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Greetings to all !
Hello everyone,

Just a little post of "introduction", first of all to thank Magda for letting me know of this awesome forum. I've been waiting for this.
I "met" Magda in Zuckerland a few years ago, when I was enjoying this flat alternative world of "likes" and "friends", getting addicted to a new but exciting need to earn more and more of these immaterial rewards, while savouring the sour smell of my Victory coffee.
Among this lust of Ministry of Love-like rewards, I had the chance to find elements of the Brotherhood, that is : truly interesting people from every part of this flat planet, and Magda was one of them. I talked about my admiration of JFK, notably in the Evidence of Revision's documentaries, and she told me of a certain book of the Unspeakable. I bought it, and learnt a lot from it. We had great chats about Smedley Butler, Contras, Camp Bondsteel, ZAZ or spiders, spirals even, and when I left my data-mining world of friends (at least these ones), I truly missed these exchanges.

Which is why I'm happy and honored to be here, as I've been keeping on learning all these alternative insights of politics on my own, and as you people most certainly know, it is hard to find folks ready to dig all that dark soil, and talk about it.

About me, well I'm french (I know, sorry), I studied History at the university and now I'm thoroughly unlearning the manipulated and so incredibly one-sided angle of all I was told there. Written by the Victorious, as always. Today I work as a yoga teacher.
I love the Allan Francovich documentaries, the books of Anthony Sutton, Orwell (needless to say), science-fiction (cybernetics above all), waves and spirals (yep, said it twice already, but that's an improvement all right)... and a lot in-between.

I'm so pessimistic about the world that I'm resolutely optimistic about the human mind's resources, but that is probably the yogi speaking.

My elements of answers versus the monstrosity surrounding us are staunchly naive, which is why I will definitely share it with you.

Be seeing you, Kokoro.

Messages In This Thread
Greetings to all ! - by Julien Kokoro - 20-06-2013, 09:13 AM
Greetings to all ! - by Magda Hassan - 20-06-2013, 09:31 AM
Greetings to all ! - by David Guyatt - 20-06-2013, 09:31 AM
Greetings to all ! - by Charles Drago - 20-06-2013, 07:28 PM

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