Political Assassinations
- Professor of nuclear physics killed in bomb blast in Tehran (16 Replies)
- CTKA Reviews two book on the MLK case (1 Reply)
- Would-be Reagan assassin John Hinckley Jr. to be freed after 35 years (6 Replies)
- New UnRandom House Bio of RFK...yikes? (3 Replies)
- Martin Luther King friend and photographer was FBI informant (1 Reply)
- Scott Enyart on the RFK assassination (0 Replies)
- Olof Palme (56 Replies)
- Trump's Butler calls for Obama to be shot. (3 Replies)
- New evidence of cover up in Dr David Kelly's death. Doctors want inquest. (95 Replies)
- A tale of two assassinations: Vietnam's JFK (0 Replies)
- Found in Weisberg's archives (29 Replies)
- My interview on the RFK case with Robert Wilson from The Sleuth Journal (4 Replies)
- Chavez's bodyguard - recruited by the US before or after Chavez's murder? (2 Replies)
- A former top aide to Vladimir Putin died of 'blunt force trauma' at a DC hotel (3 Replies)
- Parole Sirhan on February 10th (17 Replies)
- Paul Schrade on second gunman in RFK shooting (48 Replies)
- RFK Jr Calls For New Investigation (0 Replies)
- Documentary: The Clinton Chronicles (3 Replies)
- Interview of author of new book on "suicide" of political artist Mark Lombardi on Who What Why. (11 Replies)
- MSO India says Hajj Crane accident was assassination of Iranian Space Scientist (4 Replies)