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US Intell planned to destroy Wikileaks
Dave Emory at has a curious "For The Record #724" called "Wiki of the Damned", here offered without comment, digestion, supportive research, or anything else, as this is clearly beyond my purview or expertise.

The link is here: This whole thing may be best read by clicking through the link.

Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ October 19, 2010

[Image: The-Kids-Are-Not-Alright.jpg]Intro*duc*tion: The first of two pro*grams deal*ing with Wik*iLeaks, this broad*cast exam*ines an intel*li*gence–[Image: hamiltonbyrnefamily.jpg]con*nected mind con*trol cult with which Wik*iLeaks king*pin Julian Assange appears to be affil*i*ated. As well con*nected as it is ruth*less and crim*i*nal, the San*ti*nike*tan Park Asso*ci*a*tion of Anne Hamilton-Byrne con*di*tioned chil*dren with drugs, sen*sory depri*va*tion, sleep depri*va*tion, tor*ture and rit*ual sex*ual abuse in order to pro*duce sub*jects who bent to the will of the group’s leader.
[Image: Hair-Today-Gone-Tomorrow-150x150.jpg]Although Assange (pic*tured at left) claims to have been “on the run” from the cult, his claims of links to Aus*tralian intel*li*gence plus his strange, “plat*inum” col*ored hair (dis*tinc*tive of chil*dren raised in the group) sug*gest that the con*nec*tions may run much deeper. (Recall in this con*text that the group prac*tices rig*or*ous, sophis*ti*cated mind-control method*ol*ogy and Assange him*self may be sin*cerely unaware of the depth of his appar*ent links to the group. The orga*ni*za*tion also devel*ops mul*ti*ple iden*ti*ties for the chil*dren raised in its ranks, as well as obtain*ing mul*ti*ple pass*ports for them. Assange’s mother claims his hair turned white fol*low*ing a dif*fi*cult cus*tody case involv*ing a child of his. As will be seen later, Assange claims that Aus*tralian intel*li*gence has advised him, and there is an appar*ent link between Aus*tralian intel*li*gence and the cult.)
The title of the pro*gram comes from two sci-fi/horror movies from the late 1950’s and 60’s called Chil*dren of the [Image: Children-of-the-Damned1.jpg]Damned and Vil*lage of the Damned. Both movies fea*tured a gen*er*a*tion of platinum-blonde chil*dren with psycho-kinetic pow*ers, preter*nat*ural intel*li*gence and a really, really bad atti*tude. The chil*dren are pic*tured in a pro*mo*tional poster for the film in the upper left. Cult leader Hamilton-Byrne (inset) and her “chil*dren” are pic*tured above and at right. A still from the film is at right. Assange is pic*tured twice at left. Is this a case of life imi*tat*ing art?
[Image: Life-Imitates-Art-150x150.jpg]Pos*sess*ing con*sid*er*able wealth, in con*trol of its own psy*chi*atric hos*pi*tal, com*posed largely of well-heeled pro*fes*sional peo*ple, uti*lized as an exper*i*men*ta*tion cen*ter by one of Australia’s lead*ing Catholic psy*chol*o*gists, linked to the Aus*tralian min*is*ter over*see*ing that country’s intel*li*gence ser*vice, the “Fam*ily” as they like to be called, used these con*nec*tions to escape the pun*ish*ment that would cer*tainly have fol*lowed their activ*i*ties. Avail*able evi*dence sug*gests that the group is an intel*li*gence front.
[Image: Unseen-Unheard-Unknown-189x300.jpg]Even for*mer cult mem*bers who have turned on the orga*ni*za*tion have been drawn back into its fold and rec*on*ciled with Anne Hamilton-Byrne.
Tar*get*ing Rus*sia, China and some of the Cen*tral Asian states that emerged fol*low*ing the breakup of the Soviet Union, Wik*iLeaks has pur*sued a polit*i*cal agenda that smacks of a Third Position/UNPO/Underground Reich polit*i*cal ori*en*ta*tion. The group has also stung the United States, mak*ing an already dif*fi*cult Afghanistan pol*icy that much more dif*fi*cult fol*low*ing their leaks of key U.S. doc*u*ments about NATO involve*ment in that country.
Pro*gram High*lights Include: The group’s exces*sive secre*tive*ness; the group’s lack of can*dor about their sources of financ*ing in par*tic*u*lar; phar*ma*ceu*ti*cal com*pany Sandoz’s alleged dis*pens*ing of free LSD to Fam*ily; par*tial dis*cus*sion of Wik*iLeaks’ con*nec*tions to the milieu of Pirate Bay and Swedish fas*cist financier Carl Lund*strom; the Hamilton-Byrne cult’s “car*ing” for Lord Casey, the Aus*tralian cab*i*net mem*ber charged with over*sight of the Aus*tralian intel*li*gence agency; the Hamilton-Byrne cult’s close asso*ci*a*tion with Catholic psy*chol*o*gist Ronald Con*way; Conway’s alleged molesta*tion of peo*ple asso*ci*ated with the cult; Conway’s role as an expert com*men*ta*tor on the Church’s molesta*tion scandals.
1. The pro*gram begins with dis*cus*sion of a cult with which Assange appears to have been affil*i*ated, although he min*i*mizes his con*nec*tion to them. It is worth not*ing that flee*ing this cult appar*ently dom*i*nated much of his life at this point, yet the group’s pow*er*ful con*nec*tions appear to have allowed them to track him and his mother.
In light of the appar*ent mind con*trol tech*niques prac*ticed by the group, indi*ca*tions of the group’s pos*si*ble intel*li*gence con*nec*tions, as well as delib*er*ate and exten*sive oper*a*tions to obfus*cate the iden*tity of cult mem*bers, one should take much of what Assange says about his rela*tion*ship to the group with a grain of salt. Might he be a mem*ber of the cult, who was “sheep-dipped” to mask his links to the group?
Assange’s own track record indi*cates a record of delib*er*ate, elu*sive behav*ior and statements.
. . . . When Assange was eight, Claire left her hus*band and began see*ing a musi*cian, with whom she had another child, a boy. The rela*tion*ship was tem*pes*tu*ous; the musi*cian became abu*sive, she says, and they sep*a*rated. A fight ensued over the cus*tody of Assange’s half brother, and Claire felt threat*ened, fear*ing that the musi*cian would take away her son. Assange recalled her say*ing, “Now we need to dis*ap*pear,” and he lived on the run with her from the age of eleven to six*teen. When I asked him about the expe*ri*ence, he told me that there was evi*dence that the man belonged to a pow*er*ful cult called the Family—its motto was “Unseen, Unknown, and Unheard.” Some mem*bers were doc*tors who per*suaded moth*ers to give up their new*born chil*dren to the cult’s leader, Anne Hamilton-Byrne. The cult had moles in gov*ern*ment, Assange sus*pected, who pro*vided the musi*cian with leads on Claire’s where*abouts. In fact, Claire often told friends where she had gone, or hid in places where she had lived before. . . .
“No Secrets” by Jeff Khatch*a*tourian; The New Yorker; 6/7/2010.
2. Wikipedia gives a nice overview of the group. Note that Wikipedia should, as a rule, be scru*ti*nized very care*fully. It is fre*quently in error. When sources and links check out, as they do here, it is gen*er*ally reliable.
Around 1964 Dr Raynor John*son was host*ing reg*u*lar meet*ings of a reli*gious and philo*soph*i*cal dis*cus*sion group led by Hamilton-Byrne at San*ti*nike*tan, his home at Ferny Creek in the Dan*de*nong Ranges on the east*ern out*skirts of Mel*bourne. Also con*nected was a series of weekly talks he gave at the Coun*cil of Adult Edu*ca*tion in Mel*bourne, enti*tled “The Macro*cosm and the Micro*cosm”. The group pur*chased an adjoin*ing prop*erty which they named San*ti*nike*tan Park [1] in 1968 and con*structed a meet*ing hall, San*ti*nike*tan Lodge.
The asso*ci*a*tion con*sisted of mid*dle class, pro*fes*sional peo*ple; it has been esti*mated that a quar*ter were nurses and other med*ical per*son*nel, and that many were recruited by John*son who referred them to Hamilton-Byrne’s hatha yoga classes.[2] Mem*bers mainly lived in nearby sub*urbs and town*ships in the Dan*de*nongs, meet*ing each Tues*day, Thurs*day and Sun*day evening [3] at San*ti*nike*tan Lodge, Crowther House in Olinda or another prop*erty in the area known as the White Lodge [4].
Dur*ing the late 1960s and 1970s Newhaven Hos*pi*tal in Kew was a pri*vate psy*chi*atric hos*pi*tal owned and man*aged by Mar*ion Vil*limek, a San*ti*nike*tan mem*ber; many of its staff and attend*ing psy*chi*a*trists were also members.
Many patients at Newhaven were treated with the hal*lu*cino*genic drug LSD [7]. The hos*pi*tal was used to recruit poten*tial new mem*bers from among the patients, and also to admin*is*ter LSD to mem*bers under the direc*tion of the San*ti*nike*tan psy*chi*a*trists Dr John Mackay and Dr Howard Whitaker . One of the orig*i*nal mem*bers of the Asso*ci*a*tion was given LSD, elec*tro*con*vul*sive ther*apy and two leu*co*tomies dur*ing the late 1960s.
Although the psy*chi*atric hos*pi*tal had been closed down by 1992, in that year a new inquest was ordered into the death of a Newhaven patient in 1975 after new claims that his death had been due to deep sleep ther*apy. The inquest heard evi*dence con*cern*ing the use of elec*tro*con*vul*sive ther*apy, LSD and other prac*tices at Newhaven but found no evi*dence that deep sleep had been used on this patient. The Newhaven build*ing was later reopened as a nurs*ing home with no con*nec*tions to its pre*vi*ous owner or uses.
Anne Hamilton-Byrne acquired four*teen infants and young chil*dren between about 1968 and 1975. Some were the nat*ural chil*dren of San*ti*nike*tan mem*bers, oth*ers had been obtained through irreg*u*lar adop*tions arranged by lawyers, doc*tors and social work*ers within the group who could bypass the nor*mal processes. The children’s iden*ti*ties were changed using false birth cer*tifi*cates or deed poll, all being given the sur*name ‘Hamilton-Byrne’ and dressed alike even to the extent of their hair being dyed uni*formly blonde[11].
The chil*dren were kept in seclu*sion and home-schooled at Kia Lama, a rural prop*erty usu*ally referred to as “Uptop”, at Tay*lor Bay on Lake Eil*don near the town of Eil*don, Vic*to*ria. They were taught that Anne Hamilton-Byrne was their bio*log*i*cal mother, and knew the other adults in the group as ‘aun*ties’ and ‘uncles’ They were denied almost all access to the out*side world, and sub*jected to a dis*ci*pline that included fre*quent cor*po*ral pun*ish*ment and star*va*tion diets.
The chil*dren were fre*quently dosed with the psy*chi*atric drugs Anaten*sol, Diazepam, Haloperi*dol, Largac*til, Mogadon, Serepax, Ste*lazine, Tegre*tol or Tofranil[4]. On reach*ing ado*les*cence they were com*pelled to undergo an ini*ti*a*tion involv*ing LSD[13]: while under the influ*ence of the drug the child would be left in a dark room, alone apart from vis*its by Hamilton-Byrne or one of the psy*chi*a*trists from the group[4].
“San*ti*nike*tan Park Asso*ci*a*tion”; Wikipedia.
3. More about the cult, from an arti*cle about a long-overdue bust of the group. Note the dif*fi*culty law enforce*ment had in bring*ing this group to jus*tice. One of many indi*ca*tions that the orga*ni*za*tion was “connected.”
The leader of Australia’s most noto*ri*ous cult, The Fam*ily, remains unre*pen*tant two decades after the raid that shocked the nation.
Anne Hamilton-Byrne broke her silence yes*ter*day, say*ing she was ready to die after rec*on*cil*ing with Sarah Moore, the “daugh*ter” who betrayed her to the authorities.
The Fam*ily made head*lines around the world in 1987 when the Aus*tralian Fed*eral Police and Com*mu*nity Ser*vices Vic*to*ria raided the cult’s prop*erty at Lake Eil*don and took six chil*dren into care.
Police later found 14 chil*dren had been brought up in almost com*plete iso*la*tion believ*ing they were the off*spring of Hamilton-Byrne and her late hus*band Bill.
In fact none of them was the Hamilton-Byrnes’, but chil*dren of sin*gle moth*ers who had been pres*sured into giv*ing them up for adop*tion or cult mem*bers who did not want them.
But it was the way the chil*dren had been treated that really shocked the nation.
Hamilton-Byrne had ordered the children’s hair be dyed per*ox*ide blonde and they be dressed in iden*ti*cal outfits.
It was also alleged they had been half-starved, beaten and forced to take large quan*ti*ties of tran*quilis*ers to “calm them down” and even fed LSD when they became adults.
Now, in the first ever inter*view at her sprawl*ing Olinda com*pound, the cult leader has defended how she raised the chil*dren and attacked those who said she mis*treated them as “lying bas*tards”. Of her crit*ics, she said: “I would love to put them right, but I can’t.” . . .
“Anne Hamilton-Byrne, Leader of the Fam*ily, Unre*pen*tant but Ready to Die” by James Camp*bell; Her*ald Sun; 8/16/2009.
4. More about the prac*tices of the group, from a police*man who helped to bring them to heel:
Lex De Man, the police*man who spent five years bring*ing The Fam*ily cult leader Anne Hamilton-Byrne to jus*tice, is still haunted by the case and its toll on every*one involved.
And while proud that Oper*a*tion For*est, the task*force on which he worked from 1989 to 1994, even*tu*ally secured her con*vic*tion for per*jury, he is still angry Hamilton-Byrne escaped pun*ish*ment for alleged mal*treat*ment of the chil*dren in her care.
Mr De Man said Hamilton-Byrne was lucky the chil*dren who had endured beat*ings, drug*gings and star*va*tion at The Family’s Lake Eil*don prop*erty were too trau*ma*tised to tes*tify against their alleged tormentor.
“One girl looked like she was seven but was, in fact, 11. She was suf*fer*ing from psycho-social dwarfism,” Mr De Man said.
“I didn’t think at that time – and even today – that many of the kids would be able to sus*tain giv*ing evi*dence in the wit*ness box. I think they’d been dam*aged too much.”
The detective’s deci*sion to go after Hamilton-Byrne for fal*si*fy*ing doc*u*ments came in 1991 when the cult’s solic*i*tor, Peter Kibby, decided to co-operate with police.
“Doc*u*ments don’t lie. Peo*ple lie on doc*u*ments. A doc*u*ment might be false, but it’s a human being that puts the infor*ma*tion on it,” Mr De Man said.
Kibby then per*suaded one of the for*mer “Aun*ties”, Pat Mac*Far*lane, to make a statement.
After months of inter*views, and later armed with the evi*dence to secure a war*rant to arrest Hamilton-Byrne, police still took three years to find her.
“Painful Jus*tice” by James Camp*bell; The Her*ald Sun; 8/16/2009.
5a. Another indi*ca*tion of seri*ous insti*tu*tional sup*port for the cult con*cerns the par*tic*i*pa*tion in their activ*i*ties of Ronald Con*way. One of Australia’s most promi*nent Catholic intel*lec*tu*als, Con*way appears to have engaged in molesta*tion of chil*dren placed in his care. Con*way has also writ*ten dis*mis*sively of com*plaints of sex*ual abuse against Catholic priests.
. . . Conway’s auto*bi*og*ra*phy says that he began his LSD exper*i*ments at St Vincent’s Hos*pi*tal. And for*mer patients say that Con*way also admin*is*tered LSD to them at the Newhaven psy*chi*atric hos*pi*tal which was sit*u*ated at 86 Nor*manby Road, Kew, in Melbourne’s inner east.
In the late 1960s and dur*ing the 1970s, Newhaven hos*pi*tal was owned and man*aged by Mar*ion Vil*limek, a mem*ber of a “New Age” sect called the San*ti*nike*tan Park Asso*ci*a*tion, also known as “The Fam*ily”. A leader of the sect, Anne Hamilton-Byrne, was also an admin*is*tra*tor at the Newhaven. Con*way, Eric Seal and other ther*a*pists hired con*sult*ing rooms there on a ses*sional basis, and were not involved with the sect. Newhaven ceased being a hos*pi*tal in 1992.
Ronald Con*way became one of Australia’s most promi*nent Catholic intel*lec*tu*als, writ*ing books and news*pa*per arti*cles about Aus*tralian soci*ety. He also appeared in radio and tele*vi*sion dis*cus*sion pro*grams as a psy*chol*o*gist and social commentator.
When the church’s sex*ual scan*dals became news in Aus*tralia in the 1990s, Con*way some*times com*mented on the issues of celibacy and sex*ual abuse. . . .
“Ronald Con*way: The Hands-On Psy*chol*o*gist Who Helped the Catholic Church’s Trainee Priests”;; 5/17/2010.
5b. As one wag who blogged about the San*ti*nike*tan Park Asso*ci*a*tion observed; “What good is an LSD mind con*trol reli*gious cult sex*ual abuse story with*out the Catholic Church mak*ing a guest appearance?”
. . . “After sev*eral ses*sions with Con*way, it was sug*gested that I undergo LSD ther*apy in Newhaven Pri*vate Hos*pi*tal as an overnight patient. It was explained to me that this ther*apy was a way to fast-track psy*cho*analy*sis and would be very help*ful in accept*ing my sex*u*al*ity. Con*way, as a psy*chol*o*gist, had no qual*i*fi*ca*tions to admin*is*ter drugs. I did not under*stand this at the time.
“Dur*ing the last ses*sion I came to believe that I had been in the pres*ence of God who autho*rized me to lead the sex*ual life which had been cho*sen for me.
“Con*way then sug*gested that I con*tinue to see him with*out the use of LSD.I explained to him that my finances were stretched and that it was not pos*si*ble. He said that it was impor*tant that I con*tinue to see him and that if I were will*ing he would see me at his home in Tor*ring*ton Street, Can*ter*bury, gratis.
“What a shock I got when one night he made advances to me and we ended up on the floor of his sit*ting room. The room was dec*o*rated as if it were the inside of an Egypt*ian tomb. He said this should not have hap*pened but that, as it had, we should do it prop*erly in his bed*room. It was a spar*tan room with the bed cov*ers on a sin*gle bed already turned down and elec*tric bar heaters turned on rest*ing on tables either side.
…”In the early 1990s, when I was 48 years of age, I was a patient in the Freemason’s Hos*pi*tal and woke up one after*noon to find Ron Con*way sit*ting on my bed hold*ing my hand. He had heard from some*one that I was in hos*pi*tal. I made it clear that I was not happy with his pres*ence .He explained to me that he had been fol*low*ing my life through a work col*league of mine, another psychologist.
“Ron Con*way never appeared again.” . . .
6. A more detailed–and con*se*quently more horrifying–account of the cult’s prac*tices was pre*sented by dis*si*dent mem*ber Sarah Moore, who even*tu*ally rec*on*ciled with Anne Hamilton-Byrne. Note the “breed*ing pro*gram” alluded to here, as well as the use of mul*ti*ple iden*ti*ties, birth*dates and passports.
Note also, Moore’s indi*ca*tion that ene*mies of the group had “disappeared.”
My mother was Anne Hamilton-Byrne, the leader of a small sect in the Dan*de*nongs called the Fam*ily or the Great White Broth*er*hood. I was a small part of her plan to col*lect chil*dren in what she her*self once called a “sci*en*tific exper*i*ment”. Later I dis*cov*ered it was her inten*tion that we chil*dren would con*tinue her sect after the earth was con*sumed by a holo*caust. She saw us as the “inher*i*tors of the earth”. I didn’t know that then. In those days I was just a child. A child of a guru, but a child no less.
Twenty-two to twenty-eight chil*dren in all lived at Uptop in its hey*day, although the fos*ters had vary*ing lengths of stay
She used to say that she couldn’t remem*ber all the dates very well because she had so many chil*dren. Maybe, in ret*ro*spect, we should have realised that was weird but then we never thought it was any*thing out of the ordi*nary. She decided upon sets of twins and triplets and gave us ages and birth-dates to fit in with that idea. Birth*day changes were just some*thing you accepted. It was as if Anne knew so much more about every*thing than us and she just might be reveal*ing another piece of our life plan if she changed our birthdays.
We were the chil*dren of The Fam*ily, the chil*dren of Anne Hamilton-Byrne. We were dressed alike. Most of the girls’ hair was dyed blond, cut into fringes and worn long with iden*ti*cal hair*styles and identically-coloured rib*bons. All the boys had bowl haircuts.
…Why did she raise us in almost total social iso*la*tion, miles from any*where, with min*i*mal con*tact with other humans apart from the sect mem*bers who looked after us? Why did she sub*ject us to the bizarre and cruel reg*i*men in which we grew up? Was it to demon*strate that she had the power to cre*ate a gen*er*a*tion that would be reared with her beliefs and believ*ing in her? I sus*pect per*haps that there were more sin*is*ter motives than these alone. Some of us had mul*ti*ple birth cer*tifi*cates and pass*ports, and cit*i*zen*ship of more than one coun*try. Only she knows why thus was and why we were also all dressed alike, why most of us even had our hair dyed iden*ti*cally blond.
I can only con*jec*ture because I will never know for sure. How*ever I sus*pect that she went to such great lengths in order to enable her to move chil*dren around, in and out of the coun*try. Per*haps even to be sold over*seas. I’m sure there is a mar*ket some*where in the world for small blond chil*dren with no trace*able iden*ti*ties. If she did it, it was a per*fect scam. Many ex-sect mem*bers have said that they were aware that Anne was cre*at*ing chil*dren by a “breed*ing pro*gram” in the late 1960s. These were ‘invis*i*ble’ kids, because they had no papers and there is no proof that they ever existed. Yet we Hamilton-Byrne chil*dren had mul*ti*ple iden*ti*ties. These iden*ti*ties could per*haps have been loaned to other chil*dren and the sim*i*lar*ity of our appear*ance used to cover up their absence. One lit*tle blond kid looks very like another in a pass*port photo. I don’t sup*pose we will ever know the truth because only Anne Hamilton-Byrne knows the truth about the whole affair and the truth is some*thing she will never tell.
…I am train*ing to be a doc*tor but some*times I think my med*ical career will be sab*o*taged because there are still many in the sect who have a lot of influ*ence in pro*fes*sional and aca*d*e*mic cir*cles. It may sound melo*dra*matic, but I know that some who were Anne’s ene*mies have dis*ap*peared in strange circumstances. . . .
Unseen, Unheard, Unknown; by Sarah Moore (Hamilton-Byrne).
7. Among those on the receiv*ing end of the cult’s ser*vices was Lord Casey, for*mer Governor-General of Aus*tralia and the min*is*ter in charge of over*see*ing the Aus*tralian intel*li*gence ser*vice, with which Assange claims to be connected.
. . . It has been sug*gested that Anne would have had no power with*out a syringe. She claimed a lot of knowl*edge of med*ical things. She said she had been the matron of a hos*pi*tal but there is no evi*dence she ever did nurs*ing. I can’t empha*sise the impor*tance of nurs*ing in the sect enough. It was crit*i*cal to the way she viewed the Aun*ties and, it was what she planned for the girls’ future pro*fes*sion. She said nurs*ing was one of the ideal occu*pa*tions because it was a form of ‘self*less ser*vice’ that led to spir*i*tual advance*ment. We knew that on their weeks off from Uptop the Aun*ties were either train*ing to be nurses or prac*tised as nurses. Sev*eral of the Aun*ties nursed Lord Casey, a for*mer Governor-General of Aus*tralia. [Ital*ics are mine–D.E.] Rumour has it that he made a sig*nif*i*cant dona*tion to the sect. . . .
8. More about Lord Casey, his pro*fes*sional his*tory and ide*o*log*i*cal outlook:
In pub*lic, Casey seemed to be a devoted Cold-War war*rior, fer*vently sup*port*ive of Britain and the U.S.A., and deeply hos*tile towards the Soviet Union and China; he was the min*is*ter respon*si*ble for the Aus*tralian Secret Intel*li*gence Service.”
“Casey, Richard Gavin Gard*ner”; Aus*tralian Dic*tio*nary of Biog*ra*phy.
9. More about the bru*tal con*di*tion*ing pro*gram exe*cuted by the cult on its accolytes. Notice, again, the use of mul*ti*ple iden*ti*ties, pass*ports and birth*dates for the chil*dren. What are they used for?
…Once ini*ti*ated, came the ‘go-through’ and that meant LSD trips. Every*one knew that it was an inevitable con*se*quence of ini*ti*a*tion, one of the rit*u*als that was inte*gral to the spir*i*tual devel*op*ment of the new ini*ti*ate. I’ve been present at many ‘go-throughs’ of peo*ple in the sect and ended up hav*ing at least a dozen myself.
Dur*ing a ‘go-through’ you were sup*posed to look at your*self and see the bad*ness inside, to regress to sig*nif*i*cant inci*dents in child*hood and in pre*vi*ous lives which affected your per*son*al*ity and retarded your spir*i*tual devel*op*ment. The drug, which Anne some*times called the ‘herb’ or the ‘dream med*i*cine’, was meant to make this eas*ier. It was also meant to make the spir*i*tual bond*ing eas*ier between mas*ter and dis*ci*ple. You were sup*posed to recog*nise her as the “one true mas*ter”, Christ incarnate.
She would come in to peo*ple when they were under and ask, “Do you know who I am?” The cor*rect answer was, “the Lord Incar*nate”. The incor*rect answer meant you weren’t ‘work*ing’ hard enough. “Work*ing” was ‘look*ing at your*self’ and real*is*ing what a “hor*ri*ble” per*son you were, repent*ing for your sins and puri*fy*ing yourself.
Before my first ‘go-through’ I was deprived of sleep for sev*eral nights and made to read ‘Yoga and the Bible’. Before*hand I’d watched one of my broth*ers get down on his knees and beg me not to hate him for being a closet homo*sex*ual. This con*fes*sion had been wrung out of him by Anne after sev*eral days of inten*sive ‘work*ing’ under the drug. He felt that he was a fail*ure and I did my best to tell him that he’d never be a fail*ure to me because I loved him. We were all scared of reveal*ing our weak*nesses but doubted that we would be able to hold any*thing back once under the influ*ence of the drugs.
Anne’s tech*nique, pretty typ*i*cal, of keep*ing us awake for sev*eral days before a ‘go-through’ meant that we were incred*i*bly vul*ner*a*ble any*way. You have to hand it to Anne, she knew her stuff; this was chronic sleep depri*va*tion and it added to the strain of the whole expe*ri*ence. Even today, I find if I am really tired I’m prone to flash*backs of LSD and it is harder to cope than it should be. Add to that the sen*sory depri*va*tion, for I was placed in a quiet and dark room and never knew whether it was day or night.
…It was also at this time in 1984, just before my ini*ti*a*tion, that Anne changed my name and gave me a new iden*tity. No longer was I to be called Andree who was born in June, July or maybe Sep*tem*ber. Now, for some rea*son that I never knew, I was called Sarah. I was now a triplet and had even changed nation*al*i*ties: I was now born in New Zealand on 16 Novem*ber 1970. I even had a pass*port to prove this.
It may seem bizarre now but at the time I took this in my stride. I didn’t even con*sider it strange that Anne had never told me this infor*ma*tion up to now, that pre*vi*ously I had believed I was some*one else. This sort of thing – sud*den changes in our real*ity– was par for the course in our lives and we never ques*tioned sur*prises. We were used to unpre*dictabil*ity as far as Anne was con*cerned. I hated the name Andree any*way and being a triplet was more inter*est*ing than being a sin*gle. I now know that there were sev*eral pass*ports in my name, a cou*ple of which were Aus*tralian. They all had dif*fer*ent birth-dates. I also had sev*eral birth cer*tifi*cates in dif*fer*ent names and in dif*fer*ent states.. . .
Unseen, Unheard, Unknown; by Sarah Moore (Hamilton-Byrne).
10. Sarah Moore sug*gests a pos*si*ble rea*son for the group’s appar*ent abil*ity to escape legal ret*ri*bu*tion for their activities.
Of inter*est and pos*si*ble sig*nif*i*cance, also, is the alle*ga*tion by Moore that Sandoz–part of the old I.G. Far*ben complex–was pro*vid*ing the group with free LSD. San*doz also bought the fam*ily busi*ness of Swiss Nazi financier Carl Lund*strom, thereby empow*er*ing him with the cap*i*tal with which he has real*ized his polit*i*cal endeavors.
Among those endeav*ors is the Pirate Bay down*load*ing web*site, with an asso*ci*ated polit*i*cal party (the Pirate Party) and PRQ server, which hosts Wik*iLeaks. As we will see in FTR #725, the Pirate Party is help*ing spon*sor Wik*iLeaks’ pres*ence in Sweden.
…The bulk of the sect was made up of pro*fes*sional peo*ple. With*out their sup*port and par*tic*i*pa*tion, Anne Hamilton-Byrne would never have become what she is today. It was their names, or most impor*tantly, the let*ters that went after their names, that gave her the cred*i*bil*ity and social power she needed. It gave her the means to keep those she already had and to get more and sim*i*lar peo*ple into the cult..
These pro*fes*sional peo*ple: doc*tors, lawyers, engi*neers, archi*tects, psy*chi*a*trists, nurses and social work*ers allowed her suc*cess*fully to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes for more than twenty years.
Had The Fam*ily been a group of strangely dressed peo*ple meet*ing once or twice a week for med*i*ta*tion, an address by the Mas*ter, play*ing of music and chant*ing, they would never have gone unno*ticed for so long. But pin-striped pro*fes*sion*als in their con*ser*v*a*tive suits with their impec*ca*ble social cre*den*tials could get away with main*tain*ing in their pri*vate life morals that were com*pletely at vari*ance with their pro*fes*sional ethics. They looked respectable, peo*ple thought, there*fore they must be respectable.
Who were these pro*fes*sion*als? They were doc*tors who wrote out the pre*scrip*tions that con*trolled us; lawyers, who wrote out the Deed Polls that were needed to forge pass*ports and birth cer*tifi*cates that cre*ated our false iden*ti*ties; social work*ers, who allowed Anne to by-pass nor*mal chan*nels to allow her to adopt, or sim*ply steal in some instances, six*teen chil*dren; doc*tors and nurses who gave her con*tacts with rich dying peo*ple who then left their estates to her. It was the same doc*tors who signed their death cer*tifi*cates; psy*chi*a*trists who had peo*ple com*mit*ted to Newhaven – the Fam*ily owned psy*chi*atric hos*pi*tal; and doc*tors and nurses who super*vised the abuse of LSD,( which for a while they actu*ally obtained free of charge from the Swiss drug com*pany, Sandoz). . . .
11. Wik*iLeaks’ polit*i*cal ori*en*ta*tion is clar*i*fied in an arti*cle pub*lished in The New Yorker. Note that the group’s pri*mary tar*gets are “highly oppres*sive regimes in China, Rus*sia and Cen*tral Eurasia”–the Earth Island about which we’ve spo*ken so often. They’re also will*ing to work against the United States, obviously.
Wik*iLeaks polit*i*cal ori*en*ta*tion smacks of a Third Posi*tion, UNPO polit*i*cal orientation–one con*sis*tent with the Under*ground Reich.
Do not fail to note the poten*tial dam*age that could result from pub*lish*ing the social secu*rity num*bers of active-duty U.S. mil*i*tary per*son*nel. This could lead to, among other things, the com*pro*mis*ing of WMD tech*nol*ogy, nukes in particular.
. . . Assange, despite his claims to sci*en*tific jour*nal*ism, empha*sized to me that his mis*sion is to expose injus*tice, not to pro*vide an even-handed record of events. In an invi*ta*tion to poten*tial col*lab*o*ra*tors in 2006, he wrote, “Our pri*mary tar*gets are those highly oppres*sive regimes in China, Rus*sia and Cen*tral Eura*sia, but we also expect to be of assis*tance to those in the West who wish to reveal ille*gal or immoral behav*ior in their own gov*ern*ments and cor*po*ra*tions.” he has argued that a ‘social move*ment” to expose secrets could ” bring down many admin*is*tra*tions that rely on con*ceal*ing reality–including the US administration.”
Assange does not rec*og*nize the lim*its that tra*di*tional pub*lish*ers do. Recently, he posted mil*i*tary doc*u*ments that included the Social Secu*rity num*bers of sol*diers, and in the Bunker I asked him if Wik*iLeaks’ mis*sion would have been com*pro*mised if he had redacted these small bits. [Ital*ics are mine–D.E.] He said that some leaks risked harm*ing inno*cent people–“collateral dam*age, if you will”–but that he could not weigh the impor*tance of every detail in every doc*u*ment. Per*haps the Social Secu*rity num*bers would one day be impor*tant to researchers inves*ti*gat*ing wrong*do*ing, he said; by releas*ing the infor*ma*tion he would allow judg*ment to occur in the open.
A year and a half ago, Wik*iLeaks pub*lished the results of an Army test, con*ducted in 2004, of elec*tro*mag*netic devices designed to pre*vent IED’s from being trig*gered. The doc*u*ment revealed key aspects of how the devices func*tioned and also showed that they inter*fered with com*mu*ni*ca*tion sys*tems used by soldiers–information that an insur*gent could exploit. By the time Wik*iLeaks pub*lished the study, the Army had begun to deploy newer tech*nol*ogy, but some sol*diers were still using the devices. I asked Assange if he would refrain from releas*ing infor*ma*tion that he knew might get some one killed. He said that he had insti*tuted a “harm-minimization pol*icy,” whereby peo*ple named in cer*tain doc*u*ments were con*tacted before pub*li*ca*tion, to warn them, but that there were also instances where the mem*bers of Wik*iLeaks might get “blood on our hands.” . . . .
“No Secrets” by Raffi Khatch*adourian; The New Yorker; 6/7/2010.
12. More about the sen*si*tive nature of what Wik*iLeaks pub*lishes. It might cause loss of life and/or limb by U.S., coali*tion, or Afghan personnel.
. . . . In 2007, he pub*lished thou*sands of pages of secret mil*i*tary infor*ma*tion detail*ing a vast num*ber of Army pro*cure*ments in Iraq and Afghanistan. He and a vol*un*teer spent weeks build*ing a search*able data*base, study*ing the Army’s pur*chase codes and adding up the cost of the procurements–billions of dol*lars in all. The data*base cat*a*logued materiel that every unit had ordered: machine guns, Humvees, cash-counting machines, satel*lite phones. Assange hoped that jour*nal*ists would pore through it, but barely any did. “I am so angry,” he said. ‘This was such a fuck*ing fan*tas*tic leak: the Army’s force struc*ture of Afghanistan and Iraq, down to the last chair, and nothing.” . . .
13. Another aspect of Wik*iLeaks that has attracted inter*est con*cerns their obfus*ca*tion of fund*ing, cre*at*ing ques*tions about where the money they col*lect is actu*ally going.
The secret-spilling web*site Wik*iLeaks appears to be a fru*gal spender, tap*ping less than 5 per*cent of the funds received through two of its three dona*tion meth*ods, accord*ing to the third-party foun*da*tion that man*ages those contributions.
Wik*iLeaks has received 640,000 euros (U.S. $800,000) through Pay*Pal or bank money trans*fers* since late Decem*ber, and spent only 30,000 euros (U.S. $38,000) from that fund*ing, says Hen*drik Fulda, vice pres*i*dent of the Berlin-based Wau Hol*land Foundation.
The money has gone to pay the travel expenses of Wik*iLeaks founder Julian Assange and spokesman Daniel Schmitt, as well as to cover the costs of com*puter hard*ware, such as servers, and leas*ing data lines, says Fulda. Wik*iLeaks does not cur*rently pay a salary to Assange or other vol*un*teers from this fund*ing, though there have been dis*cus*sions about doing so in the future, Fulda adds. The details have not yet been worked out. . . .
. . . . The site got another boost in dona*tions in April after it pub*lished the con*tro*ver*sial video show*ing a 2007 U.S. Army heli*copter attack in Bagh*dad. Wik*iLeaks claimed it raised more than $150,000 in less than a week after the release of the video. A U.S. Army intel*li*gence ana*lyst named Bradley Man*ning was since arrested and charged with being Wik*iLeaks’ source for the video. Assange and other Wik*iLeaks vol*un*teers have claimed that the orga*ni*za*tion com*mis*sioned lawyers to defend Man*ning, and the group has cam*paigned for more dona*tions from the pub*lic to cover the legal expenses.
Fulda said that no money han*dled by the foun*da*tion has gone to pay expenses for Manning’s defense. [Ital*ics are mine, D.E.] He didn’t know if Wik*iLeaks obtained money from other sources for the pur*pose. He said, how*ever, that his foun*da*tion would have no prob*lem in prin*ci*ple pay*ing such legal expenses. . . .
“Wik*iLeaks Cash Flows In, Drips Out” by Kim Zetter;; 7/13/2010.
14. Many of the organization’s crit*ics have noted the sharp con*trast between the opaque nature of its oper*a*tions and the drive for total trans*parency it demands on the part of the orga*ni*za*tions it scru*ti*nizes. In the next pro*gram about Wik*iLeaks, we will exam*ine the Wau Hol*land foun*da*tion at greater length.
The con*tro*ver*sial web*site Wik*iLeaks, which argues the cause of open*ness in leak*ing clas*si*fied or con*fi*den*tial doc*u*ments, has set up an elab*o*rate global finan*cial net*work to pro*tect a big secret of its own—its funding.
Some gov*ern*ments and cor*po*ra*tions angered by the site’s pub*li*ca*tions have already sued Wik*iLeaks or blocked access to it, and the group fears that its money and infra*struc*ture could be tar*geted fur*ther, founder Julian Assange said in an inter*view in Lon*don shortly after pub*lish*ing 76,000 clas*si*fied U.S. doc*u*ments about the war in Afghanistan in July. The move sparked inter*na*tional con*tro*versy and put Wik*iLeaks in the spotlight.
In response, the site has estab*lished a com*plex sys*tem for col*lect*ing and dis*burs*ing its dona*tions to obscure their ori*gin and use, Mr. Assange said. Anchor*ing the sys*tem is a foun*da*tion in Ger*many estab*lished in mem*ory of a com*puter hacker who died in 2001.
WikiLeaks’s finan*cial sta*bil*ity has waxed and waned dur*ing its short his*tory. The site shut down briefly late last year, cit*ing a lack of funds, but Mr. Assange said the group has raised about $1 mil*lion since the start of 2010.
WikiLeaks’s lack of finan*cial trans*parency stands in con*trast to the total trans*parency it seeks from gov*ern*ments and corporations. . . .
“How Wik*iLeaks Keeps Its Fund*ing Secret” by Jeanne Whalen and David Craw*ford; The Wall Street Jour*nal; 8/23/2010.
15. Another fas*ci*nat*ing detail con*cern*ing the tan*gled web that is Wik*iLeaks con*cerns the PRQ server, based in Swe*den. In addi*tion to host*ing Wik*iLeaks, it is the base for Pirate Bay, a con*trol*ling inter*est in which is owned by Carl Lund*strom, a promi*nent Swedish Nazi and financier of that country’s lead*ing fas*cist polit*i*cal party. It is unclear if this would give Swedish Nazi ele*ments to infor*ma*tion from doc*u*ments accessed by Wik*iLeaks, but that seems a rea*son*able possibility.
Note that Lund*strom sold his fam*ily busi*ness to the San*doz com*pany. Part of the old I.G. Far*ben com*plex, it is the firm that devel*oped LSD and, accord*ing to Sarah Moore, pro*vided it gratis to the Hamilton-Byrne cult. Note that the ele*ments of the old I.G. Far*ben firm have coa*lesced into an essen*tial ele*ment of the Bor*mann cap*i*tal net*work, the eco*nomic com*po*nent of the Under*ground Reich.
In FTR #725, we will exam*ine more ele*ments of link*age between the Pirate Bay milieu and WikiLeaks.
A Swedish Inter*net com*pany linked to file-sharing hub The Pirate Bay says it’s help*ing online whistle-blower Wik*iLeaks release clas*si*fied doc*u*ments from servers located in a Stock*holm sub*urb. Mikael Viborg, the owner of the Web host*ing com*pany PRQ, on Fri*day showed The Asso*ci*ated Press the site — the base*ment of a drab office build*ing — in Solna on the con*di*tion that the exact loca*tion was not revealed.
“This is the office. The server room is fur*ther inside,” the 28-year-old Viborg said, with the door to the office cracked open. Desks with com*put*ers, doc*u*ments, and empty pas*try boxes and soda cans could be seen inside before he closed the door.
Wik*iLeaks posted more than 76,900 clas*si*fied mil*i*tary and other doc*u*ments, mostly raw intel*li*gence reports from Afghanistan, on its web*site July 25. The White House angrily denounced the leaks, say*ing they put the lives of Afghan infor*mants and U.S. troops at risk.
The secre*tive web*site gives few details about its setup, but says its “servers are dis*trib*uted over mul*ti*ple inter*na*tional juris*dic*tions and do not keep logs. Hence these logs can*not be seized.” . . .
” Swedish Web Host*ing Firm Con*firms Wik*iLeaks Link” by Karl Rit*ter [AP];; 8/6/2010.
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US Intell planned to destroy Wikileaks - by Myra Bronstein - 22-08-2010, 08:38 AM
US Intell planned to destroy Wikileaks - by Ed Jewett - 21-10-2010, 01:28 AM

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