Lauren Johnson Wrote:Scott, do you know why the attempts were bungled or were they "attempts" to send a message?
Lauren, this is the story I got, They wanted to put Agnew in office, but little did they know that he was under investigation for tax invasion.
They had every intention in taking out Nixon, my father went to the FBI with this information before it even happen, my father in his round about way tried to inform Libengood of this in his own round about way. I know that my father was seeking Federal and State pardons, in the early 70's, he was caught at the JFK airport on his arrival from Israel and arrested for a forged passport, but that's not what he was arrested for in Israel, he was already living there for three months before getting caught.
My father was arrested just after my father asked my mother to contact Sturgis telling him where he was, not even Sturgis knew my father was in Israel, my father didn't trust anyone.
After my mother informed Sturgis of my father's whereabout my father was arrested, this was in 1976. My father knew he was set up.
Getting back to Nixon's assassination attempt, my father asked not only for Federal and State pardons because he was the sixth burglar in Watergate, but he was also asking for family and witness protection from the FBI in exchange for his testimony. The FBI / government refused, so my father gave them nothing regarding the photo's he had.
The FBI never knew about the photo's only the CIA did, and it's noted on their paper work.
The CIA contacted the FBI and I don't know how they got them to drop the charges against my father for that forged passport into Israel, so the FBI photo lab sent over some paper work stating, due to specific identifiable uncharacteristic the photo's of K-1 and Q-1 cannot be determined whether they are the same individual. My mother knew why.
My mother is the one who drove my father to the FBI's office where upon his arrival he informed them that Nixon was to go down at the VVAW convention. I'm not sure if Nixon still spoke there or if his speech was called off, or if he gave a latter speech, or what.
All I know is that Nixon was suppose to be assassinated that day, and my father had it stopped.