25-07-2009, 08:12 AM
NED Covert Action Cuba, China, Russia, VN
By R. McGehee, CIABASE, 14 January 1996
The below posting on the voting in the United Nations to condemn Cuba's human rights record fits in the worldwide pattern of the U.S. using "human rights abuses" as an excuse for political action operations. Human rights has replaced "Communist Conspiracy," as the generic catch phrase for U.S. political subversion.
We note that the National Endowment for Democracy, a U.S. government-funded entity, has assumed many of the politcal action responsibilities of the CIA. In NED's annual reports it lists extensive human rights organizations it has created and funded -- sometimes it funds multiple human rights organizations or activities in one country.
In A CIABASE update report covering the period from July through December 1995, it was noted that NED was funding political action operations in China, Vietnam and Russia and that these countries had protested NED's subversive operations -- which had used "human rights" guises.
Some of the entries on NED operations related to CUBA are listed below.
Cuba, 95-96 61 out of 185 nations voted with u.s. In condemning cuba's Human rights record - 33 percent. Of the other nations 23 voted against the Resolution and 73 abstained. Us lost by 96 to 61. Same proposal will be Voted on again in next un assembly. Another element noted by observers was The clear alignment between developed and undeveloped nations - the north And the south. Seventy-five percent of the anti-cuban votes came from us Allies or developed areas, but only fifteen percent of the 128 third world Nations did so. Between 1992 and 1995 support for cuba has increased from 17 to 23. Cuban rep. Jose fernandez defended cuba's clean human rights Record and accused the us govt of moral duplicity in promoting this type of Resolution while denying cuba access to food and medicine. Email jclancy Peg.apc.org 1/12/96
The national endowment for democracy (ned) is the reagan adm's efforts to Influence foreign journalists ala the cia in the fifties. The only Difference is that the gvt has found a new way to launder the money. In 9/84 ned gave leonard sussman's freedom house $200,000. Fh is a Conservative human rights org. To set up a net of democratic opinion Makers...to end the isolation of democratic-minded intellectuals and Journalists in the third world. The idea to send articles to regional Editors on each continent to reprint the article. Ten to 12 articles each Month sent to 350 journalists in 50 countries. Authors of articles Neoconservatives. Articles sent to nicaragua from leiken, arturo cruz and Pedro chamorro. Fh also disseminated an attack on people in jamaica, an Investigation of the far left in australia and a feature on west europe's Peace groups' relations with the plo. All of the article on s. Africa have Argued against disinvestment. Articles on afghanistan, tibet, angola, Poland, grenada, ethiopia, the ukraine and cuba have been distributed. Fh Recv an additional $175,000 to operate the exchange. The nation 5/24/86 720
Cuba, 93-95 Mas canosa of the cuban american national foundation (canf) Was instrumental in pushing reagan adm to create ned. Canf received one of Institution's first grants. Between 83-88 canf received 390,000 in ned Grants. Ned and usaid programs to bring democracy to cuba - most money for Radio and tv marti and an array of anti-castro groups both inside and Outside of cuba receive ned funds. Ned projects include cuban committee for Human rights whose activity designed at hastening castro's departure from Power. Center for cuban democracy published newsletter un solo pueblo and Covers travel expenses of cuban opposition leader to international Conferences. Info bureau of human rights movements in cuba maintains Contact with dissident groups in cuba. Free trade union institute funds American institute for free labor development's programs. Freedom house Distributes books and assistance to cuban opposition groups. U.s. Gvt's Policy has hindered, not aided democratization process and supports most Extreme and undemocratic elements. Democracy backgrounder 9/95 3-8
Cuba, 60-93 Article, "the exiles in miami call the shots in washington, Cuba obsession," by jane franklin. Mentions cuban democracy act, Cuban-american national foundation (canf), led by jorge mas canosa. In 60 Mas was a mere underling in cia plan for bay of pigs invasion. Nexus of Cia, business and politics made mas a valuable instrument for reagan adm. Reagan's first national security adviser, richard allen, was instrumental In creating cuban-american national foundation, a tax-exempt org. Mas Shaped canf to fit white house agenda and reagan adm appointed him virtual President of cuban exile community. One of mas pet ventures was radio marti Funded by u.s. Gvt. Presidential advisory board for radio and tv marti Headed by mas canosa. A typical message urges cubans to get out pans, take To streets, and demand food, freedom, and coming of mas. Ned contributed Hundreds of thousands to canf front groups-the european coalition for human Rights in cuba for example. Ins in project exodus allows cubans from 3rd Countries to enter u.s. If canf sponsors them. Torricelli, chair of house Subcommittee on hemisphere affairs, collaborated with mas in drafting cuban Democracy act. Act outlaws trade with cuba by u.s. Subsidiaries in 3rd Countries. The progressive 7/93 18-22
Cuba, 84-87 Radio swan used armando valladares who when released from a Cuban prison swan falsely depicted him as paralyzed with his sponsors Sending him everywhere as a victim of castro tyranny. He then made u.s. Ambassador to u.n. On human rights matters. Ridenour, r. (1991). Back fire: The cia's biggest burn 35
Cuba, 84-88 Ned/cuban american national foundation to assist International coalition on human rights in cuba (ichrc). Directed by Armando valladares - rcvd previous ned grants in 84 and 86. Has a net of Citizen committees in europe and latin america. In 3/88 u.n. Human rights Commission directed a u.n. Delegation visit cuba. Ichrc formed work Commission, compiled extensive evidence, and organized an international Delegation to travel to cuba. National endowment for democracy annual Report 87 53,88 37
Cuba, 91 U.n. Appointed rep to observe human rights in cuba. Cuban amb Says initiative result of u.s.'s aggressive policy. U.n. Human rights Commission in geneva adopted resolution requesting action. Washington post 7/3/91 a23
Cuba, 92 Cuba's supreme court upheld death sentences against 2 cuban Exiles. Secretary state baker asked cuba to show mercy. Cuban gvt arrested Thee leading members of the committee for human rights, brothers gustavo And sebastian arcos and jesus yanes pelletier. Washington times 1/17/92 a9
Cuba, 92 Cuban police seize elizardo sanchez santa cruz head of the cuban Commission for human rights and national reconciliation. Washington times 10/11/92 a9
Cuba, 93 Ned, cuban committee for human rights received a ned grant. National endowment for democracy newsletter 7/93 10
Cuba, 94 Grant via freedom house to support human rights and dissident Organizations inside cuba, including the distribution in cuba of books and To provide info to international human rights bodies and the press. National endowment for democracy annual report 94 83
Cuba, 94 Grant via info bureau of the human rights movement in cuba to Maintain contact with dissident groups in cuba, and to disseminate info on Human rights in cuba. National endowment for democracy annual report 94 83
Cuba. Armando vallardes, head of the international coalition for human Rights (ichr) in cuba is prohibited by terms of ned grant from lobbying in U.s. Yet in 85 and 86, while in employ of the cuban american national Foundation (canf), vallardes testified before congressional subcommittees And collected signatures on a letter urging president reagan to support the Nicaraguan contras. Resource center groupwatch project
Cuba, 91 Cuban democratic convergence, a coalition of half a dozen human Rights and dissident organizations, called for democratic elections and Political amnesty just days before communist party officials met in a Convention on 11 oct 91. Washington post 10/8/91 a15
Cuba. Cuban american national foundation (canf) has used ned grants to Create and finance an international coalition for human rights in cuba. Project is based in madrid and disseminates info about alleged human rights Violations in cuba. Canf selected armando valladares, a poet and reportedly A police thug for batista, who was released from jail in cuba. Resource Center groupwatch project
Cuba, 84-86 Cuban american national foundation funded by ned to establish Citizen committees in european countries. Some already in sweden and spain - together all will constitute european coalition for human rights in cuba. Armando valladares is prime mover. Some now in france, spain, sweden, Norway and switzerland. Distributed thousands booklets and published books. National endowment for democracy annual report reports 84,85,86
Cuba, 88 Ned/human rights project to produce film "nobody listened," Produced by almendros and jorge ulla. Film indicts cuba on human rights. National endowment for democracy annual report 88 38
Cuba, 89-91 Ned, cuban american national foundation, for continued Assistance to international coalition for human rights in cuba. 1989 $100,000, 1991 $100,000. National endowment for democracy annual report 89 32, 90 39, 91 58-59
Cuba, 89 Ned, cuban american national foundation, to support an american Counterpart to havana-based cuban committee for human rights to disseminate Human rights info inside cuba and abroad. $20,000. National endowment for Democracy annual report 89 32
Cuba, 90 Ned, cuban american national foundation, for u.s. Counterpart to Havana based cuban committee for human rights in efforts to compile, Reproduce and disseminate human rights information and ideas. $30,000. National endowment for democracy annual report 90 39
Cuba, 90 Ned, puebla institute, to enable cuban committee for human Rights (cchr) to continue to focus international attention on cuba's Political, social and economic realities by sending delegation of cuban Rights activists to meet with broad spectrum of individuals in soviet union To discuss political developments in cuba. $20,000. National endowment for Democracy annual report 90 39
Cuba, 93 Ned/information bureau for human rights in cuba - to promote Opposition groups - working committee on human rights; association for Continental peace (asopazco), distribution of human rights material Internationally. National endowment for democracy annual report 9/93 69
Cuba, 93 Ned/iri grant to freedom house and jose marti liberal foundation To assist human rights activists. National endowment for democracy annual Report 9/93 69
Cuba, 93 Ned/center for cuban democracy grant to quarterly newspaper, un Solo pueblo. With puebla institute and cuban committee for human rights to Disseminate info and publication of bimonthly magazine siglo xxi. Support For el disidente, a monthly news digest of reprints of articles on cuba in International press for dissemination in cuba. [mighty wurlitzer-like op]. Aifld ops. National endowment for democracy annual report 9/93 68-9
83-94 Ned's discretionary grants aimed at nondemocratic countries such as Burma, china, cuba, and iraq. Grants small, and go to expatiate orgs to Publish books, newspapers, train journalists, carry out civic education, or Monitor human rights. Ned's discretionary grants reflect anti-communism - Particularly in asia where burma, china and vietnam get major attention. Ned projects cold war notion of democracy promotion as a crusade, a stark Struggle between good and evil. Ned's acts generally consistent with other U.s. Foreign policy and former senior gvt officials and other establishment Insiders with conventional view of america's world role. Foreign policy mag Summer (7) 94 129
Cuba, 91-92 International coalition for human rights in cuba funded by Ned published material for distribution in cuba. National endowment for Democracy annual report 1992 29
Latin america, 93 In 93, ned assigned high priorities to cuba and mexico - supporting transition to democracy. In cuba, ned funded human rights Activists and dissidents and media ops. In mexico ned supported opening up Political system through civic education, democratic training schools, open Forums and protection of civil liberties. In peru, ned supported public Education and a new constitution. In argentina, ned supported electoral Reform and training for women activists and a data bank on candidates. National endowment for democracy annual report 9/93 65
Latin america, 93 Clinton will make promotion of democracy and human Rights main elements of his policy. U.s. Will not seek to overthrow cuba. U.s. Will direct its aid and influence to advance human rights and Strengthen democratic institutions. Washington post 5/4/93 a15
Cuba, 94-95 Ned grants to cuban committee for human rights, freedom house For a human rights advocacy effort. Information bureau of human rights Movement in cuba to maintain contact with dissident groups. National Endowment for democracy newsletter summer 94-95
Cuba, 94 Grant via center for cuban democracy for quarterly newsletter, Un solo pueblo, maintain the presence of cuban opposition leaders at International cuban human rights conferences and meetings of international Political leaders; and, public info campaign re democratic reforms. National endowment for democracy annual report 94 82
Cuba, 94 Grant via cuban committee for human rights for miami-based Affiliate of human rights group in havana; publication of magazine siglo Xxi (twenty-first century); and to inform the media, the u.n. Human rights Commission in geneva, and others about the human rights situation and other Political developments in cuba. National endowment for democracy annual Report 94 82
Cuba, 94 The national endowment for democracy placed high priority on ops In cuba. Funding concentrated on supporting human rights groups and Dissidents reporting on conditions inside cuba and stimulating International solidarity for dissident movements. Specific acts included a Conference on how other countries transition experiences might apply to Cuba; international dissemination of info and editorials from inside the Island and distribution of info from the outside world; and promotion of Communication between cuban workers and the international labor movement. National endowment for democracy annual report 94 79
By R. McGehee, CIABASE, 14 January 1996
The below posting on the voting in the United Nations to condemn Cuba's human rights record fits in the worldwide pattern of the U.S. using "human rights abuses" as an excuse for political action operations. Human rights has replaced "Communist Conspiracy," as the generic catch phrase for U.S. political subversion.
We note that the National Endowment for Democracy, a U.S. government-funded entity, has assumed many of the politcal action responsibilities of the CIA. In NED's annual reports it lists extensive human rights organizations it has created and funded -- sometimes it funds multiple human rights organizations or activities in one country.
In A CIABASE update report covering the period from July through December 1995, it was noted that NED was funding political action operations in China, Vietnam and Russia and that these countries had protested NED's subversive operations -- which had used "human rights" guises.
Some of the entries on NED operations related to CUBA are listed below.
Cuba, 95-96 61 out of 185 nations voted with u.s. In condemning cuba's Human rights record - 33 percent. Of the other nations 23 voted against the Resolution and 73 abstained. Us lost by 96 to 61. Same proposal will be Voted on again in next un assembly. Another element noted by observers was The clear alignment between developed and undeveloped nations - the north And the south. Seventy-five percent of the anti-cuban votes came from us Allies or developed areas, but only fifteen percent of the 128 third world Nations did so. Between 1992 and 1995 support for cuba has increased from 17 to 23. Cuban rep. Jose fernandez defended cuba's clean human rights Record and accused the us govt of moral duplicity in promoting this type of Resolution while denying cuba access to food and medicine. Email jclancy Peg.apc.org 1/12/96
The national endowment for democracy (ned) is the reagan adm's efforts to Influence foreign journalists ala the cia in the fifties. The only Difference is that the gvt has found a new way to launder the money. In 9/84 ned gave leonard sussman's freedom house $200,000. Fh is a Conservative human rights org. To set up a net of democratic opinion Makers...to end the isolation of democratic-minded intellectuals and Journalists in the third world. The idea to send articles to regional Editors on each continent to reprint the article. Ten to 12 articles each Month sent to 350 journalists in 50 countries. Authors of articles Neoconservatives. Articles sent to nicaragua from leiken, arturo cruz and Pedro chamorro. Fh also disseminated an attack on people in jamaica, an Investigation of the far left in australia and a feature on west europe's Peace groups' relations with the plo. All of the article on s. Africa have Argued against disinvestment. Articles on afghanistan, tibet, angola, Poland, grenada, ethiopia, the ukraine and cuba have been distributed. Fh Recv an additional $175,000 to operate the exchange. The nation 5/24/86 720
Cuba, 93-95 Mas canosa of the cuban american national foundation (canf) Was instrumental in pushing reagan adm to create ned. Canf received one of Institution's first grants. Between 83-88 canf received 390,000 in ned Grants. Ned and usaid programs to bring democracy to cuba - most money for Radio and tv marti and an array of anti-castro groups both inside and Outside of cuba receive ned funds. Ned projects include cuban committee for Human rights whose activity designed at hastening castro's departure from Power. Center for cuban democracy published newsletter un solo pueblo and Covers travel expenses of cuban opposition leader to international Conferences. Info bureau of human rights movements in cuba maintains Contact with dissident groups in cuba. Free trade union institute funds American institute for free labor development's programs. Freedom house Distributes books and assistance to cuban opposition groups. U.s. Gvt's Policy has hindered, not aided democratization process and supports most Extreme and undemocratic elements. Democracy backgrounder 9/95 3-8
Cuba, 60-93 Article, "the exiles in miami call the shots in washington, Cuba obsession," by jane franklin. Mentions cuban democracy act, Cuban-american national foundation (canf), led by jorge mas canosa. In 60 Mas was a mere underling in cia plan for bay of pigs invasion. Nexus of Cia, business and politics made mas a valuable instrument for reagan adm. Reagan's first national security adviser, richard allen, was instrumental In creating cuban-american national foundation, a tax-exempt org. Mas Shaped canf to fit white house agenda and reagan adm appointed him virtual President of cuban exile community. One of mas pet ventures was radio marti Funded by u.s. Gvt. Presidential advisory board for radio and tv marti Headed by mas canosa. A typical message urges cubans to get out pans, take To streets, and demand food, freedom, and coming of mas. Ned contributed Hundreds of thousands to canf front groups-the european coalition for human Rights in cuba for example. Ins in project exodus allows cubans from 3rd Countries to enter u.s. If canf sponsors them. Torricelli, chair of house Subcommittee on hemisphere affairs, collaborated with mas in drafting cuban Democracy act. Act outlaws trade with cuba by u.s. Subsidiaries in 3rd Countries. The progressive 7/93 18-22
Cuba, 84-87 Radio swan used armando valladares who when released from a Cuban prison swan falsely depicted him as paralyzed with his sponsors Sending him everywhere as a victim of castro tyranny. He then made u.s. Ambassador to u.n. On human rights matters. Ridenour, r. (1991). Back fire: The cia's biggest burn 35
Cuba, 84-88 Ned/cuban american national foundation to assist International coalition on human rights in cuba (ichrc). Directed by Armando valladares - rcvd previous ned grants in 84 and 86. Has a net of Citizen committees in europe and latin america. In 3/88 u.n. Human rights Commission directed a u.n. Delegation visit cuba. Ichrc formed work Commission, compiled extensive evidence, and organized an international Delegation to travel to cuba. National endowment for democracy annual Report 87 53,88 37
Cuba, 91 U.n. Appointed rep to observe human rights in cuba. Cuban amb Says initiative result of u.s.'s aggressive policy. U.n. Human rights Commission in geneva adopted resolution requesting action. Washington post 7/3/91 a23
Cuba, 92 Cuba's supreme court upheld death sentences against 2 cuban Exiles. Secretary state baker asked cuba to show mercy. Cuban gvt arrested Thee leading members of the committee for human rights, brothers gustavo And sebastian arcos and jesus yanes pelletier. Washington times 1/17/92 a9
Cuba, 92 Cuban police seize elizardo sanchez santa cruz head of the cuban Commission for human rights and national reconciliation. Washington times 10/11/92 a9
Cuba, 93 Ned, cuban committee for human rights received a ned grant. National endowment for democracy newsletter 7/93 10
Cuba, 94 Grant via freedom house to support human rights and dissident Organizations inside cuba, including the distribution in cuba of books and To provide info to international human rights bodies and the press. National endowment for democracy annual report 94 83
Cuba, 94 Grant via info bureau of the human rights movement in cuba to Maintain contact with dissident groups in cuba, and to disseminate info on Human rights in cuba. National endowment for democracy annual report 94 83
Cuba. Armando vallardes, head of the international coalition for human Rights (ichr) in cuba is prohibited by terms of ned grant from lobbying in U.s. Yet in 85 and 86, while in employ of the cuban american national Foundation (canf), vallardes testified before congressional subcommittees And collected signatures on a letter urging president reagan to support the Nicaraguan contras. Resource center groupwatch project
Cuba, 91 Cuban democratic convergence, a coalition of half a dozen human Rights and dissident organizations, called for democratic elections and Political amnesty just days before communist party officials met in a Convention on 11 oct 91. Washington post 10/8/91 a15
Cuba. Cuban american national foundation (canf) has used ned grants to Create and finance an international coalition for human rights in cuba. Project is based in madrid and disseminates info about alleged human rights Violations in cuba. Canf selected armando valladares, a poet and reportedly A police thug for batista, who was released from jail in cuba. Resource Center groupwatch project
Cuba, 84-86 Cuban american national foundation funded by ned to establish Citizen committees in european countries. Some already in sweden and spain - together all will constitute european coalition for human rights in cuba. Armando valladares is prime mover. Some now in france, spain, sweden, Norway and switzerland. Distributed thousands booklets and published books. National endowment for democracy annual report reports 84,85,86
Cuba, 88 Ned/human rights project to produce film "nobody listened," Produced by almendros and jorge ulla. Film indicts cuba on human rights. National endowment for democracy annual report 88 38
Cuba, 89-91 Ned, cuban american national foundation, for continued Assistance to international coalition for human rights in cuba. 1989 $100,000, 1991 $100,000. National endowment for democracy annual report 89 32, 90 39, 91 58-59
Cuba, 89 Ned, cuban american national foundation, to support an american Counterpart to havana-based cuban committee for human rights to disseminate Human rights info inside cuba and abroad. $20,000. National endowment for Democracy annual report 89 32
Cuba, 90 Ned, cuban american national foundation, for u.s. Counterpart to Havana based cuban committee for human rights in efforts to compile, Reproduce and disseminate human rights information and ideas. $30,000. National endowment for democracy annual report 90 39
Cuba, 90 Ned, puebla institute, to enable cuban committee for human Rights (cchr) to continue to focus international attention on cuba's Political, social and economic realities by sending delegation of cuban Rights activists to meet with broad spectrum of individuals in soviet union To discuss political developments in cuba. $20,000. National endowment for Democracy annual report 90 39
Cuba, 93 Ned/information bureau for human rights in cuba - to promote Opposition groups - working committee on human rights; association for Continental peace (asopazco), distribution of human rights material Internationally. National endowment for democracy annual report 9/93 69
Cuba, 93 Ned/iri grant to freedom house and jose marti liberal foundation To assist human rights activists. National endowment for democracy annual Report 9/93 69
Cuba, 93 Ned/center for cuban democracy grant to quarterly newspaper, un Solo pueblo. With puebla institute and cuban committee for human rights to Disseminate info and publication of bimonthly magazine siglo xxi. Support For el disidente, a monthly news digest of reprints of articles on cuba in International press for dissemination in cuba. [mighty wurlitzer-like op]. Aifld ops. National endowment for democracy annual report 9/93 68-9
83-94 Ned's discretionary grants aimed at nondemocratic countries such as Burma, china, cuba, and iraq. Grants small, and go to expatiate orgs to Publish books, newspapers, train journalists, carry out civic education, or Monitor human rights. Ned's discretionary grants reflect anti-communism - Particularly in asia where burma, china and vietnam get major attention. Ned projects cold war notion of democracy promotion as a crusade, a stark Struggle between good and evil. Ned's acts generally consistent with other U.s. Foreign policy and former senior gvt officials and other establishment Insiders with conventional view of america's world role. Foreign policy mag Summer (7) 94 129
Cuba, 91-92 International coalition for human rights in cuba funded by Ned published material for distribution in cuba. National endowment for Democracy annual report 1992 29
Latin america, 93 In 93, ned assigned high priorities to cuba and mexico - supporting transition to democracy. In cuba, ned funded human rights Activists and dissidents and media ops. In mexico ned supported opening up Political system through civic education, democratic training schools, open Forums and protection of civil liberties. In peru, ned supported public Education and a new constitution. In argentina, ned supported electoral Reform and training for women activists and a data bank on candidates. National endowment for democracy annual report 9/93 65
Latin america, 93 Clinton will make promotion of democracy and human Rights main elements of his policy. U.s. Will not seek to overthrow cuba. U.s. Will direct its aid and influence to advance human rights and Strengthen democratic institutions. Washington post 5/4/93 a15
Cuba, 94-95 Ned grants to cuban committee for human rights, freedom house For a human rights advocacy effort. Information bureau of human rights Movement in cuba to maintain contact with dissident groups. National Endowment for democracy newsletter summer 94-95
Cuba, 94 Grant via center for cuban democracy for quarterly newsletter, Un solo pueblo, maintain the presence of cuban opposition leaders at International cuban human rights conferences and meetings of international Political leaders; and, public info campaign re democratic reforms. National endowment for democracy annual report 94 82
Cuba, 94 Grant via cuban committee for human rights for miami-based Affiliate of human rights group in havana; publication of magazine siglo Xxi (twenty-first century); and to inform the media, the u.n. Human rights Commission in geneva, and others about the human rights situation and other Political developments in cuba. National endowment for democracy annual Report 94 82
Cuba, 94 The national endowment for democracy placed high priority on ops In cuba. Funding concentrated on supporting human rights groups and Dissidents reporting on conditions inside cuba and stimulating International solidarity for dissident movements. Specific acts included a Conference on how other countries transition experiences might apply to Cuba; international dissemination of info and editorials from inside the Island and distribution of info from the outside world; and promotion of Communication between cuban workers and the international labor movement. National endowment for democracy annual report 94 79
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.