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Lyndon Johnson makes "cowboy love" to Jackie post assassination
A lot of people just don't understand how the mind of a PSYCHOPATH works. For example, Ted Bundy. He could be working at a suicide hotline one day ... and killing a coed the next day. Or volunteering for the Republican party ... then killing a coed the next day.

Another example would be the BTK (Blind, Torture, Kill) serial killer Dennis Radar in Kansas. Dennis Radar could be doing zoning code enforcement one day ... and killing and torturing that night. Dennis Radar could be going to church at Christ Lutheran one day ... and killing someone the next day in the most sadistic fashion.

LYNDON JOHNSON WAS A THOROUGHBRED PSYCHOPATH and a serial killer who killed when he was desperate and scared of being exposed.

Lyndon Johnson makes “cowboy love” to Jackie post assassination

After slaughtering JFK; Flirts with widow - wants to be “daddy” of Caroline and John-John! LBJ – a thoroughbred pyschopath in action:

"During his first five weeks in office, Johnson called Jackie numerous times. Instinctively, awkwardly, he attempted to make what Hubert Humphrey referred to as “cowboy love” to her. A conversation the first week in December was typical: “Your picture was gorgeous. Now you had that chin up and that chest out and you looked so pretty marching in the front page of the New York Daily News … well,” LBJ said “I just came, sat in my desk and started signing a log of long things, and I decided to I wanted to flirt with you a little bit…. Darling, you know what I said to the Congress – I’d give anything in the world if I wasn’t here today … Tell Caroline and John-John I’d like to be their daddy!”

[LBJ: Architect of American Ambition, Randall Woods, p. 423]

Here is a good summary of the Lyndon Johnson murdered John Kennedy case

I do think the definitive treatment is in LBJ: Mastermind of JFK's Assassination by Phillip Nelson, which I highly recommend.

George Reedy, former press secretary for Lyndon Johnson:

George Reedy on Lyndon Johnson:
  • "He may have been a son of a bitch, but he was a colossal son of a bitch."
  • "Not only did Johnson get somewhat separated from reality, he had a fantastic faculty for disorienting everybody around him as to what reality was."
  • "What was it that would send him into those fantastic rages where he could be one of the nastiest, most insufferable, sadistic SOBs that ever lived and a few minutes later really be a big, magnificent and inspiring leader?"
In his book, Lyndon B. Johnson: A Memoir by George Reedy… Reedy is quoted on his book flap as calling LBJ “a bully, a sadist, lout, and egoist.” He describes LBJ as “magnificent, inspiring leader; the other that of an insufferable bastard.”

"JFK once said “that Lyndon was a chronic liar; that he had been making all sorts of assurances to me for years and has lived up to none of them.”12 Robert Kennedy’s description of Johnson, which can be heard on the referenced Web site, was that he was “mean, bitter, vicious, an animal, in many ways; I think he’s got this other side to him that makes his relationships with other human beings very difficult, unless you want to kiss his be-hind all the time."


. . . "Bobby later complained that Johnson ‘lies all the time. I’m telling you, he just lies continuously, about everything. In every conversation I have with him, he lies. As I’ve said, he lies even when he doesn’t have to.’”195 (emphasis added) JFK agreed on this point, telling Jackie on the evening of November 21, 1963 that Lyndon Johnson was “incapable of telling the truth.”196 Similar statements had been made by people who knew him when he was younger: classmates who routinely called him “Bull” (for “Bullshit”) Johnson because he lied so much that he was considered “the biggest liar on campus;” but beyond that, there was no difference to him in truth or falsehood, the facts were whatever he deemed them to be; he was, in one classmate’s words, “a man who just could not tell the truth.”197 Most men would be embarrassed to be caught in a lie, but not Johnson: men who knew him in Texas agreed that even when caught in a lie, he wouldn’t flinch; he would resume lying again about the same thing, almost immediately.198 Caro points out that this was not just a nickname used behind his back; it was used by other students to his face: “Howya doin’, Bull?”

Robert Caro spent several years interviewing people who knew him during those years and concluded: “By the time the researcher completes his work on Lyndon Johnson’s college years, he knows that one alumnus had not been exaggerating when he said, “A lot of people at San Marcos didn’t just dislike Lyndon Johnson; they despised Lyndon Johnson.

This "mastermind" business continues to be insane!

It is predicated upon a simple-minded reading of complex evidence which, understood in its entirety, clearly identifies Lyndon Baines Johnson as, at best, a mid-level conspiracy Facilitator.

The drumbeat "heard" on these pages for the Johnson-as-Mastermind absurdity, if honorably intentioned, is a reflection of ignorance.

That same rhythm being pounded elsewhere -- and perhaps even here -- is nothing other than disinformation.

Without Johnson, the cover-up as it exists today would not have been possible.

Without his cooperation in the cover-up, Johnson would not have been possible.

And that, dear reader, is as far as it goes.
I have found that many people approach the JFK assassination like a religion. They just "believe stuff" as a matter of faith and often try to force fit the facts into their "theory" which they never waiver from no matter what.

So, Charles, WHO do you think killed John Kennedy and WHY? Name some names. That would be a lot more useful then shrieking "insane" everytime I post something on Lyndon Johnson.

Remember who Lyndon Johnson was secretly endorsing and trying to make president to succeed him: Nelson Rockefeller. And Nelson Rockefeller was the white hot inner core of the CIA, CFR, and peak of the Eastern Establishment. You can't get more insider elite than REPUBLICAN Nelson Rockefeller.

So why was Lyndon Johnson in bed with the Rockefellers and the white hot core of the Eastern Establishment CFR/CIA? Because they were BOTH in on the JFK assassination and Lyndon Johnson wanted a man best able to both continue the cover up of his murder of John Kennedy and also defeat Robert Kennedy (before he was assassinated ... probably by CIA).
Here is Lyndon Johnson in pschological melt down mode when he started growing his hair long just before he died. He was massively depressed and no doubt FINALLY guilt ridden at all the crimes he had committed.

Here is another revealing photo of Lyndon Johnson as he lived much of his life. He is yelling at a heckler, in unrestrained fury: "I will put the hex on you!" ... or a visit from his hit man Malcolm Wallace as needed.


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