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Niederhut And Controlled Demolition
Moderator Niederhut is arguing that controlled demolition is a given over on The Education Forum...Because James Gordon is abusing his moderator power I am not allowed to enter that thread and tell Niederhut what he needs to hear...

If you watch the close-up shots of the South Tower when it buckled you can see stringer girders deforming with up to a 6 foot sag prior to the collapse...Those steel beams sagged due to heat and overloading...When they gave out the top section collapsed on to the bottom structure...You can tell it was from structural failure because the top section listed eastward in to the damaged area...Videos showed a bulging of the outside of the building as the structure failed...This was precipitated by structural failure and heat weakening and not by thermite cutting packs...

This is reinforced by the fact the South Tower fell first even though it was hit 15 minutes after the North Tower...If the collapse was controlled they would have set off the thermite in the North Tower in correct sequence...The reason the South Tower went first is because the damage undercut one side and caused greater stress through imbalance and more fuel in the larger 767...Better analysts will tell you this alone shows it fell from structural damage exacerbated by heat...You don't need to melt steel...You just need to weaken it...

The reason the Towers collapsed is because the inner core-outer frame design relied on a hanging floor truss that was connected to the outer frame by a 3 inch metal cleat...When the top section collapsed its mass was resisted by that 3 inch cleat that instantly gave way and started a chain reaction of pancaking floor sections that shot down through the void...Niederhut does not understand that the hollow inside the Tower was like a downward gun barrel through which the plug of floor sections shot...As this flat-bottomed plug was pushed down like a piston on to the next floor below it created a surge of powerfully compressed air of tremendous force that unzipped the core frame as it shot downward...You can see a wave shoot down the Tower exterior preceeding the collapse...That was the plug of floors unzipping the core frame and allowing free fall...

Building 7 was most likely intentionally demo-ed and 9-11 was definitely a false flag attack designed to trigger the PNAC plan, but the main Towers fell on their own IMO...
Niederhut is posting that demolition explosions are proven in the Towers...This isn't true and I have seen what internet experts are calling demolition explosions and they are clearly dust blasts caused by air compression from the collapsing top section...

You can tell this from the delay between the dust blasts and the intiation of the collapse...Demolition charges explode with a stellar flash and crack...Those dust clouds are low order air compression blasts...They are too slow and are of too low an explosive nature to be demo charges...They are being called explosive blasts by people ignorant of investigative science...

The demo claimers are claiming thermite cutter packs AND demo charges...If you have one you don't need the other...One would be redundant...

Close-ups of the east face of the South Tower show deflecting steel sagging as much as 6 feet just prior to the collapse...This was from heat weakening and overstress due to the frame being compromised by damage from the aircraft...The collapses originated from the damage zone...
Niederhut has no clue that the sagging of those steel stringers pulled the floor sections inward...That helped pull the hanging truss floor sections off the 3 inch cleats that were holding them in place...The Tower's designers unintentionally made a design that would cause catastrophic failure under the specific condition of large aircraft ramming...The key was the uncolumned void through which the pan-caking floor sections shot...

The North Tower had a center hit that resulted in more balanced support of the top section by the remaining members...The North Tower was also hit higher up - leaving less weight on the damaged section than the South Tower...The fact the South Tower fell long before the North Tower indicates by the dictates of structural failure science that the failures were from heat and structural damage stress and not any demolition devices...

Niederhut did not answer this...He uses Gordon's censorship where it helps him avoid what disproves him...

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