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[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8002&stc=1]

Fraternal Order of Police Data Dump

The following files were submitted to me through a confidential source, and have asked me to distribute it in the public interest.
I cannot guarantee the authenticity of all parts of the document, but I have been assured the source is credible.

Original Site:

Note to irritated members of law enforcement
Don't bother with legal threats or trying to get UK law enforcement to seek revenge. This is me playing nice.
If you want to go nuclear with me, feel free to do so, but trust me when I say you might want to think long and hard before you do.
I'm not known for bluffing, and I know many more of your secrets. About 18TB all in all actually, all unpublished yet.
"I dare you - I double dare you motherfucker"

Encrypted Fields
There are some encrypted fields in the databases using pg_crypto. The key for it is "Nipper47".


SHA1: 4678 8911 72D6 161B CE20 953F AFEF F04A 1AF9 CC84
SHA256: FF44 DC12 174C 6288 95A0 2974 281C DFAA 4C97 3856 FE96 09A3 531A 29EE B034 6A09

Torrent: Download the Torrent [Recommended]
Magnet: Download the
HTTPS Download Temporarily Disabled. Please use the torrent or magnets to download.

Tip: The magnet/torrent download is usually quicker, but it is not anonymous.
If you want to download anonymously, use the Tor Browser and download using HTTPS.

Contact Form:

-Cthulhu (@CthulhuSec)

Date 28-01-2016
How interesting. It has been the police and the judiciary who are thought to have been deeply involved in Freemasonry, and some years ago the government of the day considered - or said it was considering - forcing every member of Freemasonry to have their names published in some sort of register.

The Indy carried a story on this back in 1998 and there is also this. However, despite all the nice sounding rhetoric it turned out to be yet another Blair government dose of film-flam. The legislation wilted and, I guess, some sort of deal was reached, leading none other than Jack Straw, the then Home Flunky, er, sorry, Home Secretary, to note that after exhaustive investigation and handshaking, there was no need of a register after all - because there was no evidence of impropriety. Hahahaha. It was determined that Freemasonry was not a secret society but a society with secrets. Hahahaha.

In 2014, RT published an article on Freemasonry in which it said:

Quote:Is there a vaster chasm than that between 'worthy charitable giving' and 'swindlers at the top of society'? This is par for the course though when you do an internet search for the Freemasons.

Last week brought more hard evidence of the latter (and darker), with the second leaked report from UK criminal justice authorities in as many years to conclude that mobsters use Freemasonry to freely recruit corrupt detectives, being one of 'the most difficult aspects of organized crime corruption to proof against.'

Imagine a "society with secrets" where Lodge members who are crooks, criminals, police officers and judges mingle happily in their black suits and white gloves - and then share a gin and tonic after the weekly lodge meeting - and expect us to believe that no impropriety occurs?

It's not likely is it.
I don't download stuff from Torrent, and the purported source of the material uses an HP Lovecraft diety as a handle, so I'll pass on that, but I'd be happy to read excerpts posted on DPF, if anyone is brave enough to acquire the material.
I'm trying to get it but there is a lot of problems. Suspect heavy load from other down loaders and perhaps some pay back as well. Not sure I can post it on line as so big but I will check it out. Or some one else might get to do all that before I have a chance in which case I will link to their site.
Magda Hassan Wrote:I'm trying to get it but there is a lot of problems. Suspect heavy load from other down loaders and perhaps some pay back as well. Not sure I can post it on line as so big but I will check it out. Or some one else might get to do all that before I have a chance in which case I will link to their site.

I was going to brave it out, as I'm now a proud owner of two laptops. My old one had a glass of water knocked over it and seemed to be permanently intoxicated afterwards, so I bought a new one. Then a few days later, the old one recovered from the hangover and is now working. The word **** sprang instantly to mind but I settled on a loud "bastard" instead. Anyway, the zip file I got from the link was so small - just 17kb - that I instantly deleted it... even from the alcoholic laptop.

So Maggie, if you do get it please let me know how and where as those links weren't good for me?
David Guyatt Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:I'm trying to get it but there is a lot of problems. Suspect heavy load from other down loaders and perhaps some pay back as well. Not sure I can post it on line as so big but I will check it out. Or some one else might get to do all that before I have a chance in which case I will link to their site.

I was going to brave it out, as I'm now a proud owner of two laptops. My old one had a glass of water knocked over it and seemed to be permanently intoxicated afterwards, so I bought a new one. Then a few days later, the old one recovered from the hangover and is now working. The word **** sprang instantly to mind but I settled on a loud "bastard" instead. Anyway, the zip file I got from the link was so small - just 17kb - that I instantly deleted it... even from the alcoholic laptop.

So Maggie, if you do get it please let me know how and where as those links weren't good for me?

David, I suspect that the small file has to be Opened so that you can download the large zipfile as a Torrent. Easy peasey. That's what I did.
Lauren Johnson Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:I'm trying to get it but there is a lot of problems. Suspect heavy load from other down loaders and perhaps some pay back as well. Not sure I can post it on line as so big but I will check it out. Or some one else might get to do all that before I have a chance in which case I will link to their site.

I was going to brave it out, as I'm now a proud owner of two laptops. My old one had a glass of water knocked over it and seemed to be permanently intoxicated afterwards, so I bought a new one. Then a few days later, the old one recovered from the hangover and is now working. The word **** sprang instantly to mind but I settled on a loud "bastard" instead. Anyway, the zip file I got from the link was so small - just 17kb - that I instantly deleted it... even from the alcoholic laptop.

So Maggie, if you do get it please let me know how and where as those links weren't good for me?

David, I suspect that the small file has to be Opened so that you can download the large zipfile as a Torrent. Easy peasey. That's what I did.

Thanks Lauren. I'll get the bladdered laptop on it this morning...
David Guyatt Wrote:Thanks Lauren. I'll get the bladdered laptop on it this morning...

Magda Hassan Wrote:
Note to irritated members of law enforcement
Don't bother with legal threats or trying to get UK law enforcement to seek revenge. This is me playing nice.
If you want to go nuclear with me, feel free to do so, but trust me when I say you might want to think long and hard before you do.
I'm not known for bluffing, and I know many more of your secrets. About 18TB all in all actually, all unpublished yet.
"I dare you - I double dare you motherfucker"

The audio that came thru' when I was gaming in HL2DM in c.July/August 2011, just as the 'program' (Monarchbollocks) was starting, the 'Nigger-lover', "just try to trace me - go-on, see if you can, -Nigger-lover", obviously to a US police call centre, very mocking, goading, arrogant, insulting - reminds me so much of this. Male, big bloke, Yank, middle-aged. As the program was up and running & the apo's and the rest of it were happening (mind games etc.), I kinda had a notion that there was something in this Southern Comfort advert; almost certainly a falsey - they have an ability to both create & to work-on something you 'register', but on the other hand, they're massive show-offs, it's all about taunting and waving 'kerchiefs in yer face. That phrase, "go nuclear" - I've had alot of that. Gotta face these fuckers down - they don't play fair.

"There are only two types of people in the world, hunters, & farmers". - and shit-talking vampires, seems.
I put the .zip file into Dropbox. Anyone wanted the file just shoot me an IM with an email address and I will give you access. Cheers.
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