Case For a Romney Presidency - Lauren Johnson - 07-11-2012

Here are two Rush Limbaugh clips from his day-after-the-disaster show:

First, he says Republicans have to recognize they are outnumbered.

Then, he goes all in: maybe they rigged it:

A Deep Political Case For a Romney Presidency - Jan Klimkowski - 07-11-2012

Rush is a complete and utter tool.

In the lewd and the political sense.

A Deep Political Case For a Romney Presidency - Lauren Johnson - 08-11-2012

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Rush is a complete and utter tool.

In the lewd and the political sense.

He is a horcrux. His assigned task is to activate the Manson Secret in the American psyche.