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Full Version: Free New E-Book: How LHO Was Framed - seems to summarize much of the evidence.
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Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Looks interesting. Does any one know the author? New to me.
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Looks interesting. Does any one know the author? New to me.

As far as I know, new to everyone. He's Canadian. It seems that many have silently been following all the research. I took a quick look at the book and while I didn't see anything earth shaking, it seemed like a good review/summary of most of the evidence of how LHO was set up as the patsy. The photos didn't come out well, but they are all available elsewhere. The author lives in the Toronto area, with no known past JFK research I can locate. He posted the following: "This is a public document and you may copy and use this report for any non-commercial purpose you deem appropriate." I have spent some time looking through it. While I see a few things missing [but who can include everything in the terribly complex case!]; nothing yet that seems wrong nor to be intentionally or accidentally misleading. Given the 'price', it might be an worthwhile additional research reference. Any comments or criticisms of it are welcome. I'm not invested in it...only mentioning its availability to all.