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Weird Crap About Thomas Dodd

FTR #158 The Life and Times of Senator Thomas Dodd

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In the wake of the Columbine High School mas*sacre in Lit*tle*ton, Col*orado, the pop*u*lar sen*ti*ment in favor of gun con*trol was greater than ever. Gen*er*ally per*ceived as part of the lib*eral polit*i*cal agenda, gun con*trol actu*ally has its roots in the depths of inter*na*tional fas*cist intrigue. This broad*cast doc*u*ments con*nec*tions between the assas*si*na*tion of Pres*i*dent Kennedy and the world of Sen*a*tor Thomas Dodd (right) of Con*necti*cut.
A mem*ber of the U.S. pros*e*cu*to*r*ial staff at Nurem*berg., this for*mer FBI agent (Dodd) was close to the Amer*i*can Secu*rity Coun*cil (ASC), a domes*tic fas*cist group. With its roots in the Hitler-Goebbels Anti*Com*intern, the Amer*i*can Secu*rity Coun*cil was a key Amer*i*can link to the for*mer World Anti-Communist League or WACL. Cre*ated by for*mer FBI agents dis*grun*tled at the demise of Sen*a*tor Joseph McCarthy's "inves*ti*ga*tions," the Amer*i*can Secu*rity Coun*cil coa*lesced around the files of Harry Jung's Amer*i*can Vig*i*lance Intel*li*gence Fed*er*a*tion. Vir*u*lently anti-Semitic, Jung's orga*ni*za*tion was part of the Anti-Comintern prior to World War II.
Count*ing among its ranks some of the most promi*nent names on the far right, the orga*ni*za*tion kept track of peo*ple it con*sid*ered "sub*ver*sive," shar*ing polit*i*cal intel*li*gence with prospec*tive employ*ers (par*tic*u*larly defense con*trac*tors). The ASC hated Kennedy and it is not, there*fore, alto*gether sur*pris*ing that Dodd helped to dis*sem*i*nate the dis*in*for*ma*tion that Lee Har*vey Oswald had been trained in assas*si*na*tion by the KGB. With CIA assis*tance, Dodd inserted this dis*in*for*ma*tion into a Sen*ate Sub*com*mit*tee report. This dis*in*for*ma*tion, with roots in the same WACL milieu as the ASC, led lib*er*als to cover-up the assas*si*na*tion out of fear that pub*lic per*cep*tion that a com*mu*nist killed the Pres*i*dent would lead to a Third World War.
Dodd's role in this affair is all the more inter*est*ing when one con*sid*ers the pos*si*bil*ity that Oswald may have ordered his weapons while work*ing for Dodd's Sub*com*mit*tee. Inves*ti*gat*ing the mail-order firearms busi*ness, the Dodd com*mit*tee focused on the two firms from which Oswald allegedly pur*chased his weapons. Oswald was appar*ently extra*or*di*nar*ily inter*ested in mail-order guns, a strange way for a prospec*tive assas*sin to acquire weaponry. In 1963, he could have pur*chased his guns over the counter with no trace of the transaction.
Manuel Pena, an intelligence-connected Los Ange*les Police offi*cer involved with the "inves*ti*ga*tion" of Robert Kennedy's assas*si*na*tion, also worked with the Dodd Sub*com*mit*tee. Pena helped to trace Oswald's mail order gun pur*chases. Dodd was instru*men*tal in craft*ing 1968 gun con*trol leg*is*la*tion that bor*rowed from the Nazi weapons con*trol act of 1938. It should be remem*bered that the assas*si*na*tions of the Kennedys and Dr. Mar*tin Luther King gen*er*ated pop*u*lar and leg*isla*tive sup*port for gun control.
The pro*gram also sets forth Dodd's rela*tion*ship with the Julius Klein pub*lic rela*tions firm and, through it, key Ger*man cor*po*ra*tions. When Sen*ate inves*ti*ga*tions of Klein's con*nec*tions to those Ger*man cor*po*ra*tions threat*ened that rela*tion*ship, Dodd trav*eled to Ger*many in a vain attempt to con*vince Klein's Ger*man clients that the Sen*ate inves*ti*ga*tion should not stand in the way of their rela*tion*ship to Klein. (They feared the pub*lic*ity Klein was an appar*ently unreg*is*tered for*eign agent.) In Ger*many, Dodd met with Dr. Ludger Westrick. An eco*nomic adviser to Ger*man Chan*cel*lor Kon*rad Ade*nauer, Westrick had been a key Nazi bureau*crat, liai*son between indus*try and the SS and eco*nomic adviser to Mar*tin Bor*mann. (Recorded on 6/6/99.)
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Messages In This Thread
Weird Crap About Thomas Dodd - by Peter Lemkin - 29-05-2010, 07:43 PM
Weird Crap About Thomas Dodd - by Charles Drago - 29-05-2010, 07:48 PM
Weird Crap About Thomas Dodd - by Helen Reyes - 29-05-2010, 08:28 PM
Weird Crap About Thomas Dodd - by Tracy Riddle - 31-05-2013, 01:53 AM
Weird Crap About Thomas Dodd - by Peter Lemkin - 31-05-2013, 06:54 AM
Weird Crap About Thomas Dodd - by Magda Hassan - 31-05-2013, 08:35 AM
Weird Crap About Thomas Dodd - by Magda Hassan - 31-05-2013, 08:55 AM

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